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Everything posted by Fordogs

  1. In my new litter I also have a puppy with a fault He is big strong and very healthy otherwise BUT he does have a serious tail fault. I do not believe in giving a puppy away nor can I ask normal price. JMHO if something is given away does that mean it has no Value? In reality all I want for this puppy is a fantastic forever home, the real value is what matters, how do we work this out?
  2. I agree the vet should have just given it a little tug and it would have come out. Give the pup a juicy bone with a bit of meat on, one he needs to chew with his back teeth, that will fix the tooth.
  3. With great difficulty. Last litter I couldn't choose from two lovely females so I kept them both and I am so pleased I did because I would have chosen the wrong one, the puppy I preferred just didn't have that spark, you know, when on lead simply didn't lift herself up and say " LOOK AT ME " where as her sister does. So it really came down to attitude at the end of the lead but still a very nice puppy. The other puppy is now in a very special pet, obedience, maybe a show home later depending on training. Another thing is invite your mentor for afternoon tea and a puppy critique session. :laugh: That is also what I do. Nothing wrong with another point of view.
  4. Good Luck Jeanne with your first litter. I hope that you areas lucky as I was, I got 2 more than was seen on ultrasound.
  5. We have puppies born between 6.30pm & 11.05 pm ( I still managed to grab some sleep ) Razz has 2 boys and 3 girls only 3 days early, can't believe that she finally had a good sized litter I am over the moon with 3 girls to choose from. I will try for some photos later. :cooldance:
  6. Congratulations oakeydoak1, Lovely litter and she delivered them so quickly for you :thumbsup: I think my girl might not be too far off ( Razz my totally food oriented girl refused breakfast this morning) this is the girl that only has to hear biscuits drop into the bowl and she is barking mad until served. She has had no drop in temperature but on revisiting records for last 2 litters didn't happen at all then either BUT she did eat a full dinner 30 minutes before whelping last time ( 2 years ago )
  7. Why not try the breeder you bought your other dog from !! That is where I would start if you want a dog with the same conformation and drives.
  8. OMG he is soooo cute, ____ I want one.
  9. Jetpets Quoted ME $300 Canberra to Melbourne :( Just can't work that out. Admittedly my puppy weighed 20 kgs and required a size 5 crate but that is a huge difference.
  10. It is such a relief just to get the call that the puppy has arrived ok and they are happy with her.
  11. How great is this? When I don't get to meet with prospective new owners it is always a great worry to me BUT today I am extremely happy. Within a short time of picking her up the new owners have sent a text, phoned and emailed with photos of her having a cuddle, eating and snoozing. She has already been out for a short walk, met the cat. I will miss her like crazy but we cannot keep them all and have to know when to let the go.
  12. Start off by putting his food in the crate and if he is hungry NO problem he will go in on his own BUT don't close the door yet. Toss his toy in and I am sure he will go in to fetch it out. Please don't be in too much of a rush, he will soon be happy to go in the crate on his own. For me when I bring a puppy in to the house for crate training I am always close and put the crate beside the bed for the first few nights and in the kitchen during the day.
  13. My last litter did ultrasound at 4 weeks vet said 5 or 6, she had 8, I have a litter due in 6 days did ultrasound at 4 weeks vet said 3 puppies. Just watch that old " Murphy's Law " will be spot on this time (this female has only ever had 2 or 3 puppies)I would love it if just this once she has an extra one tucked up in there. :crossfingers:
  14. Hi I wouldn't either, I have one to flying out Friday 1.20pm and her last feed will be Thursday 5pm. If they vomit or toilet in the cage they will NOT take the puppy out of the cage and clean it up.
  15. Yes, far to early to worry, as that canine really erupts it will push that little baby tooth right out, if not then give the puppy some nice juicy bones, that will soon fix it.
  16. For a 13 week old puppy I would do nothing at this stage. Many young puppies have an outbreak at this age and their own immune system steps up and fights it without drugs. If I really had to use something it would only be Revolution or Advocate. Where is the Demodex, is it only a little on the face or perhaps above the eyes?
  17. At last, now your talking, Why didn't you speak up earlier? I was greatly tempted to try Wayrod but no one said that they had used his company so I went with what I knew. So Sorry Wayne, next time.
  18. I have just finalized details for the puppy, CANBERRA to Melbourne with Dogtainers, size 5 crate, fight of my choice $220. Thanks to all who responded and also to those who emailed me privately but in the end I did prefer to use a company that I had used before as I didn't want any problems at the airport BUT I will watch for more info on the other companies that were metioned so come on people let us all know about your favorite transport company and perhaps we can all save on interstate transport THOUGH we know that it is also about the safe and stress free delivery of our pets NOT only the cheapest.
  19. If I was you I would go with Revolution used every 2 weeks for 3 months. JMHO best ever treatment for Sarcoptic mange.
  20. Kanati, please tell me HOW you manage to get such a great price? Vic to Darwin $155.00 and I only want this puppy to go to the next state and they want almost double that. And bordercollies4me $100 - $160 to most capital cities/ I am starting to feel like a victim here.
  21. I do know what you mean at the moment my puppy takes like 15 mins to go forward and our walk back home is like 5 mins. BUT we are working on it. Put it this way, She enjoys the way out (sniffing, picking up twigs and toileting) But I enjoy the way home (at a very good trot. Don't think that I can do BOTH ways at a trot so I am Happy)
  22. May I ask how long it has been since you check his Thyroid levels? He may require a higher dose of Oroxine. The reason I ask is because I have Hypothyriodism and my levels can change over time so I require regular testing every 12 months (sometimes sooner) and I can also tell if the levels are too low or high by the condition of my skin and hair especially my eyebrows and lashes because the hair falls out and my eyebrows disappear. Just a thought.
  23. Rental properties are rather difficult to obtain in the Illawarra area these days and you would probably have to go on a waiting list, I know of a few people who have had to do this over the last year. But yes Wollongong is a wonderful place to live, dog friendly beaches, and leash free areas also a number of dog training clubs. Not only that great shopping, and lots of entertainment.
  24. Congratulations, and doesn't she look happy and pleased with herself :happydance2:
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