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Everything posted by Aziah

  1. ...and just as a side note - I am ALL for encouraging new exhibitors but if I am going to encourage them, then I am going to encourage them the right way (ie. not drop them in the deep end and advise they give their puppy/dog a 'lick and a spit' when we all know damn well that the probability of their competition being groomed and presented exceptionally well is very high). eventingpony - take several of the ideas from this thread and start collecting bits and pieces and practice at home with some products so it all comes together on show day I am sure you'll have a really nice time!
  2. I'm sorry Gayle but really?! MOST people start off grooming babies as they will an adult only on a smaller scale.
  3. ...and most exhibitors would select a colour such as red (as an example) to enesure the dog doesn't disappear into the handlers outfit!
  4. It just makes life less stressful at times such as these I'm sure all will be well and she'll hang off for you.
  5. Right so really the mating dates are now only a rough guide...she could be due earlier. Good luck
  6. So you're only going off mating dates (not progesterone readings)? If so, there is no guarantee she won't whelp earlier than the first mating date.
  7. Could have been a practise run but unless she was progesterone tested at the time of mating (?) then it's possible she is due earlier than the weekend.
  8. Put the babies on the probiotic (Protexin) it will make the world of difference
  9. Just out of curiosity is your Mum a horse person? Many horse people feel that a horse with light eyes cannot be trusted and I myself cannot stand dogs with light eyes (ie. when the standard calls for otherwise) - I do agree to a point.
  10. Sure I love a good Red Headed Tri in my own breed however I'd never select a puppy based on colour... I have always felt that when people become focused on colour (ie. must have a puppy of a particular colour) often they could be missing out on the most suitable pup for them. Of course it's each to their own and people are entitled to have a colour/sex preference but whether or not I can help them is another story because I am a strong believer in placing a pup with a family that I feel suitable on all levels and colour/sex just doesn't come into it.
  11. I think finding a good mentor is the best way for you to begin... He might be one of the better males you have seen however he doesn't conform to the breed standard (because dilutes simply cannot have the black pigment required) and therefore shouldn't be bred from.
  12. Is anyone from the Newcastle/Hunter area heading to Rylstone this weekend that could collect a small bag of beds for me and bring back? Any help would be much appreciated
  13. I'd not want a prefix the same as someone overseas anyway?
  14. I agree with ReadySetGo
  15. CONZTRUCT - I didn't read the post correctly anyway - I thought what I was replying to was something LuvMyGSD had written (and as it turns out it was - because you didn't say what was quoted) Anyhoo my reply stands (but in reply to what LuvMyGSD added)
  16. What's this Specialty dogs/bitches business?! A quality, well bred, sound dog competes successfully in BOTH the Specialty and All Breeds ring. Whilst I understand there can be a tendency for division amongst GSD's (Specialty v's All Breeds) I also know that a good dog WILL win in both rings. You should be more concerned about the GENERIC show dogs winning that are neither here no there!!! I didn't say "to avoid specialty dogs/bitches" - they were not my words - I said "to avoid competition". My words on the subject are that there are no such things a specialty or all breeds dogs, although I've heard the term used - I thought we were all just meant to be judged by one standard? I'd much rather have a dog that can do well in both because it is a good representation of the breed by the standard. No, you said "avoid competition where there may be Speciality dogs/bitches attending" so therefore, avoiding dog shows where there might be Specialty dogs/bitches. If you just meant "competition" in general then you'd not have mentioned Specialty dogs?!
  17. Practice at home and use a command like 'wait' once she is standing. Only reward when she's not creeping forward, reward her quickly to begin with and keep working up to longer periods of 'non-creeping'! If she does it in the ring, do a little u-turn, but practice will help you not need to do that so often
  18. What's this Specialty dogs/bitches business?! A quality, well bred, sound dog competes successfully in BOTH the Specialty and All Breeds ring. Whilst I understand there can be a tendency for division amongst GSD's (Specialty v's All Breeds) I also know that a good dog WILL win in both rings. You should be more concerned about the GENERIC show dogs winning that are neither here no there!!!
  19. Me too! it had an obvious fault (very obvious!) yet I had also seen it awarded the CC on many occassions (albeit, unopposed - but it should have been non-awarded)... I guess as they have had the occassional challenge that is why they keep going back - variable reinforcement at it's best. They are only kidding themselves really at the end of the day thought aren't they. Sad if the fault is that obvious that it ahs been awarded at all. It was a coat fault (so it had a 'fluffy' coat - like a long coated GSD or Corgi - but neither of those breeds)...that's pretty obvious I think! And I thought I was being subtle about what dog it was LMAO. And judges giving that dog points should be audited and asked what the hell they were thinking I wasn't sure if it would be the same dog/breed but given your location etc. I figured it may well be! It's no longer shown so that's some sort of bonus I suppose BUT it was awarded CC's when it was being shown and that's a real concern.
  20. Me too! it had an obvious fault (very obvious!) yet I had also seen it awarded the CC on many occassions (albeit, unopposed - but it should have been non-awarded)... I guess as they have had the occassional challenge that is why they keep going back - variable reinforcement at it's best. They are only kidding themselves really at the end of the day thought aren't they. Sad if the fault is that obvious that it ahs been awarded at all. It was a coat fault (so it had a 'fluffy' coat - like a long coated GSD or Corgi - but neither of those breeds)...that's pretty obvious I think!
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