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Everything posted by Fordogs

  1. Just to be positive, Have you checked out breeder list here on Dogzonline? I do feel for you to be let down at this late stage :) It happened to me once but the decision I made at that time was actually a better option. Good luck with what ever choice you make.
  2. That is why I always tell my puppy buyers to have their puppy vet checked within 3 days of purchase. But saying that I would always hold back a male show puppy to be sure that the testicles are where they should be and remain there. Sorry but I don't think that they will come down now. Breeder should take him back and refund full purchase price.
  3. Congratulations , He is a beautiful boy. :clap:
  4. When ever I need a puppy fix I visit here lol. Just love everyone's puppies :)
  5. I would rest her, restrict her from jumping and running around. Rest does work in minor lameness. If it doesn't resolve in 3 / 4 days of rest have her checked.
  6. 5 Days of treatment and today is the first day she hasn't stopped and refused to continue our walk, she is no longer hopping or limping on her hind feet and today she actually wanted to pull out on her lead and run. :thumbsup: Yea for Musher's Secret.
  7. No, the pads are not swollen, must be the way I was holding her foot, they are normal size but only soft.
  8. I will try and take a photo Kirislin. That is good thinking ( fungal )
  9. The Musher's Secret Paw Wax arrived today so I have applied it already (day 1) I would like to give big thumbs up to Waggle.co.au for their great service. Ordered yesterday, they emailed me at 4.10pm to let me know that it was on the way and here today :clap: Thank you Waggle
  10. Sure will. Thanks people. Great service, email @ 4pm it's in the mail :)
  11. Yonjuro, Thanks I have ordered Mushers Secret. it will do the job.
  12. KIrislin -- No corns or anything hard or rough. I have already read the post on foot corns and her problem is nothing like that. What I see when I look at her pads is as follows : I do know that dogs sweat through their feet and her feet are often wet even in dry weather (as in sweaty) She does have small grey spots on some of her pads, when I press on them she will pull away as if I hurt her :
  13. Do you have a link for that and a place to purchase from TJ?
  14. My 15 month old GSD puppy has sore, soft pads, there are no cracks, my vet suggested painting daily with Formalin to help toughen them up. She is always on the move, extremely active, will walk/run happily on grass but at the present time refuses to walk on gravel or rough ground. At the present time she is being rested and only out for walks on lead until I get this problem under control. I am thinking of buying her some boots just for when we go for walks until I can fix this problem Has anyone else had this problem and how was it treated? Thanks for any assistance :)
  15. I have 1 bitch whose first season was at 16 months, others that have a first at 13 months.
  16. I have a female GSD that always had seasons 4 months apart, she only ever had small litters 2 or 3 puppies but her last litter was 5.
  17. Ring the stud owner and find out. You paid for the service you are entitled to know results.
  18. minimax, the vaccinated puppy is NOT sick, she has no symptoms of KC, nor the puppy running with her. The dogs with KC are random they have not even been right next to her, only in passing by?? The vaccinated puppy is the only common denominator here?
  19. No, Not been to a show in 4 months. No passing dogs as we live on acres, very few dogs in my area, 3 or 4 at the most and all are confined as it is a farming area with stock and farmers would be within their rights to shoot any dog around stock.
  20. Just wondering if anyone else has used Bronchi Shield 111 resulting in other dogs in their kennel getting Kennel Cough? This is my experience. I have a 4.5 month old puppy that is going to her new home in a few days, as she will be living in the city I gave her a 16 week vaccination and included Bronchi Shield 111, (not a vaccine that I would normally use but wanted to be sure that the puppy was fully vaccinated for everything, 5 days later one of my other dogs started coughing and during the next few days I had 3 that were coughing, the other 3 were and are still fine. I rung my vet who said that they had not recently seen any KC and my dogs have not been off my property so the Kennel Cough has to be related to the vaccine. The vaccinated puppy has not shown any sign of KC nor has the other 4 month old that she runs with constantly. I will never use Bronchi Shield vaccine again. Not Happy as we were entered in a Specialty Easter show and couldn't go
  21. I had a single puppy litter last year ultrasound was done 3 days prior, she only had 1 mating so I knew the exact due date so when she failed to go into labour by the due date she had a caesar BUT after 24 hours the puppy was starting to fail, she had milk but when I removed the baby and gave it a bottle she was extremely hungry 2 bottles later I thought she was doing well and gave her back to mum, within a couple of hours the puppy was again failing so I ended up bottle feeding as there was something wrong with mum's milk. So my advise to you would be 1) be prepared to do a caesar if not delivered by the due date. 2) Keep a check on the puppy's weight to be sure she is doing well. 3) have bottle & fomula or goat milk ready.
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