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Everything posted by Fordogs

  1. :thumbsup: Wow am I happy? I have just picked up my brand new dog crate that I won on ebay for Just $27.00 with free delivery, it's a huge 107cm long and heavy duty to boot.
  2. Mine, 2 GSD's now aged 14 weeks, Love their meaty soup bones bought from Woolies meat department, they always have lots of meat attached. They keep my 2 puppies busy for at least an hour, they also have chicken frames & wings. Beef brisket are also good but sometimes they are too fatty & sometimes they have very little meat on them.
  3. Ticks are one thing that boarding kennels can do nothing about : they can be carried in by birds, other dogs arriving at the kennels, on clothing or any wild life that passes through the risk potential is always there. If I owned a boarding kennel in a tick prone area every owner would be asked to sign a contract that says that the dog has been treated with a reliable product 24 - 48 hours prior to arrival and a waver to say that if the dog required treatment whilst boarding they would be responsible.
  4. I have had 2 puppies that have broken a canine at an early age, it is best not to remove unless it causes a problem. Unfortunately 1 of mine did need to have a canine removed at 12 weeks when it was fractured down the middle all the way to the root and a tooth root abscess formed.
  5. I have also bought some Berger Jet dry but as we had some rather wet weather prior to my last litter being born I was not able to use it. Bokezu, did you just use the paint or did you put in the adative, I bought both but not sure as to use part 2.
  6. Sorry to read of your loss, you gave him every chance. Hope that the rest of your brood are doing well.
  7. Hi, I hope that your puppy is still alive, if you have liquid glucose yes add a little to some cooled boiled water, and give a few drops via an eye dropper.
  8. Have you checked his mouth >> cleft palate ? If all looks to be OK squeeze a nipple until there is some colostrum appearing then make him open his mouth and hold him onto the nipple while stroking him under the jaw. If that has no effect give him a little glucose via an eye dropper, that may just give him a little more energy to hold onto a nipple. In my very first whelping I had a puppy like that and I spent the whole night holding him on the nipple the very next day I could not even tell which puppy it was. GOOD LUCK
  9. Don't worry piper, it doesn't matter how many times you go through a whelping it is always a very stressful time >>>> always happy when she is finished and all is well.
  10. Depending on where they stay when your not there what about some wood savings ? Little wee's would soak up. If inside old towels on the floor but they would probably drag those around also? One of my puppy buyers tell me they save up pizza boxes and his puppy goes in them Discovered that she would use it after leaving one on the kitchen floor one night. I hope he feeds the puppy better than he feeds himself.
  11. I am very lucky I live in a rural area and can buy fresh for $2.50 a liter but before I found a source I was using the fresh one from supermarket and it was OK or you can buy goat milk powder from the health food store. If you can find a fresh producer it freezes very well.
  12. Martin Strong at Motto Farm >> Heather Brae >> Highly recommended.
  13. Though I am told antihistamines do not have quite the same effect on dogs as they do on humans, I only gave my 11 . 3 kg puppy 1 x 10mg Phenergan twice a day but my vet did say that I could give 10 - 20 mg. After 5 days I reduced to 5 mg each morning & night for 3 days and then stopped. She is now fine.
  14. Hi Marlfoxx, Just wondering how your puppy is doing ?
  15. My vet suggested that I give 10 - 20mg twice a day but I have only given 10mg twice a day for 5 days then have reduced to 1/2 a 10 mg tablet twice a day, I am also using Megaderm from my vet once each day. Megaderm is very useful for these itchy dogs very rich in omega 3 & 6. Edited to add that I have NOT noticed any drowsiness. Good luck
  16. The antihistamine of choice was Phenergan given 1 morning & night, skin scrape showed nothing and the area was not consistent with either Demodex (which is not itchy) or sarcptic which is itchy and in my many years working within a veterinary hospital I have never seen any mange that presented in this way. When looking at the puppy you would not even notice the hair loss as it was only underneath as in a contact allergy, no rash or irritation just hair loss from scratching at an itch. I was at work yesterday and within a 3 hour period 6 dog consults were for itchy dogs.
