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Everything posted by giraffez

  1. I have one in my backyard but i was under the impression that its harmful for dogs if consumed (or licked for that matter) I didn't know there is a spray for betadine, i usualy just get the one with the screw on lid..,, Are they the same, only one is in a spray bottle? So for the munuka honey you just apply it on the wound? Wouldn't ants get to it? and wouldn't he just like it right off because its yum?
  2. Thats exactly what happened today, i got to the point where i couldn't reduce the marker and he was waiting for it and he didn't understand the verbal cue. I got to the point where i pretty much gave up and said the command cross one more time and miraculously he crossed without the marker (yay!), i clicked and made a big deal. He gets it now (tonight anyway, have to wait until tomorrow to really test it out). I now have to work on getting it to stay crossed, he pretty much undoes it straight away.
  3. Thanks all With Saline, is it the same as the ones you used to rinse the contact lenses. And with betadine, are we talking about the topical cream or the liquid form in a bottle? I'm surprised not many people mentioned paw paw cream, i was about to get one at the chemist today but the pharmacist gave me the impression she didn't think it was that effective so i didn't get it. Plus i was reading on the internet that the ones in the red tube contain petroleum, so i started browsing inside health food stores to see whether I could find an all natural. I did find one, but the instructions on the back says its meant for dry skin, or chapped lips (or to that effect) and nothing that says its got antiseptic in it (which the common red tube ones does). And with Active Manuka Honey - i have a jar at home but not sure how to use it on the dog. are you referring to dabbing the honey on the wound? that doesn't sound right does it ? sorry for asking silly questions
  4. no wound, just preparing my emergency list of stuff in case i need to use it. With betadine, is it harmful if they licked it off? and Saline is it just salt and water or is it a special kind i need to get
  5. is this prescription medicine? If so, i'm not sure my vet will prescribe if there is nothing wrong with him and just for emergencies
  6. I'm interested to find out what ointment or cream do you apply on your dog if they have a wound on them. Say if they injured themselves, how do you disinfect and what can you apply to make it better? I've heard about Paw paw cream but not sure whether this is workable. My biggest issue is licking the stuff off so must be safe to consume. I'm building my medication cabinet for emergencies.
  7. Ok i brought back the marker and he definitely associates that to a cross without me having to point at it which is good. There are 2 things: 1) For one side, he undo the crossing as soon as he crosses (ie bottom paw is lifted out as soon as the top crosses over) 2) As soon as i take away the marker, he doesn't know what to do Any pointers? thanks Q1. No reward is given when he just uncrosses his legs. Reward is only given when he waits with his legs crossed for a split second, then maybe 2 secs then 3secs and so you will build duration. Q2 This is telling me he doesn't understand the command go back using the marker slowly reduce the marker size so your dog understands the command this will take time don't rush. I would work on Q2 before I start trying for duration one thing at a time so as not to confuse him. He touches the marker effortlessly everytime i say cross. I will reduce the size of the marker and try again. Thanks for the tip, will try again.
  8. Ok i brought back the marker and he definitely associates that to a cross without me having to point at it which is good. There are 2 things: 1) For one side, he undo the crossing as soon as he crosses (ie bottom paw is lifted out as soon as the top crosses over) 2) As soon as i take away the marker, he doesn't know what to do Any pointers? thanks
  9. Okies, i'll give that a go, thanks. Will let you know what that goes.
  10. i did but he won't cross unless my finger is pointing on the lid.
  11. Hello all, I need help with teaching my pup to cross his paws. I've been watching kikkopup's youtube video and have successfully taught my pup to do it, however, he undos it straight after he crosses his paws. He also waits for my hand to point to the ground before he does it... i think he is associating touching my hand and crossing his paws as the command I'm asking him to do. As soon as he crosses, the paw below slides out and undoes the crossing (if that makes sense). Any ideas how i can fix this?
  12. Could someone please tell me where vetbasix toothpaste is made in. Is it Australia, USA or China? I've been googling for the past half an hour and cannot find the information.
  13. Its a good point and it would make sense if it was dental problems. But i really don't see any swelling of any type and he is not irritated by me touching his gums. I don't think its the heat because we have had really cold days last week and he was pretty much the same. By the way, he is on the weight management type of dog food (I think its really bland). Come to think of it, it started more after I started him on the weight management type of food. He doesn't like it as much as the full fat version. He almost gives me a disgust look everytime but eats it. haha i don't blame him! After the arrival of the puppy, i notice it more as the puppy finishes his food so much quicker (i'm really beginning to think he (the puppy) isn't chewing - today i gave him the heart worm chewable and it was about 1cm thick, he just swallowed it entirely! )
  14. Had it checked in july. I can't see any inflammation but I have noticed he doesn't like his bones as much. But he ends up eating them anyway. And he is only 2 years old, can it be that fast to have dental problems?
