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Everything posted by mason_luke
lol already into the dress ups!
:D That's always a classic isn't it? haha yes i find it hilarious, shel be walking around sniffing or something then she shoots me a sideways glance and then charges with her mouth open and her back legs moving way faster than her front legs! lol
update when she nips my fingure or hand or wherever i grab her bottom jaw and put a finger in her mouth and push her tounge to the floor of her mouth, i hold it there till she opens her mouth really wide, it seems to annoy her emensly and she has no control over it accept to not let my fingure get into her mouth! however you have to be strong and pretty resiliant to pain for this to work, ive only been doing it when she gets bitey and she will stop doing it while we play but then the next time she wakes up from her nap shes keen to nip again, so im doing the same thing, i also say Aaahaaaa! to anything naughty she does. also if she runs at me with her mouth open like she seems to do quite regularly i have a toy ready and jam it in her mouth as soon as shes within reach, she then gets distracted and plays with the toy lol.
im going throught this with my little pup to, shes just comin up to 9 weeks and is very nippy when excited, i dont mind her mouthing but she doesnt seem to understand the difference so i am in the process of stoppig her all together, one thing i am finding gets instant response in a play session is when she nips your fingure or hand or wherever i grab her bottom jaw and put a finger in her mouth and push her tounge to the floor of her mouth, i hold it there till she opens her mouth really wide, it seems to annoy her emensly and she has no control over it accept to not let my fingure get into her mouth! however you have to be strong and pretty resiliant to pain for this to work, ive only been doing it when she gets bitey and she will stop doing it while we play but then the next time she wakes up from her nap shes keen to nip again, so im doing the same thing, i also say Aaahaaaa! to anything naughty she does. also if she runs at me with her mouth open like she seems to do quite regularly i have a toy ready and jam it in her mouth as soon as shes within reach, she then gets distracted and plays with the toy lol. hope this helps a little.
wild, carrot you say, thats crazy! i think she will eat mostly anything, i bought her a tug rope ball and she loves playing with it, when she was chewing last night i just played tug with her and she was happy as anything, she gets tangled in it haha its hilarious to watch!
yeah your porbably rite poodlefan, by no means do i want to raise an aggressive dog in anyway, i no she loves tug of war so im buying her a rope toy in about 10 mins on my way home to feed her, at the moment she loves playing toys but only if i am playing with them to, except pigs ears. shel chew them at anytime during the day
Any children at home Luke? I'd recommend you teach your pup that no teeth on you are acceptable. A simple "argghh" and stopping the game often helps but there are quite a few threads here on mouthing. If you enjoy a full on game, I'd be teaching her to tug .. .but not on you! haha no, no kids at home, she does love tuggin and when she is in a bitey mood shes easy enough to distract with a toy of some kind
probably just drinking to fast lol, my littly staffy pup will often cough while she is drinking milk or water and then has hiccups once shes finished
ok, so after bringin my little stafford pup home on sturday night she has finally settled in and is less timid when playing games, she loves mouthing and play biting and with adult teeth im sure it will not hurt at all but at the moment with her little puppy fangs it a little iritating, ive always had adult dogs that i play a little ruff with and they have always mouthed my hand or arm but ive never minded it and think its all part of dog play, is there anyway to deter her biting to get her to ease up a little bit without stopping completely? at the moment i let out a hi yelp sound and she looks at me and lossens her grip a little, (quite funny seeing a 6"4 solid male squeal when a puppy is playing with him im sure) is this the norm thing to do or shouldi be doing something else, im not worried about it becoming to constant because she only does it when she is really revved up and lookin for a tussel, normally she just likes licking.. any ideas? also what age to pups start dropping there baby teeth? shes only 8 weeks old at the moment.
awesome, thanks rysup gives me hope!
im not sure of this BAER test is but the pup seems to hear fine, responds to clicking and whistles in both ears, is there a possibility that it may become deaf as it developes if it isnt already?
1 dark, 1 white
shes fully white with a black patch on her eye..
awesome thanks guys, i have a feeling it should darken up, i hope so, its not to bad at the moment but i will be sure to apply sunscreen n zink to her nose as well as her ears lol
so im still waiting to pick up my little stafford pup, and i have a question, she is white with pink skin (few black spots on her skin on her belly) and her nose is about 50/50 pink and black, her dad who is pure white has a very black nose, i have seen other pup pictures where when young the nose is pink with black spots but as they get older the nose seems to blacken alot more, can i expect this to happen to my pup? she is only 7 weeks at the moment and i havent seen her since she was just on 6 weeks.