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Everything posted by ~*Shell*~

  1. Yay - I think I might get in on this one this month. Time to get into using my new camera everyday!
  2. Dislocated 2 fingers going through a gate when Zero saw another dog (back in the dog aggressive days), a great number of scratches, bruises and burns (from leashes being pulled) and a few blisters to top it off. Teeth hitting fingernails kills like hell, even more when they hit the quick and your whole nail falls off (thanks to miss Danika )
  3. Zero would probably be Robbie Williams. Tries to be all bad ass and cool but when you really look at him, you find out he's from a boy band.
  4. I'll send him to the terranik school of dog training then Nik?
  5. This I'm not sure if he'll get back to that level. He was entered once but then started having problems with his back and wouldn't sit. He's a lot better now so we're getting back into it. I hope to get a CCD on him but I don't know what will happen with his health.
  6. You guys are my favourite success story But look at what you've done with the Evil Beagle!!
  7. Congratulations BD - it's an awesome feeling isn't it? I can't say enough nice things about Steve - going out to see him truely was the turning point in Zero and my relationship. He is the reason Zero is able to be around other dogs without a problem, the reason he's been able to do so well at obedience and the reason he's now an accredited Delta Therapy Dog.
  8. I loved my canon IXUS 80IS - it was a great little P&S. Unfortunately it has gone to the big camera bag in the sky, hopefully to be replaced asap by one of the new IXUS cameras. It took some awesome photos in really shitty conditions and was awesome for taking out with me. RIP 80IS.
  9. That's interesting. Don't know what obedience clubs would think of that one!
  10. Well when you live with one as awesome as Emmy, you're bound to take on a few of the more charming spitzy traits
  11. Enter that third one into the spitz calendar. Doesn't matter that Charlie isn't a spitz - he can be an honorary spitz like Abby!
  12. If they were, there would be a whole lot of blind sibes walking around out there!
  13. You'll love the 550D - i recently upgraded from the 450D but I had that camera for a couple of years and it took some brilliant photos. The 550D is an all round better version of my old camera. It'll be a while before you'll want to upgrade!
  14. Full frame is exactly that - full frame. A crop sensor (depending on what sensor it is) is mostly roughly 2/3s of the size of the full frame. It means that the image, if taken from the same position with a 5d vs a 7d, the 7d photo will look cropped compared to the 5d, if that makes sense. Full frame is beautiful for portraiture (which is what i have it for) - not so great for action as the full frame sensor is slower and can't take as many frames a second as the crop sensor. ETA: This probably explains it better http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full-frame_digital_SLR
  15. I have a 5D mark ii - it's not the kind of camera i would recommend to someone who was only just getting into canon gear. You can't use any EF-S lenses with it so your choice is limited and the lenses that do fit it are generally quite expensive to buy. At the moment i only own a 50mm 1.4 and a 70-200mm 2.8L. My next purchase will be a 24-70mm 2.8L but it's $1600 new so it'll be a while. If i was to buy a different camera, i would go for the 7D - the 5D doesn't cut it for action shots sometimes. I would love to add one to my kit!
  16. More Zero zoomies: Not my dogs but Terranik's Ahsoka, Jedi and Armahani's Louis: And shae_girl's Mischa:
  17. Zero and I give presents to his friends on christmas - I think we actually gave Ahsoka that christmas stocking I don't know what I'm going to do for the doggies this year. Zero can't have a couple of different things and I know some of his friends don't like or can't have certain foods either so I think I'll have to have a look around!
  18. It's one of my biggest fears. Zero's prey drive is through the roof. We had a snake get in next door, though it was caught by the cat over the back (who is a house cat but had gotten out that day) and killed. I live in suburbia so even though i know it's unlikely to happen again, it still scares me.
  19. Except when he won't get his fat ass out of the way fast enough! :D
  20. A few of my favourites: And then probably this one because it just shows how far Zero has come. I never used to be able to have him around other dogs and now he just loves it... and Soakie :D
  21. I would have loved to have done a Chris Bray course. I love his photography. Someone told me though that it was mostly a beginners course so a lot of talk about aperture, iso and shutter speed which i understand already. I would love to hear all about his adventure photography. Some of his photos are just amazing! I could kill to go on one of the photography safaris with him - 2 weeks just spent taking photographs would be awesome! You'll have to tell me all about it!
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