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Everything posted by Fordogs

  1. Clyde, that was too funny. Scratch & sniff ? Definitely some kind of bite I think ----- Not your usual anal gland look ???? Give him some antihistamine or cortisone cream on the bottom.
  2. Whippets, I totally agree with you, Diddles, you have not thought this out clearly, after the disaster of the other puppy you were going to buy you should have put a puppy on hold for now and done more a lot more research, you appear to have rushed into buying another with yet more problems. If this puppy does have luxating hips as your vet says you are in for a lifetime of problems. You have young children, will this puppy be able to run and play with them as they expect to do ? No, at least not for quite a long time if ever, certainly not before surgery and not post surgery for quite a long time and even then he MAY never be that longed for puppy that your family wanted. Give this a lot of thought, return him now for a full refund before you become even more attached.
  3. Definitely get a second opinion with a Vet who deals with British Bulldogs I have seen far too many puppies diagnosed with problems that the do not have. Can your breeder recommend a vet ? Sorry but I do have 2 or 3 questions that may be relevant here ---- Is your puppy covered with Pet insurance ? And did your vet suggest that they do the required surgery ? Did he suggest that they do a Triple Osteotomy ?
  4. Tasha, thank you, I will be at Erskine Park next month and will check with Don, as for my present problem they have purchased from Sway. Thank Dog for Dogzonline the one place where we always find an answer.....
  5. Didles, Sorry for your bad experience but it could have been a whole lot worse " You could have brought him home " and facing a huge vet bill. Count your blessing Your gut instinct was right. There is definitely a puppy for you out there just waiting to go home with you and your family. Good Luck hope you find him soon.
  6. I know that I have seen it here somewhere but can not find it so can anyone please tell me where to buy Tear Mender glue Thanks in advance
  7. Sorry I could only watch a very small part of the original post --- very horrific ---- I hate to see dogs of any breed that have been mistreated it always makes me cry. I have known quite a few members of the breed and found most of them to be lovely dogs.
  8. Best wishes for a quick recovery for your baby. Was she fully vaccinated and was her final vaccination given AFTER she was 12 weeks old ? Do you know which vaccine she had ? The clinic where I work has had a couple of Parvo puppies lately and yes they have all recovered, one a tiny Jack Russel was on a drip for 5 days, he did recover and is now doing very well 2 weeks on. As long as she is on the drip do not bring her home ----- not only do they require rest and quiet but the drip line could block or she might get too much fluids and that is not good either.
  9. Tick season will last until around the end of April so keep on using Frontline every 2 weeks until then. I can understand that you are using Frontline for ticks & fleas but Sentinel also does for fleas, worms and heartworm. Does your vet know that you are using both products ? For me I would use Frontline as you are at present time for fleas & ticks and give Heartgard monthly for Heartworm. During winter you can give both once a month. JMHO
  10. I sold a puppy last year ---- now aged 6.5 months ---- to a family in ACT, as I had already had a problem with a vet in the area I gave them a recommendation --- which they chose to ignore as they already had a regular vet, anyway they ended up with very early desexing ( they had planned on showing her ) / hip x-rays / and multiple other blood testing that ALL came back NEGATIVE >>> They finally contacted me asking for a vet recommendation as they felt that they had been over serviced. And that is why I will not continue to put my puppies on PetPlan. :rolleyes:
  11. Lolapalooza So sorry for your loss, Good luck with Mr Stubs. Beautiful photo.
  12. After 3 puppies going to vets that OVER SERVICE with puppies on PetPlan I no longer register my puppies on PetPlan. SAD isn't IT, because I thought that it was a good idea.
  13. You are all correct older puppies have a huge amount of appeal, mine had all been crate trained, walked on lead, sat, dropped and gave paw, as I thought each of them would be stayers so they were treated as such. I had so many calls on these puppies I could have sold them 6 times over and they were sold for the same amount as babies. Well done TrinaJ you are one of the lucky ones ------ Wishing my 12 week old would cease to be A LAND SHARK my poor hands and ankles I only hope this one will be a stayer it's hard work getting them to this stage.
  14. When ever I have had older puppies for sale the only thing I have done is place them on Dogzonline in the adult dogs for sale section ---- found them very good new homes quickly. When people are looking for an adult dog it is because they don't want to go through the baby puppy stage and most are very happy to find a slightly old puppy that has had some training. Good Luck
  15. I have also flown puppies interstate no problem _________ I take it that you have, would you like to enlighten us ?
  16. My advise is get another vaccination at 14 weeks because a second before 12 weeks will not cover him, then re vaccinate in 12 months time.
  17. Steve, she is a real cutie. How old is she ? Is she going to a working home ? Love the poo gifts I think she loves you too.
  18. Congratulations and well done Ziva ------- I only wish my girls would whelp that quickly
  19. I have a large breed and I am so sick and tired of vets especially some of those in ACT they want to desex, x-ray and do a hip fusion before 20 weeks (Juvenile Pubic Symphiodisis). This is all VERY UNNECESSARY but they make puppy owners feel as if they are non caring owners if they do not go ahead and do exactly as they say. I feel it is time to Stand up and say Enough Is Enough Some vets assume all new puppy clients have endless amounts of money and they are buying puppies from breeders that do NOT health check their breeding stock.
  20. Steve I definitely wish you luck. Did this vet choose their puppy or did you choose it for them?? There again vets do not know that much about pedigree dogs but you are guaranteed that every test possible will be done to check the puppies health --------- No your vet is probably one of the Good Fellows !!!!!!!!!
  21. armahani, your puppy is Wayyyyyyy to cute (you can send her to me, I have a great vet these days) and yes, if they have one of those vets / you just don't need that sale.
  22. My puppy owners have thankfully asked me to refer them to a vet that has a good knowledge of the breed (they will have to travel a bit but they are more than willing to do that ) and they would like a second opinion on the x-rays so they are going off to a specialist radiologist for evaluation. :D I am very happy. I really hate to see good people taken advantage of just for loving and caring for for their new puppy. Not only that but I also care about the well being of puppies that have to undergo unnecessary procedures. I am also a veterinary nurse and have no qualms when it comes to letting people know if I think they are being over serviced BUT sometimes you have to wait for them to decide when enough is enough !!! I am also more than happy to speak to vets and query their treatment . I have worked with both those who say first lets be conservative if no improvement within xx amount of days come back and those other kind !!!!! who I am trying extremely hard here not to Rant about. I think it is time to rewrite the FIRST page of my puppy folder. I am not anti vet -- only those other kind that I don't want to go on about.
  23. My puppies always leave with a folder that contains full health testing on parents and grandparents & photos, 5 generation pedigree, possible health problems that can occur within the breed. a booklet written just for my breed, training help, phone and email of their nearest breed and training club, And all of the usual info. Even though you talk to them both prior to the day of the puppy leaving and then on the day of pick up they neither listen or read the information pack.
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