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Everything posted by Rainy

  1. I've used Wayrod once and have a few friends that have used him also, awesome service and customer support.
  2. Ronnie No No Yes, she loves hunting all sorts of little creatures living in our garden Lizard's mostly and Cicada's at the moment. Diesel No Yes No Diesel was attacked and he bit in self defense however being a Stafford his one bite was a good one, ever since he has had fear issues and issues with other male dogs on his property, thankfully iv been taught to manage him but its always in the back of my mind that he has the ability to do damage.
  3. If you buy a decent car esky it will last you 5 or 10 years and if you out grow the car you can still sell it for a decent price
  4. I love Stagea's and would have one in a heart beat but they just don't go far enough off road for us i will have one one day as a toy :D
  5. Love my Pjaro, ticks all your boxes can roll the seats forward to make the back big enough for a double bed :D Here is mine packed with a weeks worth of camping / show gear and still enough room for 2 Stafford's on the back seat
  6. Here is one photographer that recently took photos at a Stafford specialty that you can look at and compare, http://takphotography.com.au/categories/dog-shows
  7. Wayrod owns his own company cant remember the name off the top of my head sorry
  8. OKS Trolly for me. I choose them as I could have it made exactly the way I wanted, one call and I spoke to the man that makes them he was happy to accommodate my needs. it's lite easy to use can go anywhere easy to clean and the bonus of supporting an Aussie maker.
  9. A lump of 4 x 2 for those idiots that cant help themselves and start bullshit rumors
  10. Call them to be 100% sure but my understanding is you can be an associate member and compete in Obed,agilty, Shows etc but you cannot vote or be a board member of a club, if you do want to vote or become a board member later on you can upgrade at a later time for the difference.
  11. Ok cool i thought my computer was doing stupid stuff again. :laugh:
  12. Is anyone else having problems with the website? it loads as normal then a moment later it turns in to some Indonesian something
  13. Hay SL Hows Zig doing iv been thinking of him
  14. I Love my Paj as dog car but I think that would be out of the price range. When we went shopping I took everything I needed for a weekend away except the dogs, if the car yard wasn't happy to let me test the cars I looked at they lost my business, 99% of them were fine and even helped me try and fit it all in :D
  15. Im so glad you still like it the kids still mention it every now and again love em
  16. Top Left of the page in the Search box just change the drop down to members
  17. I have no idea who this belongs to but, i had to say good on you for trying to find them so meny times people have found things and just kept them for there own
  18. What i love about these edits How the car was hidden in the first and the colours 'enhanced' the house one looks nice and rich now im suprised at how well the tractor and shed were taken out i never thought that could be done!! The night shot was always going to be tricky taken on a crap camera with so meny light sources and the flames going on and off in the balloons im amazed snook could even attempt to fix that one LoL
  19. I have to say a HUGE HUGE thank you to snook she has done an amazing job on these photos I love them, cant wait to get them printed now
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