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Everything posted by Fordogs

  1. Yes Dyzney, that is a great idea, I am not young and my OH & family are not really dog people and I do often think ( worry ) about " What if something should happen " I will start to put something like that in place.
  2. I have a large female and for matings we have had her stand in a place where she is lower than the male :) :) no problems at all.
  3. Why not pay your vet for the microchips in advance then take them home along the relevant forms and vaccination cards then you can sort it all out at home prior to chippimg the puppies. That was the way I did it for my last litter, it worked well.
  4. I also bought a Snooza and my 10 month old puppy managed to open and wreck the zipper in less than 2 hours // mended by Snooza for $13.00 plus postage but I am not ready to give her another go just yet. JMHO I don't believe that the zipper on the Snooza is strong enough considering the strength of the actual bed., it just seems to be a regular strength zipper.
  5. My puppy loves the Snoozas we have at work so I bought one for her and within 2 hours she had the zipper broken. Luck for us Snooza beds have a guarantee so It only cost $13.00 plus return postage. She still comes to work with me and happily sleeps on the Snooza but I am not game yet to trust her with one at home. She needs to earn a bed here.
  6. Hoping that by now you have puppies :crossfingers: And that mum and bubs are all fine.
  7. I had a GSD whelp 5 days late --- My vet thought that I was crazy as I took her in every day to be checked. Has your vet checked her? Is she stressed? (I know you are ) :) Is she expecting a larger than normal litter? If you are overly concerned have an ultra sound done, just for your peace of mind.
  8. He is probably not very confident yet. Why not take both puppies to a neutral area and walk them together, then I am sure they will be fine.
  9. Can You do a progesterone, it will take all of that frustration equation out because then you will know when SHE is ready????????
  10. Blueberry, As a breeder I would only accept a qualified radiology's diagnosis of HD. Only last September I had a vet diagnose HD on an 8 month old puppy I sold and the buyer had her euthanaised on the spot. I managed to get a photo of the xray and had it assessed by Roger Lavelle to find the puppy had a fantastic score of a total of 6. If I was her I would send the xray off to be assessed.
  11. My first question to you would have to be was the Hip Dysplasia diagnosed by their local vet or was it sent away for assessment to a radiology specialist eg Dr Roger Lavelle or Dr J L Richardson? Not denigrating local vets but most are NOT that great at assessing hip x-rays.
  12. I received an email today from Sires on Ice informing that they are going to U.K. & Europe mid June and are looking for breeders wanting collections brought back for reasonable rates.
  13. So sorry that you have lost your little one :cry:
  14. The litter I have here at the moment was conceived when her progesterone was over 63nmol/ ... She flagged but the stud (a very experienced stud at that) was not interested and needed a helping hand another stud at the same kennel was not interested either so I really didn't expect puppies >> end result was 9 puppies delivered. Good Luck.
  15. I would NOT be giving a 12 year old Chihuahua any kind of medication without veterinary advice. TOO Small and TOO Old.
  16. Hello Andisa, I had a quick look but didn't find your OT thread but I do feel your anger about contracts and I didn't even feel that it was necessary to have one until last September when I sold my 8 month old puppy to some #*^&%$ who had her PTS after having her for less than two weeks claiming that she had hip dyslasia but that is all in my thread. The whole five months it was happening the lying %%$#* took me to Hell & Back, I couldn't sleep, it was on my mind constantly and the anger will be with me forever. I have a litter now and I have refused so many a puppy I am paranoid about their reasons for wanting a puppy. Now I have a contract that states that it will be voided if the dog/puppy has a suspect hip/elbow or genetic problem and I am not contacted or if it is euthanized for any reason with out contacting me. Don't know exactly if it will stand up in court though? Sorry for your troubles.
  17. buddy1, I never use the liquid wormer of any brand, they are a waste of time, don't work, even small puppies can cope with a small tablet.
  18. Yes, becks I hate to continue to dream BUT saying that my last litter >> ultrasound, same reader said 5 she delivered 9. This female only ever has 2 or 3 puppies so yes it is possible that one could be missed. I don't know, some people say why continue to breed a female that gives so few puppies but for me it is about that great quality that some produce, not about the potential $$$$ for a litter of 12.
  19. Some good news and some bad Good is she does not have a pyometra Bad .. No puppies on the ultrasound so she may have aborted. Oh well I have to be grateful for her beautiful daughter from her last litter. Thank Dog I kept her.
  20. :crossfingers: becks, hoping that your girl holds on a few more days and delivers a healthy litter.
  21. Thanks Firefly. I hope your puppy is continuing to thrive.
  22. My girl is day 35 post mating, Friday she had quite an abnormal discharge, was puss coloured but also a pink tinge. She is now on high dose antibiotics and was booked for surgery tomorrow. I intend to have an ultrasound done, just to be sure that 1) she is not 2) she is pregnant. The discharge has stopped completely and she is bouncing of walls happy, eating as she was prior to the discharge, no elevated temp. and she has continued to look pregnant. I realize that she could still have a pyo and puss could be building up but I am just so sure that she is still carrying puppies. I was having nightmares about her last night, having surgery and finding healthy fetuses. Wish me good luck for tomorrow please.
  23. Don't worry we all do it from time to time Better to ask than to get frustrated trying to find what we need.
  24. Go to AboutPetPlan and you will find breeders login
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