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Everything posted by Rainy

  1. Any one know what kind of bug this is? The dogs just had a go at it and both yelped, i cant find andy stingers in or around the mouth and iv washe there mouths out with water just incase
  2. Thanks showpony have replyed in the Viz thread
  3. Thanks, iv tried to you tube but there is only one vidio from crufts so not much help. He is only 4mths old so its going to a learning experiance for both of us :laugh:
  4. :laugh: Yep ill be chanting that to myself the whole time im in the ring
  5. Is there any one here wo would be willing to give me a few tip's on showing Vizsla's? I offered to help a friend show her puppy and now im kinda freaking out that im going to stuff up The only experiance i have is with staffords, are there any major do's and dont's i need to be aware of? Cheers :)
  6. Frontline will work i use advantix personaly havnt seen fleas around here for ages but they probably are.
  7. Diesel gets Boof, Boof Head and Old Man Rhonda gets Ronnie, Witch, Evil and my miss 6 calls her Chevil because she cant decide if she is cheeky or Evil :laugh:
  8. Sorry Luvs dogs i missed your post, Wet Weather notice are posted on the day of training if it is going to be canclled if you have a look now there should be one there for tonight. :D
  9. Thanks Ruby Blue seven people have checked the site through and we all missed thoes, i guess i should say 6 as i cant spell for sh!t
  10. Well its done !!! a huge thanks to you for the ideas, as it all idea's had to be aproved by the club some made the site others did not but i really apreaciat every one of them!! so if your iterested here it is: http://www.shoalhavendogtraining.org.au/
  11. Right back at you dogfan :laugh:
  12. I got the sheep one last year and it got through fine.
  13. Mine has arrived !!!!!! now to try and keep it sealed untill christmas :laugh:
  14. Aus wide is fine you just factor flights in to purchase price, like i said im happy to give you a few websites to look at if you want an idea of where to start :D
  15. Contact wayrod He sells and hires crates, he organised the crate for my girls filght :D
  16. Just a quick point you are talking about Staffordshire Bull Terrier or American Staffordshire Terrier. If you see, or some one try's to sell you an English Stafford RUN A MILE !!!! if they can even get the name right i doubt that they would be breedeing for the correct outcome. My SBT's would fit your reqirements quite well, my boy has more of a laid back attitude and loves a good snuggle however he is more protective of the property and family and wont back down from a percived threat from any dog or person, My bitch on the other hand loves anyone and everyone and will back away from any threatening behavior from other dogs. As for the dog park debate well personally i refuse to have my dogs oflead with any dog i dont know, so they are a strict no go for me and i dont advise anyone to go to them either. its not nessaceraly the dog on the end of your lead that is the problem its the fact that you have no idea what the other dogs in the park could / would do to yours. Im happy to give you some Stafford breeders websites that i belive are reputable if you want to shoot me a pm.
  17. ETA dose vet wrap breath ? Was just thinking I might be able to put some over it untill my vet gets back to stop it getting bumped again
  18. Yeah Rebel the size is what is putting me off the knot method, they are about half the size of the pad of my finger ( and i dont have small fingers). the vet that is there said to bring him in and she will do it under genral but i dont want him under for no reason if it can be done with a local my normal vet will be back soon so ill take diesel to him, as there is nothing under the skin to remove i think it should be esey enough to do with a local.
  19. Might give the knot method a miss, last thing i need to do is make matters worse
  20. Is there any way the knot method can cause more dammage if not done corretly? could be worth giving a go
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