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Everything posted by Rainy

  1. Thanks Cornell , hasn't happened yet but we are down to weeks so trying to prepare the kids the best I can
  2. Thanks every one, brain isn't quite functioning properly after having the ' you need to be ready talk' with the kids Akayla, that's the one !! thanks muchly http://www.amazon.com/Ill-Always-Love-Hans-Wilhelm/dp/0517572656/ref=pd_sim_b_4?ie=UTF8&refRID=02H5TWRFDSZV0BB2W9ZJ and that led me to the other one i was looking for http://www.amazon.com/When-Pet-Dies-Fred-Rogers/dp/0698116666/ref=pd_sim_b_17?ie=UTF8&refRID=02H5TWRFDSZV0BB2W9ZJ Steph M, thanks for that link ill let the kids look at that if they want to read more. Thanks again
  3. Hay, Can anyone remember the name of the children's book that deals with grieving for there pets? Thanks
  4. you can attach the harness to the handles on the roof instead of the seat belt clips if you use a back seat buddy.
  5. Rainy, they're just cut to size to fit your dog from those interlocking camping floor mats you can get in packs of 4 from outdoor and camping stores .. the solid ones obviously, not the ones with holes. :laugh: They're quite often on special. You can cut them with a Stanley knife or scissors, and then I just gaffer tape them together. It's good to have a couple that the dog can stand on .. with only a bit of room at the sides and a bit more in length. You can also have cut down ones as the dog learns what he's doing, do that they just fit a neat tuck sit. Mine could probably do with being a bit higher .. it's good for the dog to be able to feel when he's out of position. Thanks its such a great idea that never occurred to me before
  6. The way iv had the most success is Time before distance, so if i wanted to extend the length of the stay i would go close to the dog so i could keep a better watch on them and once they are solid on the time build up distance again. In your situation i would stand about 3 steps in front and watch body language, if the muscles move as if she is about to drop id give a firm sit to remind her what she is supposed to be doing. iykwim ETA i had to do the opposite for my boy he would sit in a drop stay and this method worked for me but others may have better ideas and i agree with above i never do a stay for the same amount of time except in trials
  7. I almost got NQd once for my hands I didn't realise I was looking at them for my left and rights and the judge said it could have been classed as lureing
  8. How i trained my food motivated dog finish left was: Dog sitting in front' As you move your left foot a step back then together again, food in left hand lure dog in anticlockwise circle until they are in the heal position. ETA I Like those target mats Tassie may i ask what they are?
  9. Hay all I'm wondering if anyone has any course layouts they would be willing to share with me ? I'm trying to get a few together so I'm not doing the same old stuf over and over, I've googled and there seem to be quite a few advanced and excel ante but not meny novice Unfortunately I'm not very creative at Makeing my own.
  10. I'd try the actual club sec not the show sec as that's is who would deal with all the member info
  11. Another way is to maybe email the Nowra Kennel Club they might be or have been a member....
  12. Vebo for me seems to have the most 'strength' out of the ones i have baught
  13. My boy can be DA at times as well but he is just in 'love' with a friends Aussie i have no idea why but he is infatuated with her. :laugh:
  14. My Black boy is terrified of cats, if they have a go at him though he will go back. I know why when he was about 3/4 mths old we were at the vets an i had him on lead at my feet and a lady came in with a huge cat not in a cage and in a split second it jumped out of her arms and scratched diesel down his muzzle. Was lucky we were at the vets cause it needed treatment they were pretty deep.
  15. I know it should be in the LOL thread but not every on can see it there
  16. Just read this article, wondering what others thought of it? (sorry if this has been posted before) http://positively.com/2013/12/05/fatal-dog-bites-share-common-factors/
  17. Yay Iv been sooo admiring them on FB, Ill see you there :D
  18. Oh BlackJaq what a crap situation to be in, if any instructor at our club had of done that they would have been flattened by our Trainer Where are you located maybe someone here can suggest a better club to go to, or if someone here is already trialing they might be able to help you out at the local park.
  19. If that is Junior Kennel Club you will see me and my babies Oooh babies, I'm so finding you so I can get cuddles :D I shall look forward to it, as will they :laugh: Ohh can i come sneak a peek at you gorgeous bubba's too? :D
  20. Well you learn something new every day :laugh: My Miss 10 has put normal nail polish on our girl with no ill affects :D
  21. Thanks for that info. We will just have longer or more stop overs on the way down so we arrive Thursday PM. I guess there is no power there. Are generators allowed during the day? Call the caretaker they are quite nice and accommodating if you need to get there early they might be able to sort something out for you.
  22. I think this would depend on the ability of the new owner to choose the 'right' puppy for them. The average jo would have no idea how behavior / personality as a pup turns out as an older dog however, some one with more experience like another breeder or a trainer would have that knowledge. ETA, I have some knowledge on what to look for in my next pup however, if my breeder tells me that one would be better then i will go with their choice as they have a hell of a lot more experience than i do. I guess it would come down to trust also.
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