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Everything posted by Fordogs

  1. I couldn't make heads nor tails from that story (sorry) but I am confused also :confused: How can anyone sell you a puppy then come and take it back, sell it and NOT give you a refund ??? Why did the breeder take it back?? I think that there is more to this tale than we are being told. :rolleyes:
  2. No surprise here either and yes we knew that from the start, Now for her name ??????????
  3. I have had people buy a puppy from me and say that they phoned and left messages and also left emails for approx 10-12 breeders and these breeders have not had the decency to return their calls or emails. I also had a buyer of one of my puppies who at first contact asked me about a black puppy which I don't breed for but if he really wanted a black I would send him some recommendations of breeder that may be able to help him find the puppy he was looking for. This same person rang me and emailed me several times and later bought a black & tan from me. This person was amazed by the fact that I didn't endeavor to sell him what he wasn't looking for and that I actually wanted to help him find the black he was searching for. We became great friends, he sends me almost weekly photos of his puppy she is now aged 14 months and I have recently aided him to find and buy a black puppy. He is every breeders dream puppy buyer,
  4. My girl has no family history of bloat her sire lived to be 15 years old as did his sire -- her dam also lived to be 13 ++ years so (not genetic). During her exam my vet said that he could feel an abdominal lump so I have no idea if this could have been the cause of her bloat but it could have some impact.
  5. I would like to add to this, I lost my almost 11 year old to bloat on New Year's Day 11 days ago. It is all so fresh in my mind 6pm ( so no where near feed time)( my dogs are fed around 9pm) Jola did have a very small potion of a Lamb flap about 2pm and as my 7 month old puppy had an ice block about 3pm and Jola wanted to share so she stole some that broke away from the block. 3 hours later she was seen to be trying to vomit, I followed her around and right in front of my eyes she bloated. I screamed for my OH to bring the car out of the garage NOW and called for my vet to meet me at the clinic. Poor Jola was in obvious pain and I was not sure that she would be alive by the time we reached the clinic but she was. My vet induced her and inserted the tube to release the trapped gas and 30 minutes later she was awake, though still groggy and we took her home. On taking her out of the car she immediately bloated again so She was once again traveling off to the vet where we decided to give her her wings as she had an ongoing neurological problem for the past 5 years and surgery was not an option for her. Funny enough all of my dogs are very good burpers and I had never thought that it was possible for any of them to bloat. No idea as to why this happened( age, ice, possible abdominal tumor??) We will never know??
  6. I hope that Alvin is there to greet you when you arrive home Clyde, the little shit !!! Why do they wait until you decide to have a couple of days to yourself??????????
  7. The lower jaw will grow at a slower rate but these puppies are only 4 weeks, stop worrying and don't keep checking. I don't even look at my puppies jaws until they have all of their teeth erupted at around 6 weeks. Just enjoy them and stop worrying
  8. No, the Stafford went absolutely crazy with fireworks as well as storms, she was so bad even my grandchildren were also storm phobic. Thankfully the grand children are fine about storms now.
  9. I really can't say that I have ever measured how much was needed, I simply squirt and rub in.
  10. I have never had a dog that is fearful of storms or loud noises but I do make lots of noise around my puppies and my OH will shoot rabbits close to the house so mine are definitely not gun shy either. Would I breed with a storm phobic dog No Definitely not ( It is not within my breed standard either ). My son had a Stafford that was extremely afraid of storms and fire works, she was the worst I have ever seen. One time even though she was medicated she was so badly traumatized in a storm she caught her canines in her heavy steel crate (she actually bent the steel bars). It was not long after that that their vet suggested she be PTS because of her phobia and I am afraid to say I agreed with him.
  11. When I applied for mine 15 years ago the first 10 were rejected, sent in another 10 --- again rejected. Next time I sent 30, I have no idea just how far down the list my given prefix was but I do remember how much I disliked it. It did eventually grow on me though .
  12. Have a look at Despreaux they have some lovely dogs and I know that they are all health tested.
  13. I have had to read Angelsun's post 3 times before it was real. I am so sorry to hear that you lost your girl as well as her puppies :cry: :hug: To you.
