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Everything posted by giraffez

  1. Hi My dog seems to be woofing down his food without chewing. How do i get him to slow down? He vomitted some stuff up yesterday and they were pretty much the same size as when he ate it! Was wondering whether the slow feeder bowls will work?
  2. but would it deter a dog who is rushing towards you to back away?
  3. I posted a thread a while ago about dogs unleashed running towards my dog when i take it walking and asked what is the best way to escape if it happens too quickly and the other dog attacks my dog. I was wondering whether one of these dog repellers will help? and will it cause lasting damage to the dogs ears? http://www.amazon.com/Pet-Parade-Dog-Repeller-Training/dp/B000E8O4UA/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1307063230&sr=8-2
  4. Hi My puppy is 9 months now. I was wondering is this a good time i can switch him to the adult forumula that my older boy is having or is this too early? Thanks
  5. i brought a bottle and they are quite strong. Am i suppose to dilute it with water first, it doesn't mention to do this in the directions? My hand felt a slight burning sensation after 10 mins, not sure what that means for my dog.
  6. nope, hasn't been clipped recently, i don't see fleas either. No brushing as that area is clipped so not much fur
  7. My older boy has got lumps all over one side of the body. It feels like lumps but on further inspection, its almost like scabs all over the body (only on one side). It started of as one lump and he kept chewing at it... then over a few days, i am feeling it all over. the lump is almost like an insect bite... and its tender when i touch it, just like a fresh mosquito bite on human skin. The other scabs are not bothering him much, doesnt hurt to touch or examine, he is not too itchy but he does chew on it once in a while. I noticed lumps like this once before and it just dissapears after a couple of days. I had this problem when i first brought a puppy home, he had scabs all over him especially around the beard/neck area - it almost was like a breakout, one minute there was nothing, the next its all over. I concluded from posts from other members on this forum it was the puppy's sharp teeth nipping at the area. The scabs dissapeared after a week or so. This time its on his body, i doubt its the puppy anymore as he has lost all the baby teeth. It is similar in that it feels like a breakout as well. I'm starting to think this may be an allergy reaction to the insect that bit him... the one lump set off a chain reaction of small scabs. could this be possible? Any other ideas?
  8. I was wondering what maleseb shampoo is used for? Why would you use it opposed to aloveen?
  9. Thats happening to me too! lol I noticed the sac that used to hold the testes now look a bit deflated (like loose skin). I didn't noticed that in my older dog when he got desexed. Will the loose skin shrink in the future? I think it irritates him when i touch it - it has a bit of scrape on it so i was trying to clean it. Never used to bother him when i was touching it to feel whether both testes has descended Oh... and doctor's orders no jumping or fast movements for my pup.... but he gets so excited when he sees me (especially when i come home) he will jump up... i try to put him down but he still jumps up. How can i discourage that? Its driving me insane. My older dog is also constantly trying to lick the wound of the puppy who just got desexed.... how can i discourage that also?
  10. thanks all I'll raise it with my vet during the next visit in a few days.
  11. My dog got desexed yesterday and i notice his penis keeps sticking out (the red thing). Is this something to be concerned about? It retracts in by itself but i am finding it is sticking out more often than before the procedure.
  12. Hi sherel Any chance that black hawk will release a weight management range with lower fat anytime soon?
  13. Thanks poodle, have you got an european model that you have tried here? I wonder why it doesn't get covered by warranty I've narrowed down my choice to either the Andis AGC2 Super or just the normal AGC2 model (http://www.andis.com/international/products.asp?product=Animal&Lang=EN) The AGC2 Super has a normal speed of 3300 while the AGC2 has 3300 as its high speed. I don't mind forking out a bit more for a better set of clippers but I was wondering whether 3300 will be too fast and whether this set of clippers is intended for matted dogs. Will the fast speed cause clipper burns? I do some part time service work for a grooming supplier and the Andis clipper sold here in Australia has an Australian lead and the distributor here for Andis will only cover the warranty on their products. You could send it back to the US for repair but the cost would negate any savings on the initial purchase. Its only one year warranty right? In a year i probably use it 16 times at most. 8 times per dog. Would it really break down that quickly? I save about $150 (if it works properly) or the other way to look at it, if it fails, I'll lose $150
  14. Haha lol yep I know USA is not europe but they sell the European plug version in usa. At over half the price than it does here I'm very tempted
  15. Thanks poodle, have you got an european model that you have tried here? I wonder why it doesn't get covered by warranty I've narrowed down my choice to either the Andis AGC2 Super or just the normal AGC2 model (http://www.andis.com/international/products.asp?product=Animal&Lang=EN) The AGC2 Super has a normal speed of 3300 while the AGC2 has 3300 as its high speed. I don't mind forking out a bit more for a better set of clippers but I was wondering whether 3300 will be too fast and whether this set of clippers is intended for matted dogs. Will the fast speed cause clipper burns?
  16. Has anyone here brought a 220v andis Super AGC2 with a european plug. Does it work here in australia with a travel plug adapter? Could someone with an andis clipper unit (even if it has an australia plug) please check the volts and hertz on their unit. Does it say 220v and 50Hz? I want to buy one from USA but want to make sure the 220v will work Thanks
  17. Shear Magic are made in China and would be in the "throw away" category. Mars nail clippers made in Germany would be a quality pair. Where can i find the mars ones.
  18. What brands are quality ones. I brought a pai of shearmagic ( im sure its not super quality ones) but they were recommended on this forum. Have used them for over a year and i think need sharpening
  19. How do you sharpen a nail cutter (the scissor type ones)
  20. Does anyone know whether i can use the oster elite clipper blades on the wahl clippers? Are the Oster elite branded blades any good? How does the Oster blades compare to the other blades? I've used wahl and andis before and i prefer the wahl competition series over the andis ones but was thinking of switching to Oster range to see whether it makes a difference.
  21. I've been able to teach my dogs to shake their head but how do i teach them to nod?
  22. Thanks TLC I just did a google and read somewhere that this is also branded Nature's Gift. Is this the same as these products that you get in the supermarket? http://www.naturesgift.com.au/DogsDry.html
  23. how to do a elim diet? Is it one protein and one carb + vegetables? How long before i can see the effect? His hot spot is causing him an issue at the moment and he has been given medication so i suspect he will still go for it for a while until the meds kick in (and if they are effective).
  24. This sounds good. Do you know whether it has good results with food allergies - its got chicken fat so if my dog is allergic to chicken, that would set him off. Reason i say this is the main protein in the food i feed at the moment is chicken... i doubt he is allergic to chicken but who knows at this stage! I read in the thread you posted they come in white bags (so there is no packaging and just white plastic bags with no nutrient guide or anything?) . How is freshness maintained if that is the case?
  25. My vet suspects my dog has food allergies and asked me to switch his dog food. Is there a "good quality" low allergen dog kibble out there, preferably also low in fat?
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