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Everything posted by Fordogs

  1. I was at work on Saturday and a lady brought in her 17 year old Mini Pin x who had kept her up all night needing to wee. Any way vet on duty tested the old girls urine and her kidneys had simply shut down. I was working exactly a week prior to this event when this owner brought her then apparently healthy old girl in for a vaccination and at the time I did think *** WHY *** vaccinate a dog of this age but it was not for me to say any thing BUT why do vets NOT suggest that it is NOT in the dogs best interest???? :mad It maybe that the kidneys were shutting down anyway but I am sure that her vaccination didn't help any.
  2. BB I know exactly how you feel, :heart: This puppy needs a very special home where her great talents can be put to good use.
  3. As the heading says one of my puppies just can't be contained, she is a monkey and climbs out of the puppy pen and the others are learning from her :laugh: ( So naughty but she is such a cool puppy, always the first to do anything,) She think that she is so smart but she is giving me a heart attack, I am always catching her just before she hits the ground. How can I sell her knowing that she is so smart??? Wish I had a photo of her as she escapes but I am too busy trying to catch her before she falls !!!!!!!!!!!! She is the one in the middle. So Cute.
  4. Unfortunately NO, I do have an email of confirmation though but I did try to login again and so far No Luck so I sent them an email yesterday BUT so far no response. My puppies will be leaving soon and I would really like to register them. Maybe I should just do the ones from my vet >>> but they are only good for 4 weeks and they only send them off once a month. NOT HAPPY JAN :mad
  5. Check out the "German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia"
  6. oakeydoak1, after many tries to log in I thought that maybe I should re register so now I am accepted. It has been a while since I have used Petplan for my puppies so maybe they had timed out????
  7. I have just tried to log in also and I get the same message registration number is not on file.
  8. With condy's I was always told to dip a damp tooth pic into the crystals and use that amount in a cup of water But really I don't think that you can make the solution too strong. I always use the amount to make a nice pink colour.
  9. Congratulations, 9 puppies for a Pug is a great effort, may all 8 survivors continue to thrive. I love the way your girl lays on her back to allow them all access to feed, wish my girls would do that.
  10. OMG, her owner must be out of her mind. Have they contacted all of the vets in and out of their area?
  11. My puppies are now 5 weeks and they are on 4 small meals a day, mum refuses to let them suckle any more and is trying very hard to avoid them, so I think it better to remove her to let her milk dry up. One of the puppies developed Puppy Strangles on Saturday but thanks to quick action and the fact that I knew what it was, she is doing well and the swelling has all but disappeared. I just wish this weather would improve so that I can get them outside, I can't remember the last time I saw the sun or a day when the wind didn't almost blow me away.
  12. If she hates the vets that much why don't you ask if the vet would give her her pre med in the car ---- Less stress that way.
  13. With the other 3 bitches being on heat maybe she is the bottom of the pack and as such will come on heat when the others are finished. One of mine started to come on and then the matriarch came on heat and she went off only to come on when the older bitch finished.
  14. Very CUTE SPOT THE PUPPY ( my eyes were playing tricks on me ) :laugh:
  15. Beautiful babies Cavelblaze, Isn't it amazing how suddenly the little ones catch up and very soon you will have to actually look very hard to pick her out.
  16. My little boy was given his wings today, , he also had a deformity of his pelvis.
  17. Poor Penny, she must be so sore are your puppies fully weaned now? Hope she is feeling better tonight.
  18. So beautiful, you both must be exhausted, beautiful colours.
  19. I bought a 42" crate off ebey for an absolutely great price of $27. free delivery and I was amazed at the quality, yes it is heavy with a metal tray but I won't be moving it very often.
  20. My little boy with the very short tail has some problems, he is bunny hopping and falls over, very hard to tell until they were more mobile, he is so beautiful and other than his being uncoordinated he is a regular puppy eating well and trying to play with the others BUT I think he will have to be put to sleep, :cry: I am very emotional about this puppy ( love his determination and courage ) but I do have to think about his quality of life, he has become much stronger over the last few days but I don't think that is sufficient excuse to keep him going will take him to the vet tomorrow or Friday and see what he thinks.
  21. Doing very well, congratulations :clap:
  22. No for me also, 4 kids & 2 dogs inside, toileting inside??? Total Chaos!!! Do they not have a yard / garden.
  23. Just can't wait to see Borzoi babies and it is a long time since I saw Dalmatian babies & Yarrowfell, just how many is your girl expecting? She is a keg with legs.
  24. I have done that also but I have used a heavy duty tarp you know those green one side and silver on the other, I have found that it is working very well.
  25. We have had some lovely sunny days lately so the heater has been off and turned on again late in the afternoon as the sun starts to go down. My whelping area is just of the kitchen area and the room is solid brick and stays warm, that is as long as hubby doesn't leave the door open while he peaks in on the puppies.
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