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Everything posted by Fordogs

  1. My 10 month old GSD puppy also destroys everything but when I take her to work with me she settled right down on on the Snooza, So I thought that she would love one for home :):):) She had it for less than 2 hours and she had torn the Zipper open :mad I hadn't even paid for it as I bought it through work . Lucky for me Snooza have a repair service and it was fixed and delivered back to me in about 7 days $13.00 plus postage that was cheap. BUT guess what she is not getting it back until she stops wrecking everything she is given to sleep on, she is back to the crate where she has never destroyed even a blanket. :thumbsup: From me to Snooza for their excellent service.
  2. Mine also have poos that are a bit soft, I was thinking about stopping the goat milk. They are on ProPlan, beef mince, plain yoghurt and goat milk.
  3. My puppies are now 5 (months) yes weeks gosh what was I thinking? and yesterday the 2 boys had a photo session. Edited for my aged moment :D
  4. Good luck for an easy whelping lappiemum.
  5. My dogs are exercised the same as always in the mornings, up at 6am for walks and then late afternoon walks now about 6pm. Your husband might laugh but I wear a head torch if it is getting dark or if one need to be taken out at night they are excellent. As I live on acres, I need all the light I can get >>> don't want to step on anything slithery or bump into a wombat. No Nasty surprises with a dog on the lead.
  6. Ring your local radio station, they might put it over the air waves for you. ~~~~~~~~~
  7. Congratulations Heidi >>>>> all those boy will drive you nuts when they are 6 weeks old >>>>>> have fun :)
  8. You could continue to use the Ivomec once a month >>> covers for both heart worm & intestinal worms. I can't remember the dose rate at the moment.
  9. Huge congratulations :thumbsup: You must have been working like a Trojan with Jet popping them out that fast Well done girl. Sorry for the 2 lost angels. My girl also lost 2 one after the other numbers 7 & 8 number 9 was strong and healthy !
  10. Sorry to hear that you had a sick puppy and I hope that it continues to do well. Congratulations with your sale to Finland I will have to take some new photos, mine are climbing out of the whelping box now and are giving mum a hard time, the only thing is that they are not big enough yet to reach her boobies when she is standing.
  11. I work at a vet clinic and we use Pets at Peace, their service is impeccable, prompt and ashes returned within a week.
  12. The hair at the loin stand out sideways Fanny remains enlarged Sooky Morning sickness and eating grass
  13. Wasn't that about not taking probiotics when on antibiotics?
  14. Yes, newspaper is great fun unless you are the human that has to pick it up and then dispose of it ALL. :)
  15. Congratulations to the new arrivals. Never blame yourself, just be thankful for the healthy puppies that you have. I also lost my 2 last puppies, I do know that I did everything right and for some reason those last 2 didn't make it :cry: Lucky for me we still have 7 very healthy babies about to wreak havoc within a few days. I cannot believe how fast the last 3 weeks have past. I just cannot have enough of these babies, they are so special. :heart: especially after my 3 year wait.
  16. Congratulations, he is very beautiful, so are his parents.
  17. I had my female tested last year as she was having a problem getting pregnant and she was OK at 34. Don't know if this helps.
  18. Just today at work BREEDER wanted to make appointment for puppy vaccinations " wait for it " 5 x PUGALIER x puppies." Others listening to my conversation were shaking their heads and I felt like :banghead:
  19. 12 months ago I thought the way to go was to paint the concrete as the urine and poo seem to soak into the plain concrete and cause an unpleasant odor. Boy was I wrong the paint was slippery and started to flake off --- tried to scrape the paint off big job and I had to use paint remover, Toxic smell dogs couldn't go near the concrete for weeks. This litter I planned on tiles hubby said too slippery so off to the carpet shop to look at marine carpet hubby thought that the puppies would catch their nails in the loops, lets look at lino and that is what we bought and I at this stage am finding it OK mum is not slipping but the babies are not out yet so I will wait and see. But I did buy marine carpet for inside of the whelping box, it does have vet bed on top so no nails caught as yet So far the jury is out and I have no idea as to what the perfect surface is for puppies. Yes I DO it called GRASS :laugh:
  21. Congratulations hilaryo 9 is good and you also got what you wanted. My vet saw 5 on ultrasound we had 9 but lost 2, definitely didn't expect 9.
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