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Everything posted by Rainy

  1. Is there any chance someone could edit the ring rope out of infront of diesel and i Please
  2. Hay guys iv read so many differing opinons about this so i decided to throw it to dol'ers How do you "charge" your clicker when first starting a dog on clicker training? Iv been told to click and feed randomly and iv been told to start with somthing he knows like sit and start clicking that then reward so im a little confused Incase it canges the advise Diesel is a 3 yo who is currently doing ccd in obediance thanks in advance
  3. So if you can post what number/s Square/s you did id really apreciate it
  4. 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28)
  5. 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19)
  6. Ok cofession time Iv lost the list of which Doler did what square so ill need you all claim your squares please :D 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
  7. Pheew I was worried that jed wouldnt like it, Im soo glad that you all do! i left the camera at mums so ill try and get it today and pop the indvidual pics up soon
  8. Thanks guys i put my heart into this quilt i hope you all like it
  9. OK PHOTOS two to start with......... 3/4 Finished and laid over my queen bed Finnished Sorry its a bit dark i took it last night Ill upload indviual pics and some progress pics tomorrow
  10. Well it's sent by registered post so it dosnt get lost and will arrive on Friday to steve ready for the show. I have to admit to shedding a tear has they bundled it up I told them what pacers is about and why the quilt was made and they decided to discout the postage cost I will post photos when I get home tonight Thank you all
  11. Have asked jed to pop in and answer, took it to the ladies this morning they approved it for postage
  12. I think i might ask jed it is her quilt after all
  13. Well guys i think it is safe to say its FINNISHED ;) Will just get the quilters to give it a look over tomorrow morning then off it goes in to the afternoon post :D Just one more Vote: Being that the competition is not untill March 19 / 20 do i email a pic to jed for a sneek peek or do we keep her in suspence for another 2 months?
  14. Spent 4 hrs Quilting today its looking good I havnt made it thick because QLD dosnt get as cold as it dose here, also decided to use 100% cotten wadding so it will breath better. Im going a bit cross eyed with all the colours but the people that have seen it say it looks awsom so fingers are crossed that jed likes it :D
  15. Well guys I dont know how to say this and i am still in slight shock. A DOLer who wish to remain nameless has donated to cover the cost to not only finish the quilt but to cover postage aswell So a huge Thankyou is to be given to the unknown DOLer
  16. Ohh jed, this quilt is made for a bed not a wall, please use it. I have to say its not going to be a royal show winning quilt, this is only the 2nd quilt i have made so its not perfect but the best i could do.
  17. Well today there was a slight set back, as i was sewing on the edging i noticed a big mistake right in the middle of the Quilt so i had to unpick half the quilt and fix it so it will take me a day or 2 to get it back together again. On another note its looking awsome Iv named it the crazy quilt, there is no pattern at all but works soo well i really hope jed likes it
  18. Iv got progress pics and pics of hand made ones with thier DOL name that i am planing on putting on a disk to send with it, so ill post as many as i can after conformation that it has been recived
  19. How big is it? we could use this if you are happy to.
  20. Hay All Sorry again for not regularly updateing the past year has been hell in a handbag for me So we have the top layer sewn together and the middle (wadding) sorted now we need to get the backing fabric and we can sew the whole lot together I will purchase the backing fabric in the next few days and let you all know how much it is, I dont mind paying for it but i know a few people wanted to donate to wards the cost of the back fabric because they couldnt donate a square. If you wish to donate towards the fabric PM me for details Now the question is Pics? do i post them when it is done for you all to see or do we wait untill jed recives the quilt then i post photos so we dont spoil her supprise ?
  21. As above but be aware there are a lot of dodgy behvioursts out there too so get some recomendations ;)
  22. Got some of a staffy, ill upload them to photo bucket for you
  23. Last night was bitter sweet for me, after our disater at canberra with the dalmation iv spent the last 3 months working on his stays to get them solid again, so last night i went to a mock trial to test the waters and see if all the work i had put in was sucessfull and.... It was i got 2 passes last night i was soo stoked untill somone reminded me that if it was a trial that would have been our tital. I also got him mesured and he is 430mm / 16.92 in
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