  15. I know this sounds really weird, I noticed my older dog is ingesting his meal rather slowly and has been for a number of weeks now. It almost feels like he doesn't want to eat or its not enticing enough but he does end up eating the entire bowl of food. It started happening around the time i got my new puppy. He is not protective of his food and the puppy is not close to his bowl either. I might be paranoid but could it be something inside of him thats making him uncomfortable eating. It usually takes him half the time it does now to finish his bowl of food. I have noticed that since getting the puppy, he has been rather calm and slower than his usual self. Could it be he has finally matured and broken from his puppy behaviour? One off treats like dried liver he gobbles up quite quickly. He still have energy, and I haven't noticed any change in personality besides the more calm and gentleness. Please tell me I"m just being paranoid!
  16. no i have tried the squirt bottle on my pup before. He has absolutely no fear of it. He welcomes the spray of water and he will look at you like "one more one more" i know, its very weird. maybe i have to tighten the nozzle a bit more. At the moment the water is evenly spread out, i didn't want to spray him with the tighter one just in case i accidently get his eyes.
  17. haha no won't work, he has never been frightened of the water bottle. My big dog has tho.
  18. Ignoring in the sense if it is attention seeking behaviour - you'll need to decide if that is what it is. I wouldn't be giving the dog food whilst its' barking - you're rewarding the behaviour. If you're not sure how to issue a correction and whether or not it is fearful behavour then you'll want to probably have a session with someone who does. Its not attention seeking, well not entirely anyway. He barks if there is something new like a person walking pass our house and he sees them from the gate. I do get the "bark bark bark" when i come home from work though which i completely ignore... hasn't gotten better.
  19. He is barking at everything now. He does seem to fit the fear period. If i let him continue to do it by ignoring, how will he know it is a bad behaviour? I am finding it hard to get his attention when he is barking, i make excited noises to get his attention and he just continues on barking. Food sometimes work but when he is barking, he seems to make that priority even if he has food in his mouth.
  20. I'm very curious about this. My dog is nearly 2 and still has puppy like behaviour. He is energetic and always wants to play and gets up to no good when he doesn't get the attention. Now that we have brought in a new puppy, his behaviour has changed completely. He is no longer puppy like and has become rather calm and gentle and no longer attention seeking. He is very big brother like and makes sure the puppy is doing the right thing. I sometimes wonder whether its really a change in behaviour or rather because we have a puppy now, we have something to compare to... but i'm pretty sure it is a change in behaviour. Having said that, he still has his energetic behaviour when he sends his little brother on a chase in the backyard with a toy. Is this usually the case with the older dog when you introduce a puppy into the family?
  21. Looks like my puppy has discovered his voice. Its the barking period we are going through. He barks at anything new now... he never used to mind this before. Its hard to get him to stop barking with a treat on walks outside as I carry him on my arm (not fully vaccinated yet). We have had alot of people around to our house when he was younger so should be quite people socialised. Is this nerves that they bark or to get attention?
  22. thanks all. sounds like NSW is singled out. So i guess in summary, if i have my council register it i should be fine. I hope the vets in NSW can access the same database that the council uses. Not planning to send my dogs interstate so don't see a need to be put onto the rest. One more thing, just out of curiousity, if you picked up a lost dog with no tag on its collar, do you take the dog to the nearest vet, rspca or council?
  23. nope. can't find the number at all. This should tell me he is on the nsw companion animal registry since he is registered with the council but nothing is returned.
  24. Hi Anne I think your post is making this a bit clearer for me Could you please clarify a couple of things for me. NSW Companion Animal Registry is the council registration right? If i register here, the microchip # and my details are in the database right? Then what are http://www.petregister.com.au/ and http://www.car.com.au - are they independently run databases? Does my pet's details also have to be in the above? Do the vets have access to the NSW Companion Animal Registry database? So that if i find a dog on the street, i can take it in to my vet and get it identified?
  25. i entered my details in both the above and both cannot find my pet. I would have thought the microchip process should be more streamlined. Ie you microchip and it automatically puts you in the database. Looks to me that my dog has a microchip now but its not in any of the database. I just discovered this because of this thread... i always thought he was in a register of some sort Makes me wonder how many pet owners out there are in the same boat... they probably like me think its all in the system because their dog is "microchipped" but no where to be found if the dog is lost! ;) When i registered with my council, they didn't tell me i have to go through a seperate process for putting the microchip in the database....my breeder is under the impression that companion form does all the registration for the microchip stuff. So how would i have known if i didn't stumble across this thread?
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