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Everything posted by Aziah

  1. I was surprised by the amount in the 3-6 sweeps...good entry! Safe travel
  2. We ultrasound at 28 days and x-ray 8 days prior to whelping
  3. I'd be pissed off if I was the breeder and I wasn't given the opportunity to have the pup returned!
  4. I hope the collective thoughts & prayers of DOL will see China make a full recovery, thinking of you Sandra.
  5. It will be connected to a flecking type gene via the Foxie side of the pedigree.
  6. Whilst I feel Ozentries is a wonderful tool, it does tend to allow some very late closing dates which creates a much tighter deadline for our hard working show secretaries/cataloguers. Tehy do their best with the time they are given
  7. Second hand? $2500 at a guess
  8. Don't be nervous just have fun, babies are just that, they wiggle and should enjoy themselves without running wild of course I'm sure we'll all meet you at some point over the weekend, just make sure you have fun!
  9. Yes camping is allowed but no bookings, you have to see the caretaker upon arrival You don't get your catalogue until the morning of the show (you collect it from the office) you will however receive your number/s back in the mail sometime next week (assuming you included a SAE or if you entered online, if you ticked the appropriate box and paid for postage).
  10. There is no "English" in Staffordshire Bull Terrier (I note this is what you are advertising on your website)?
  11. Yep that's me Sway! Oh and how excitement...polo shirts for summer
  12. Feeding raw is only as painful as you make it, given it's really the only food that you can be certain of what's in it (given you prepare it yourself) there's no dry in the same league. Anyhoo JMT
  13. I believe any dog scored by OFA can be included on the register (providing the owner ticks the box to make the results public).
  14. It's ok EF - everyone will know about it now
  15. You've only just discovered it...I thought everyone knew about it! Enjoy
  16. I am sorry if that means that I am not entitled to an opinion. When I clicked on that link, I got an American site selling from America. She was also asking if anybody had heard of it....up until now....no...have you Yes, I had. Don't know anyone feeding it though. Ditto...I'm sure there was a thread about it quite a while ago now?
  17. If you've not discussed it with the breeder/owner I think you'll find that when you do, you won't have a choice; she'll go back to them.
  18. Sending positive thoughts for your girl.
  19. Thanks Alyosha - I found Willows Motel a little earlier and have contacted them, if that's a no go then I shall try the above
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