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Everything posted by Fordogs

  1. Angelsun, your girl is not happy that is for sure , very cute puppies.
  2. Leema, my foundation bitch had her first season at 13 months, her first daughter had her first at 16 months and then had regular seasons every 4 months, 2nd daughter, first season at 13 months and I could time her 6 months to the day of her next season that was until she had a litter when 3 years old she then went 7 or 8 months between. 3rd daughter, first season at 14 months then regular at 6 months but now at 5 the last few have been 9 months apart. My dogs are GSDs and I don't breed them until they are 3 so I don't mind if they don't season too early, though I did start to worry about the one that had her first season at 16 months.
  3. Great news atleast we are coming together here and with a little luck we may be able to get you and Jatz through until Dermcare come good with their supply.
  4. Perhaps all of us that work at vet clinics around Australia can check to see if we have any left on the shelf. Come on Australian vet nurses have a look at your practice. I won't be at work until next week but I will check then.
  5. I would never use the kits but as I said easy for you to do at home and would also work out cheaper than the lab. I have also read on other forums of test strips but I can't remember the name of them nor do I know how accurate they are. My preference is the lab progesterone tests they are definitely the most accurate but in saying that yes if your bitch takes a long time to ovulate you can certainly run up quite a vet bill. My girls are extremely slow to ovulate and I can often do as many as 5 / 6 tests.
  6. My dogs also eat clay, soil and ash from the wood heater when pregnant especially.
  7. Missymoo, I first sent in 10, then another ten, finally completely over the whole thing I sent 30 by that time I couldn't care less about meanings, just wanted a prefix
  8. I have just started my girl on Progesterone injections. She is not a maiden bitch, she had a litter of nine puppies 3 years ago and since then even though we have done swabs, thyroid and full blood count and all results have been normal, Progesterone testing and very good matings at the right time she has failed to have a litter. This time she has been seen by a repro vet prior to her season and the advice given was to start her on Elevit and to give her daily Acidophius or Protexin which was started 2 month prior to her season and Progesterone injections twice a week 3 weeks after mating. Fingers crossed we will have a good result this time.
  9. I have always been a lover of this breed since 1961 as a teenager living in the North of England, I used to show Cockers and there were a few Bedlingtons around I loved their grace as they trotted around the ring, their very unique look and of course their beautiful BLUE colour.
  10. OOPs by the time freight is added then you may as well buy from your vet.
  11. Your vet should be able to order some for you. Actually it's a wonder that he didn't suggest that.
  12. I now understand your reasoning and I do know Miniature Poodles would certainly require their environment to be as near as possible to what they are used to at home, anything else would stress them out terribly. Congratulations and I will look forward to hearing that she is in whelp and I am sure you will be posting the regulation of puppy photos in 9 weeks. My GSD's wouldn't care just as long as they are fed but even stating that most of their breeding's have been within 2 or 4 hours drive and with careful monitoring of their progesterone levels I often only do one or possibly 2 matings and I am there with them.
  13. mini girl, I have no idea as to what breed you have but I have a large breed and I am ok with my girls being kenneled if they are at a stud. Yes mating should be a simple thing but just for me I would rather her be let out of the kennel only when the stud owner is supervising them. The stud owner does not need to be handling or guiding them they just need to be present when the dogs are both out together. That is just how I feel.
  14. There is always the Draminksi Ovulation detector but it would depend on whether the cost would be viable depending on how many litters you breed.
  15. I didn't read all of your last post, I would be most unhappy if a stud owner allowed my bitch and their stud dog to run together unsupervised. When ever I have left a bitch to board at the stud owners, I am relying on them to supervise all matings, not to just leave them together. Sorry but that is NOT in the best interest of my bitch.
  16. If you are a vet nurse and your clinic uses them why not get your vet to order you a kit, you only need to draw a small blood sample and you need to draw up the serum for the test. There again there is nothing like the lab for accuracy. JMHO
  17. I really hope that your breeder is of some help because I would say that your puppy should weigh at least 7 or 8kgs for his age. He is very cute but JMO there has to be a problem and I hope that you manage to have some kind of diagnosis today. Good luck
  18. Good Luck, I wish you a successful litter in 9 weeks time. It must be so exciting (not to mention stressful) for you and your kennel's future.
  19. First of all congratulations Just what were the symptoms the puppy was exhibiting? Are they alright?
  20. Personally, I would have done a progesterone test the day of or the day after her arrival after all her owner has paid out the money to send her to you and I am sure she would be prepared to do whatever was necessary to ensure that she becomes pregnant. Do you know what her progesterone was before her arrival? Do a prog today, wait for the result and if necessary do a AI if the stud is not interested. I have been successful on a few occasions with only one well timed mating. Post edited to say Yes do Progesterone just for peace of mind.
  21. Congratulations oakeydoak1 Good numbers 3 of each.
  22. Thank you for that -- Good for you to pursue the breeder and take them to court. Sorry for your troubles Hope 2012 is a better year for you.
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