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Everything posted by s221101

  1. umm cos duh it would be a suprise, as in no one would know, hence the fact people need to know to actually make a decision.
  2. exactly, thankyou your right because if it was a suprise then people wouldnt be given the chance to choose for themselves.
  3. thankyou, I found out what i needed to know, but it is amazing that ya ask one question and a few people start accusing ya of troubble ect. well to those troll nazis the world has evolved, women arnt chained to the sink anymore, we are allowed to ask questions, or even have an opinion we are even allowed to vote! if it was ment to be a suprise wedding then dont do it at a flyball comp, because after a days racing and all your looking forward to is relaxing and have a spit roast, but a wedding is sprung upon you with people you dont even really know and another days racing to go, to me is unacceptable. but as it turns out they have changed there minds and announced there plans, which now we can make our own decisions wether to attend or not. best of luck to them, as for the troll nazis, you should go back under your bridge.
  4. i have heard that at weiners comp there having spit roast, but also there getting married on the sat night, so therefore there charging flyball people to pay for there wedding reception, wow, the few people i spoke too wernt aware of the situation and were annoyed that they wernt told of this and were thankful they found out before they paid, is it just me or is this situation really wierd?
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