  14. Did your vet give her antibiotics? JMO I would have liked her on ABs if she were mine. Best wishes for a healthy litter. :crossfingers: I would keep a check on her temp, watch that she doesn't go off her food and check her gums colour. Last year I had a bitch that developed a high temp 8 days before she was due (vet check and all ok) the next day she went into early labor and deliver 8 puppies 4 were not able to be revived, one of those was born with a very shriveled up blackened sack and it was filled with faeces. That puppy had caused her high temp and the early delivery of the puppies. Not meaning to scare you sorry.
  15. The shoulder is a very tricky area to put a bandage on but you could try RipRap bandage as it sticks to itself or even the spray on bandage used for humans. Other than that is it an area that she can get to? If it is put an Elizabethan collar on her, if she cannot reach why not use Cetrigen spray on it, it antibacterial and will help to dry the wound.
  16. Check around and I am sure that you find a vet that still has some left.
  17. Ohh I am so sorry for both you and mum :cry: Breeding is so hard sometimes and unfortunately there are no answers
  18. Olivebaby, You did say in your OP that you have both the time and love if she works out BUT >>>>>>>>>>>> Then you say you work long hours !!!!!!!!!! If you cannot find the time to show your girl, Please tell us where you will find the time to give to a whelping bitch and care for her babies? Really you don't think that she can do it all without your care. Yes a more mature bitch possibly can BUT most of us do have to arrange time around our girls whelping and caring for the litter. I am sorry to say this but rearing QUALITY puppies takes up a big part of your life !!!
  19. If you have not shown your girl how do you know that she is worthy of breeding? Is she registered with your states Canine Council on the main register? Are you a member of your states Canine Council? What about your breed club are you a member of that? Why do you want to breed your girl?
  20. I am so sorry that you lost 3 apparently healthy looking puppies but it does happen, A member of this board quite a while ago lost a large litter of puppies and mum also past away either during or after a C section, you are lucky that you still have 4 healthy babies and a mum to look after. Two years ago I also lost 4 puppies from a litter of eight. I had also been checking my girls temperature even though she still had 7 days to go before I expected her to whelp, her temp was fine through the day but she refused water and food, when I checked her temp at 6 pm and it was 40.5 I rushed into my vet who checked her and did an ultrasound and puppies all looked fine, she was given an antibiotic injection and sent home. Later that night I knew she would whelp soon. Her first puppy had trouble breathing but finally got her going but she later passed, 2nd was still born, 3rd still born, I rung my vet in a desperate state of mind and in tears. I did have oxytocin here and her said to use it as we needed those puppies out ASAP. Next puppy was fine, next was dead and he had defecated in the sac, the sac was hard and green and this is what had caused my girl to have a high temperature and to whelp 1 week early, remaining puppies were all fine thank Dog. Had she not whelped when she did I am sure that I would have lost her and all of her babies. Enjoy your babies, you will probably never know just what caused the other 3 to perish and it will probably never happen again.
  21. Licking at the wound would certainly reopen it (:, she may need to wear an Elizabethan collar until it heals : that is what I would do if you preferred not to re bandage. I also think that you should be curtailing her exercise as too much movement would not allow the cut to heal quickly. You could also treat it by using medical glue to hold the edges together. Ask your vet about the options.
  22. Mine are on Protexin Powder, It comes in a 500gm & 1kg tub, price works out quite cheap considering I have 5 large breed dogs.
  23. I have had to do it once. My pick puppy fractured a canine, developing a tooth root abscess, he required immediate surgery on a Saturday afternoon, with only 1 vet and 1 nurse on duty, I am sure that her was probably left on anesthetic too long or too deep and suffered brain damage. Two days post op he started to chase his tail non stop, it was so awful , nothing I did would stop him, swimming (he swum in circles), walking on lead he was only interested in what was following (his tail). Medications, redirection even holding him in my arms he still wanted the tail, in the end I had no other option but PTS.
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