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We believe he is a Keeshond X prehaps with a German Shepard, now 5 years old. He had been surrended to the Pound as a 2 year old due to behavour/disipline issues. We actually had to send him off to be professionally trained for 2 weeks after trying ourselves to get him to learn some basic obedience. It was worth it though. He is a beautifully natured dog, everyones pal, not a mean bone in him and very trainable now. Happy to say that he is about 90% his old self and is running and jumping with only a few wobbles when we are playing and the occasional slip. He has packed on the weight though and really needs to lose about 5kg. I've switched his diet the "Avanced" range, but thinking of trying the BARF Diet, do you feed anything special?
Its ok, i've only changed his dosage with the vets advice. He's actually in at the vets today to get his levels tested. Its only been 10 days since he started on the drug and his dosage has changed 4 times. Do you think its to soon to be tested? Hes still zoning out and fly biting a bit and is also panting (not excessively but its noticeable). I suppose i'll just have to wait and see what the vet says today.
I'm in rural north west Vic and would you believe 6.5hrs from Melbourne! My dog started flybiting again last night which is a bit depressing, so we have upped his medication just slightly to see if he stops again. If anyone can recommend a specialist vet in victoria please provide details. I'm sure i can get a referral from my vet to see them if needed.
Thanks to everyone who has replied. I'm now administering the drug every 12 hours. I'm happy to say that I haven't seen a "fly biting" episode in the last 2 days and his hind leg weakness has improved to the point where we can go for a walk and he is now just a bit wobbly. Its unfortunate, but my vet specifically said that the hindleg weakness was not a sign of the drug but rather that my dog was getting much worse very quickly, hence the CT scan was needed ASAP. This of course sent me into a spin and a search for more info last weak and this site has been a great help. Of course I know that i could be wrong and the vet right but I'm hoping in this instance that its the medication. If, on the lower dose his weakness continues to improve (or he remains fairly stable) then we will wait to do the CT for another week or so. Thanks again.
Fristy, I have read the entire topic below with the title "my dog just had a fit or a seizure" and it was very helpful, however I really need anyones experiences with regard to the side effects of this drug. My dog started displaying symtoms of "fly biting" lask week. The vets diagnosed focal seizures and started him on phenomav straight away. We have been to the vets 3 times since then due to dog developing first a tremor, then weakness in his back legs which comes and goes. Sometimes the weakness is just a wobble, other times he can't stand up. The weakness symptoms started after we doubled his meds and have been getting worse all week. He will be getting a CT scan next week, but from my own observations I'm convinced that the medication is the cause of the weekness (its worse after giving him the meds and then improves a bit until i give him the next dose). Everyone seems to agree that being lethargic is a well known side effect, but what are peoples thoughts or expereinces on mild to severe hind leg weakness that comes and goes? I hope this post makes sense, I've been up all night with the dog.