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Everything posted by Rainy

  1. Hav sent an email to k9 huski, i wont voice my issues here as i dont want to do wrong by troy and accidently get him in trouble.
  2. I was very impressed with the sevice of k9 for my last purchase, from purchase to delivery was 4 days (3 bisness days) quite quick for my area. Unfortunatly the quality wasnt what was expected, as there is nothing i can do about it, i would recomend if you are going to make a purchases see if you know anyone with the same product so you can see if it is what you expect before you buy.
  3. Thats a really hard decision, id encorage them to try and do some more one on one time with the new dog and see if that help's. A friend of mine has re homed a dog after 9 mths because they didnt bond, im happy to say it worked out for both of them.
  4. I had no words when this happened, i never got to meet bob but had a few 'pm' conversations with him and he was always so nice and helpfull. I hope the trial dose not become to drawn out and that there is justice for bob and his family. My thought's go to tha family through this time.
  5. Normally they are outside and part of the house but due to a scare that nearly electrocuted one of them they are crated and I have rearranged my life so I'm not out for longer then an hour or two. When I finnish makeing changes to our yard the will be back to outside and house again
  6. Congrats eridor :) Wollongong is on next weekend any other neutere's entered?
  7. Bling it on did a wonderfull job for me
  8. Congratulations dyzney, you guys looked fantastic in the ring Thanks for the support on saturday night i really appriciate it And thanks for the complement on diesel and ronnie im so proud of them :D
  9. Oh Ok i thought you had to use the form of the state you live in, maybe i read it wrong Thanks :)
  10. Hi Sway, I was wondering what state your form's are for?
  11. Aziah, second post : http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/233437-searching-old-posts/
  12. But i cant cut a hole in the concreat to sink the polls into.
  13. crib stop, i know what that is i have used it for my old horse just couldnt rember the name :laugh: Cheers :D Well with a combination of fencing and crib stop i should be good Cheers guys
  14. Raffikki, that could work but id proberbly need to use concret rater then water Cheers :D Buddy1, im not entierly sure what you mean the power cable is in a pipe that is threaded behind the copper pipe's but she was still able pull them out and chew them. Nekhbet, off to google crib stop :D
  15. Hay guys im a little stuck with idea's on this so i thought id toss it out to all. On tuesday i came home to find the conduit (sp?) and power cabel chewed off the hot water system Im now counting my blessing's that neither of the dogs were elctrocuted. For now im going to crate them when we are out but i need to figuer out how im going to fence off the hot water system. The biggest issue with this is that i cant change / dammage the brickwork to much as we are in a rental and they have a hissy fit over picture hooks :rolleyes: So here are some pic's what would you do? or how would you make it Stafford proof?
  16. Would be great to meet up with you dyzney, Im there all three days, with diesel in the obed and Ronnie in neuter on saturday.
  17. Is anyone entered in Bega Vally? Bega will be my first time in the ring so im looking forward to it but very nervous aswell
  18. As above, dose anyone know if there will be a show van at bega? both trips i have made to EP to get a new lead in time for bega the vans have been closed, the places iv looked online wont get to me on time. I have one i can use it's just not quite pretty enough for her first show with me. Thanks :)
  19. Dog fan, Mine is'nt a 4s just a normal 4 Aussie Boxer, i know they are nothing compared to a DSLR like i said im shocking at photos i was just proud of a coupple one off good shots, i wont bother next time.
  20. I voted loose in the yard but it depends on some thing's, at night they are in thier crates or if its a stinking hot day ill crate them. Because im a stay at home mum the really spend most of thier time on the lounge. :D
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