  17. Very good response Miss Danni, thank you. All of the things that I do know but you have responded and relieved my mind. My puppy and her brother (who was sold) were both itching and yes they were just beginning to change coat, the rest of the litter were fine. My puppy is now improving and her coat is regrowing on her chest and stomach (thank god), I did up the anti on omega 3 & 6, stopped the mince from my butcher, increased her chicken & beef (beef is farm killed so no preservatives and on the bone). The only thing I have to disagree with is the use of antihistamines, I found that they really helped break the itch cycle while she was trying to cope with the itch. Her coat change is almost complete now so will have to wait and see if the itch disappears for good
  18. Who could resist those cute Poms, Beautiful Good luck for their first show.
  19. Mine are all gone now except for the two pick girls, I finally got them to sit still for a few minutes, I spent 10 minutes trying to get a good pic and all I got was their backsides.
  20. I also agree that puppies are more difficult to place at the moment. I had a litter born early December and for the first time ever I still had unsold puppies at 8 weeks. I had lots of phone & email enquiries though but lots of them went nowhere. I also found that many did not want to leave a deposit, suppose that was to leave their options open in case they found a puppy nearer to them. Some of mine were sold by other breeders recommendations, the stud owner and by an add placed on our breed club site. Most frustration was via person wanting a show puppy who dropped out only days prior to picking her puppy up (no deposit paid), she wanted to pay in full at the time of pick up, NO phone call, no email to explain why, just stopped answering the phone, ( won't do that again ), others were the hours spent sending emails and photos, updates then they fell off the face of the earth never to be heard from again????? I don't mind putting in the hours, but why after the time spent on them, don't they just say that they have changed their mind because at the end of the day all we want is the best possible placement for the puppy. Makes me wonder why we do it sometimes?
  21. I have always found DOL to be the best way to advertise. Do the stud & dam have health tests done are your puppies registered with your Canine Council, what about price are they over priced? Just my first thoughts.
  22. I find that with my 2 x 11 week old >> I just stand still and say nothing, then they think that I am boring and go away to do something more interesting. :D It is much better than when I had 8 of the little buggers.
  23. Hi, I feel for you as I also have an 11 week old that is doing the exact same thing she started scratching about 2 weeks ago and this is how it has gone, First day I saw her scratching really didn't think too much about it next day still scratching so I gave her a bath in Aloveen shampoo, it did relieve her some but the next day she was at it again so I took her to the vet where she was given a small injection of Dex and another of Antihistamine, she was fine for a few days and started again. Next I removed her and her sister form the grass area where they had been spending time during the day to a concrete area to see if that helped but it didn't, so back to the vet. The vet prescribed antihistamine tabs 2 each day (to break the itch cycle) and Megaderm, an Omega 3 & 6 supplement once a day and I am also in the process of changing her diet from ProPlan puppy to Bonnie and she no longer gets the human grade mince from my butcher instead she get a chicken frame or a meaty beef bone each day. It is now 4 days since the vet visit and I am finally seeing some improvement. For my puppy the area where she had scratched herself naked was from the chest - flank and groin area it looked to be environmental but removing her from that area did not improve her - no sign of mites - just a couple of red spots - no infection. It has me baffled but at least I am seeing improvement now.
  24. I kept 2 puppies from the same litter and fed Science Diet as recommended by my vet and during my time working as a vet nurse I had of course attended lectures and info night arranged by the distributing company, so it had to be good didn't it? Both of these puppies both grew way over sized (may be 3cms ) and I could no longer show them. These were the only over sized dogs my female ever produced and the only 2 that I have ever fed Science Diet . That may or may not have any relevance but I would never recommend this food. I also realize that we as vet nurses are coerced to sell the food that our practice sells even offer us bonuses if we sell enough.
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