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Everything posted by Fordogs

  1. Love those little Staffies and the Poms are soo cute. Some photos of my cuties also @ 3 weeks, barking, growling, getting out of whelping box and all walking though a little wobbly. Mum is on strike and will only feed them outside of whelping box, IT"s SHARK INFESTED IN THERE p 2 of the girls
  2. A cheap option for your yard would be a powder (That I just cannot think of it's name at the moment) ah, yes I remember it's called *COOPEX* bird people use in their aviaries to kill bird lice. They sell it in country produce stores and some vets it only costs about $12 - $15 a packet you might need 2 or 3 packet depending on the size of the yard --- add it to water and spray your yard for fleas, works well and for the fleas on the dogs use *Permoxin* comes in a 250ml bottle that you make up with water and spray the dog daily if reinfected. Permoxin is use daily on dogs with flea allergy dermatitis. Good luck I believe these 2 products would be your cheapest way to go.
  3. Keep on walking!!!! Look elsewhere. If the stud is not registered then the puppies cannot be registered. Sounds like a BYB to me
  4. Congratulations Bulldust & Redkidsmums POOR RUBY " poor grandmother it must have been sooo stressful
  5. Thank you everyone. I knew that I would find help here, thankfully she is fine today, no further crying episodes but lots of useful info. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL -- DON'T KNOW WHAT I/WE WOULD DO WITHOUT FRIENDS ON DOGS ONLINE FORUMS :D
  6. Thanks, didn't think of Buscopan. Never had the problem before.
  7. Do puppies get colic? One of my puppies is whinging a lot today, just won't settle. She is feeding ok weeing and pooing. When I pick her up and pat her back she is fine and falls asleep but within a few minutes she is whinging again. Mum is starting to get upset. Any ideas as to what I can give her if it is colic? They are now 10 days old and all have more than doubled their birth weight. Sorry (spelling Collic) I know better
  8. Looking at that nose he could possibly have an autoimmune problem.
  9. My dogs usually have an egg twice a week but I have a female with puppies at the moment and she has an egg, honey & goat milk shake every day at he moment.
  10. I agree with Aziah, As long as the new teeth are growing in the correct position I would leave them alone because as they grow they will most likely push them out. But once again we cannot see without a photo, just what or if there is a problem. Why don't you try and take a photo and post it here then we could better advise you?
  11. Congratulations Stolzseinrotts ;) :rofl: ~~~~~~~~ 13 WoW What a Long Night that must have been. Boy I hope you have no plans for the next 8 weeks because we know what you are going to be doing. ;)
  12. Come on Tilli, it's your mum's turn to stay up all night Take your pick
  13. WELL DONE NIKKI WOW BABY elephants :laugh: :rofl:
  14. And 2 of the girls, Yeah I know they look the same only different colour collars.
  15. That's OK Stolzseinrott, You may laugh at me . I hope that you are whelping tonight !!! Some new photos of my babies 2 boys
  16. Yes they have to make sure that you don't sleep the night before they whelp. My girl did that Sunday night she panted and huffed and puffed the whole night then around 4.30 am went off to sleep and snored. Whelped Monday afternoon / night by the time I cleaned up it was 12.30am fell asleep on the chair, woke up an hour and a half later and need the bathroom (all that coffee) didn't turn on any lights and simply walked into a wall. Bang right on the nose (I didn't think it stuck out that far) blood where (think I broke it). Hubby panicked at the blood and helped with another clean up. Talk about drama.
  17. Stolzseinrotts, how is your girl going, she is due tomorrow isn't she? Good luck for an easy whelping. Yes poor girl she had a real bother pushing out the first and I kept saying to my husband it has to be a big boy to be so slow. I could feel the puppy high up and I was tempted to give her some oxytosin BUT I NEVER use it before the first puppy so I rung my vet and with his ok gave it and she delivered the puppy in <10 mins.. Any how I thought that he would have had to be biggest and rest would be smaller which they were but not much and the other boy was 654gms the very tiny boy 267grams almost slid out with no effort on her part.
  18. Mum & her 8 babies 24 hours old, (too many for individuals ) will do a couple later.
  19. Sorry that you are having problems with such a young puppy, I hope that her surgery goes well today. I only have 1 thing to say and that is I would NOT be doing part 2 surgery in January simply because she will need to have full strength on her left side prior the the next surgery or I believe she will compromise the left. IMHO I would wait about 3 months before doing part 2. As for keeping her quiet I would be crating her and only taking her out to toilet on lead and then right back to the crate, no it won't be easy she will be bored but you have done the surgery and now you want the best result for your money and her future. Good Luck
  20. My son has a Lab with nail bed issues after many vet visits he was diagnosed with an auto immune disease. I hope your boy does well in his trail treatments.
  21. Hi, I hope that Cynda is now fine but it must have scared the living S*#t out of you. My first thought was to get some calcium into her, my girl yesterday morning did some of the head nodding and wild eye look thing so right away I gave her 10mls of calcium and in a very short time was fine. To me I would think pain some where, even abdominal Sorry no help, sure hope she has no more episodes.
  22. She is a rather large girl for the breed but she had a real bother delivering some of them especially the first puppy, that was the 645 gram male after that I prayed that the rest would be smaller but unfortunately they were not a total puppy weight of 5.28 kilos + fluid. No wonder she has spent the last 2 weeks lazing around the house.
  23. Hi, my girl also whelped yesterday * 6 females weighing from 607 grams - 654 grams * and 3 boys 2 weighing 620 and 645 grams and 0ne little runt only weighing 268 grams but he has attitude and is feeding well so I will cross my fingers and hope he continues to thrive . I have never had a runt puppy before so he came as quite a surprise and I didn't think that he would survive the night. Congratulations to every one else with new litters.
  24. Not Looking forward to the next week, my girl hasn't even whelped yet ( still a day or so off I think) and is off her food for the last 5 days. I was very lucky a friend had to cull a calf and so I have veal in the freezer and yes she will eat that as long as I don't add anything else and she will also eat chicken backs. No goat milk, no eggs, sardines or tin food.
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