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Everything posted by Aziah

  1. A Cardigan or Pembroke would be suitable (only read the thread title so hope my reply is relevant)
  2. To this theme? You know, impossible and all (I thought Brett baby would have made it to the bed for sure) Mission Impossible
  3. ... ETA: sorry it seems madam is upset again, I posted ... because I'd written my post in the wrong thread despite the fact I didn't edit it
  4. Apologies Troy...I think we can bin this thread, none of it is helpful or has a point.
  5. No, you didn't gross us out I just feel sad for the icecream but I know it went on to bigger and better things
  6. That poor, poor icecream Kaz - fancy slaughtering it to provide yourself and Bozley a meal ;)
  7. better not just incase Moselle doesn't like food being thrown in her thread - leave it up to her to control, can't have her being controlled at home and here you know
  8. ...that explains alot then doesn't it. enjoy your "controlled" thread I can understand you putting several of us on ignore - it allows you some control back into your life
  9. I am SO excited - I just got my work buddy to check my shoulder and guess what everyone?! I don't have a chip (or anything else) on my shoulder!
  10. It's obviously quite a problem for you or you'd not have started a thead about it, it's ok for you to feel that way but comparing your OH to our OH's won't change your situation.
  11. Little tearies. I was under the distinct impression that you had me on the ignore list, doesnt appear to be that way. I was wondering how long before you would make your appearance felt? Now, what happened to practicing what you are preaching? Given that I am in a good mood today, I will forego the treated pine and offer you a cuttlebone instead, that should keep you occupied all of 3 mins......thereafter find something else to do rather than pestering me all the time. Raz probably does have you on ignore - she wasn't replying to anything you'd written in what you've quoted...just my post ;)
  12. Not nice to have you own thread railroaded is it Moselle? - now you know how other people feel when you enter their thread and go off on a tangent
  13. Now it sort of sounds like you're trying to defend him - a guy who holds back his farting doesn't have manners, he probably has issues with doing it in front of you! ETA: guys fart = normal, dogs shedding coat = normal but, each to their own.
  14. Mine is like RSG's too I can't imagine it any other way...
  15. Have you posted this to OzShow, if not, permission to cross post?
  16. I'll go with 2, 3 or 4 babies for your girl...
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