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Everything posted by raffikki

  1. Aww he looks so cute up on that chair I LOVE the first pic. Does he have a cast on, or just a bandage? Electra didn't have anything like that, they left it open. I left the cone on when I couldn't supervise her too, I think the regrowth of the shaved hair bothered her more than the actual stitches/wound.
  2. He looks like such a little character, gorgeous I love the clip of his first 6 months! How is he doing today?
  3. This is an xray taken on the 8/9/10, so just over 12 months after her surgery. You can see how/where the growth places have closed compared to the original xray(is a slightly different angle) To me it looks like the pin & wire are just out of the way of the plates, hopefully Sid won't need to have them removed Awwww, he sounds like a sweetie Would love to see some pics of him when he gets home tonight ;)
  4. Sounds like he's in good hands Electra still has the wire and pin in, the vet said he made sure it was buried in the cartlige and it hasn't caused any problems (it's now about 2 years since it happened) Will be thinking of you tomorrow for when you pick the little guy up.
  5. I just had a look and the OP was Last Active: Jul 18 2011 12:42 AM With a bit of luck he/she is still reading the replies and taking the advise given
  6. Electra was only 4 months old, so her growth plates hadn't yet closed. For the first 3 weeks the vet had me carrying her outside to toilet and strict rest. I tried having her in a small room, but she wouldn't settle and was trying to jump around so that's when we decided a crate would be best for her. I think it was hard for us because I had two pups at the same time too! I will be thinking of you and Sid today Let us know how it all goes.....and give him plenty of cuddles from us
  7. Good luck for tomorrow! One thing I would highly recommend is seeing a muscle person(bowen, acupuncturist or chiropractor) I'm not sure of sids age, but because Electra was so young, and the crating ended up being for longer than the original 2 weeks(about 4 weeks I think), she suffered muscle loss. I eventually took her to see an acupuncturist and she still goes for visits/acupuncture every 3 months. At the time my vet didn't suggest any kind of rehab, but our acupuncturist said she could have helped/advised with gentle exercise/massage. I hope your boss lets you take Sid into work with you! Let us know how he goes tomorrow ;)
  8. There is a Aussie Bulldog Club of Australia, that is hoping to eventually get the ANKC to recognize the Aussie bulldog, so I assume the pedigree is meaning that they are registered with that club. I think a lot, if not all, the breeders registered with the ABCA health test their dogs.
  9. UMMM I'm guessing your NOT looking at BRITISH bulldogs?? I've seen "aussie bulldogs" described in percentages like that and think it means the % of british in them The Aussie bulldog is not an ANKC recognized breed (yet )
  10. Hi huga I'm so sorry to hear sid has injured himself Electra had an avulsion tibial crest when she was just 17wks old. Here's a link to the thread I started when it happened. I'm definitely no expert, but if I can offer any experiences we had please feel free to ask ;)
  11. It actually got a lot bigger than that , but more oblong-ish. It took about 6 - 8months for it to get to the size in that pic. He had other Lipomas that never grew bigger than a 20c piece.
  12. I am relieved for you My last dog had one under his arm and I was told the same, just to watch it. It did get fairly big, but I had it removed when he had to go under for a more suspicious looking lump. It never bothered him at all. You can see it in this pic
  13. I remember reading a lot of different threads that had a ton of good info, some with links. I can't help with any particular threads but if you google site:dolforums.com.au pros and cons to desexing there are heaps you can look through
  14. He's gorgeous Ruth :D Fingers crossed he continues to fit in, and becomes a permanent resident at your place Rhino would have been a Bruno, if it was up to my OH!! How about Hammer/Hamma?.....( that looks weird when I write it )
  15. Electra has a bald spot on her face that I thought was allergies, but after a few weeks and it was growing in size I took her to the derm. After a scraping I was told it was juvenile demodex. I was told that no treatment was necessary, because it was juvenile, and to watch it for 6 - 8 weeks and if no improvement or if it got worse than treatment would begin. Luckily, a couple of weeks later, the hair is starting to regrow already I was to stop any form of steroid use, including creams & spray. She never had it as a pup though, so I guess I'm not really much help.
  16. Though I've never been there, Ocean Reef Vet has a Canine Rehabilitation Centre http://www.oceanreefvet.com.au/Services/Hy...46/Default.aspx
  17. Hi Cazstaff :p As Ruthless said, Electra had a vulvoplasty in January(at about 20 months old) She was desexed at 7 months, before her first season, and now I do regret not giving her the opportunity to develop more. She had vaginitis on and off for 6 weeks from the about the age of 5 months and also had a UTI. After she was spayed she didn't suffer from these any more, but did have irritation because of urine getting trapped in the skin fold. I decided it would be better for her to have the surgery than suffer irritation for the rest of her life(I treated the vulva area daily, with cream(bactroban) and this helped immensely but the problem wasn't going to go away ) The surgery, for her, was a very invasive one, Electra was very uncomfortable for about 10 days afterwards :p I'd let this pup have one season and see if it does help and if it doesn't and she is irritated go see a specialist. Electra's surgery was done at the university hospital(Murdoch in WA) as I wanted someone very experienced doing it.
  18. My two have recently spent a few weeks at Natural Paws Pet Retreat and I was more than happy with the care they received I was also extremely happy with Merrybark kennels, where they spent just over a week, last year. ph 9455 2786 22 Fraser Rd (off Clifton Rd) Canning Vale
  19. Redback spiders are one of my worst fears for my dogs(and me!!), they seem to pop up everywhere I did some googling and it seems that dogs are Here is some info Spider Bite
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