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Everything posted by Fordogs

  1. jr, the microscope sound like a great idea, just checked them online starting price is around $80.00, just have to check out what magnification I would require.
  2. Hi Lola, I live in a rural area and also work at a local vet (mainly large animal) one day a week. They are always assisting farmers & horse breeders time their stock breeding but when I asked about my girl they simply and say they have too hard basket I guess. Not to worry Bowral Specialty hospital is just over an hour from here, just need to find out who best to deal with in there. As for checking her cervix, she has had a normal trouble free whelping when she delivered a litter of 8 puppies 2 1/2 years ago. One thing I will do though first is to take what I have learned here to a vet at work and surely she will find a little time out of her social schedule to research the best products and way to go for my girl.
  3. hellier dog rescue, Thank you now that is why I posted here, there is always some one who will come forward with good tidings and hope for the future litter I so desire. If this girl was only mediocre I wouldn't even bother trying but she is lovely bitch and very special. We will be making a specialist appointment very soon. My vet has no idea
  4. It is all well and good if your chosen stud is in your yard but we are not all that lucky and we have to travel, even just a few hour each way, it is far better to only have to make the trip once because we are also taking up the stud owner's time and he might have to service other bitches as well as mine. I do have a male here he is NOT used as a stud but he is very good at letting me know when the girls are almost ready and that is when I do progesterone tests and he is usually spot on.
  5. Thanks, Just thought that I was being paranoid that's all. My husband knows someone who breeds Whippets and he came home fuming the other day because they simply leave the bitch and puppies in the shed with no heating at all. Naturally he had quite a vent at them,
  6. I saw the topic on postponing a bitches season and didn't want to hijack it so my question is ~~~~ How to bring a bitch into season? I have a bitch that has failed to fall pregnant last 3 seasons even though she has had 2 very good matings calculated by progesterone testing. She is not a maiden, she had a litter of 8 puppies 2 1/2 years ago, she is now 5 years old The time between season has been 7 - 9 months She has had lengthy seasons of 50 plus days, really slow to come in and this is her history, (1)Went to stud on day 30 progesterone was right on >> again days 32, 34 & day 36 > re did prog. and it was 65. (2)Next season mated day 46 progesterone > 20nmol/ (3)Next season mated day 50 " " > " " >> on this occasion she was on Receptal. We will be taking her to Bowral vets prior to her next season but it is always good to put it out there and see if others have had similar problems.
  7. My puppies are 3 weeks old now and I still put the heater on at night even though they are in a draught free area and mum is still full on and sleeps with them most of the night, I am sure that they would be fine but on the other hand the last 3 nights have been below zero. So I was wondering how long before you turn off the heat.
  8. Congratulations Rebanne & Fern lovely colours and for me I love those blue ones, very cute, well done :thumbsup:
  9. Just the fact that they have 3 kids under 3 years and a husband that works long hours I would say that they should wait a little while before taking on a puppy. A puppy alone is enough work for most people.
  10. That is a horrible thing to say and we all know that it is illegal to dock tails and why would one do such a thing?? YES OF COURSE I WAS JOKING !!!!!! His health is fine he has been health tested and he is already spoken for. My vet said that it was most likely just a fluke of nature, one of those things and not likely to his breeding. It is always disappointing to have a bred a puppy that does NOT come up to the standard whether it something very minor or a major and I can think of far worse things that that can crop up in a litter. The fact that he has a short tail will not impede on his quality of life only that he will have a shorter tail to wag.
  11. I have a natural born Bobtail GSD puppy born 3 weeks ago. Wonder where he fits in the scheme of things??? Perhaps I can sell him as an exotic breed and make a fortune :cooldance:
  12. I did give it a try but I found that there was often too much food that had broken down in the bag so too much powder, joined the Breeders Club but lots of promises and nothing else, hard to obtain as only one places keep it in stock. It didn't take me long to return to my usual dog food.
  13. I think that you are going to have a very long night, I hope that you have lots of coffee, Tim Tams and other kinds of chocolate just to keep you going and now I think I will check out my pantry because I might just have to sit up half the night and keep watch also. GOOD LUCK I hope that all goes well.
  14. She is going to keep you up at night, Wait until you are really, really tired :sleep: and then when you need matches and coffee :coffee: to keep your eyes open she will get down to business, so if I was you I would try to have forty winks during the day
  15. Missymoo she still had the sac over the upper part of her body (thank dog) and she started to scream the moment it was removed.
  16. Congratulations Prydenjoy on your first whelping and to little Mango on your 2 tiny bubs :thumbsup:
  17. Yes for me I hold the puppy with a hand towel and gently maneuver (sp?) and the puppy usually pops out fairly quickly and for me usually the sac has already broken. I once had a puppies hind feet just sticking out and as I took hold it was sucked back up and when I felt for it it had gone way back up, I gave 1/2 ml oxy and it was still a good 5 mins before it presented again, didn't let go that time, >>> puppy was fine though. (Very Scarey)
  18. goldielover beautiful babies. Congratulations, sorry for the those you lost. Got nothin, congratulations on your babies also beautiful, sorry for your dramas and those you lost I hope that your litter continues to do well. Cavalblaze sending you good thoughts and hope that she has a trouble free whelping. :coffee:
  19. How difficult is it to take photos of German Shepherd puppies they always look like a jumble of worms?
  20. I have meant to update here my girl delivered 5 on June 6th ~~~ ultrasound said 3 ~~~ so I am very happy they were wrong.
  21. Thank you, I may not have started this topic BUT I have certainly learned a great deal. Every puppy we rear is worthy of a great home and just because of the things that we as breeders consider a fault does NOT devalue the puppy, mouths can correct, ears can go up, testicles can come down, sadly tails cannot grow but at the end of the day it is NOT life threatening and potential puppy buyer can always say NO and walk away. The major thing for each puppy is that we place them in the BEST possible home and it is not about the money. The only puppy that I have sold with a fault (as far as I know ) was a boy that I knew had only 1 testicle declared and it later became 2 testicles BUT he only ended up with 1 ear up, Go figure.
  22. What do you know about the breed ??? If you would like to make friends at the dog park I wouldn't say a word it's none of your business (sorry) No one likes negative words about their puppy, especially if you don't know them.
  23. I do agree, all puppies are reared exactly the same but we are talking faults, hernias as far as I am concerned are minor faults, they can be fixed and most do not require any attention, most mouth problems will come ok given time, testicles CAN also come down also or not ~ but most pet owners don't care. All of these faults should be declared to new owners and sold for the normal price BUT I have a puppy that has a tail like a docked Rottie about 2 vertebrae, in a breed that should have a normal length tail ~ how do I price this puppy?
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