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Everything posted by Rainy

  1. With all the hype and the laws that may or may not be coming in im thinking its time to get Diesel breed tested just incase. Iv been told the Bitza test is not very reliable so my question is, Where is the best place to get him DNA tested to prove breed? Thanks in advance
  2. Hay, i was just wondering how the girls did yesterday with thier check up's and all? I bet they were glad to be home in thier own beds last night. :D
  3. No No and No, the owners obviously couldnt be assed to locate the cat when it whent missing, who's to say they will look after it this time? They can apply to adopt the cat like any other person if the pass the check then yeah ok but they shouldnt be given priority over anyone else.
  4. The DOLer posted it on a Facebook page Thanks, i was concerned that someone may get flamed for passing on a lead that didnt work out. Not saying any one would deliberatly do that.
  5. I just want to claraify did the DOLER make up a story or was the story told / messaged to a DOLER and passed on ?
  6. Have posted the police report on FB hope they are found soon
  7. A friend of mine bought a fly screen door off the net that has magnets down the middle and you can just walk through it. She got it for her Dane. ill try and find a link. ETA like this : http://www.globalshop.com.au/Product/203/20/BugMesh-Screen
  8. the trip is about 2.5 hrs alot of witch is over mountins
  9. Is there anything out there to help car sick dogs? A friend of mine is heading to canberra and she was going to give her lab x goldy some benadryl for the tip iv never heard of this before so i told her not to without checking with a vet first. Iv not had a problem with car sicknes before so i thought its time to learn and ask the DOL brains trust :D
  10. Great news Sandra, Keep going china we all want you better!!!
  11. I didnt see it either may have been bumped to another day
  12. was she on the news or on the 7:30 report?
  13. My stafford is broken (touch wood) the most expencive item distroyed thus far is a DS. However I call him my gold mine on legs . He is the perfect example of why you need to purchase from a repituble breeder, between his allergies, and eye surgery there is about $7,000 so far. They need high qualiy food, solid fenceing, quality training for you and the dog. Dont skimp on the coller's and leads but you dont need to spend a mint either i find black dog quality for a decent price. :D What they cost you in money and a few grey hairs they make up for in abundance with love and laughs ;)
  14. Only just saw this, I cant belive it poor china, poor you! we have everthing crossed hear for a positive outcome . Let us know if you need anything
  15. This is the email i sent to SBTCV and the reply: From: Rainy Sent: Sunday, 28 August 2011 8:58 PM To: [email protected] Subject: SBTCV WEBSITE ENQUIRY Hello, I've just been sent an internet link that states that Staffordshire Bull Terriers are now restricted breed in victoria. I was not sure who to contact to find out more information about this matter so i decided to contact the SBTCV. I am trying to find out information on this matter as my husband is in the defence force and we move in and out of states regularly including victoria. This is the link i was sent : http://www.news.com.au/pictures/gallery-e6frflv9-1226117286575?page=1 Copy and Pasted : Under Victorian Legislation the following breeds are identified as "restricted"; meaning they can't be bred or imported into the state. Dangerous dog legislation is not the same as the restricted breed regulations. Any dog may be declared dangerous (from a small Chihuahua to a Great Dane). The dog's size or breed is not the issue; it is the dog's behaviour. Staffordshire bull terrier. Any information on this matter you can pass on i would greatly appreciate. Or if you could point me to the correct place to find the correct information Thank You for your time Rainy. Hello Rainy, Thanks for your email. Not sure where you copied and pasted the information in your email, however the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier is not a restricted breed in Victoria. Hope this helps. Regards Carol. -----
  16. Looks like they have now changed the website.
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