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Everything posted by Rainy

  1. I use it because i forget to log out. There have been a few times that some one has Pm me beaucs i was listed as being on line, then they got snarky that i didnt reply straight away when i had left the computer on and gone to do something else.
  2. Honestly you couldnt pay me enough to put any puppy in this situation If you and your partener are set on getting a puppy ( of any breed ) then id be letting your parent's know they need to find alternative arangements for the chi when they are away. Any puppy ( othere then another Chi ) will grow bigger and have the potential to hurt your parents dog. Again great information from Pav Lova.
  3. Naww too cute Diesel dose the same when hubby is away.
  4. Not a problem then really. If you want a pet pup there's no reason to look for a pup on the main register. However this price is very abnormal for the breed (except amongst the blue puppy farmers) and I would suggest you might be better served looking elsewhere. This ^^^^ Also please reconsider if you are purchaseing a blue pup. Im not going to say all blues have health issues but i can say every single one i have met ( and there has been quite a few ) has had major health issues and to have to pay hundreds on health problems within months of forking out thousands for a blue puppy. However it is your choice so research carefully if you do decide to purchase a blue puppy.
  5. thanks guy's will call them tuesday still feeling like a n idiot
  6. Ok im having a moment I need to register hubby for his first trial and with my brain not functioning i can find info about duel / family Asociate mebership. Do they have duel membership or do we have to have our own (2 differnt) memberships? Thanks in advance
  7. The times iv had problems with 'rushing' dogs my mind has imidiatly gorn to 'how much dammage can this dog do?'.
  8. Hubby first, now that he is getting into dog training and sport's im confident they will be right If something happened to both of us, Ronnie would go back to her breeder. Diesel is my problem, he would need to go to an eperianced dog owner or be PTS and burried with us.
  9. For Sale Rockmans Suit cost me $140 worn aprox 10 times Sorry for the crappy phone pic Size 18 jacket Navy Blue with White pinstripe Pants Size 16 $40 + Postage PM me for any other info
  10. He is good with his 'sibling' mastif x and good with my stafford other then that im not sure. He also has a cat in the family and seems to be fine with it too. The breeder has been notified. I will contact royoni kennels thank you :D Thanks Melinda, ill contact Irishclan as well.
  11. Yes i know this worries me as well, im trying to help the owner to 'do the right thing' however she wanted to try her face book friend first before the rspca. She is good at heart but not as dog savy as the dol community so im trying hard to help without rocking the boat.
  12. Hay all this was posted on FB and i really would like to help this boy, i know the owner and the dog, he has had minimal training and spent the majority of his time out side with a large mastive cross ( who will proberly end up rehomed or pts) He is about an hour south of wollongong nsw if any one can help this guy can you please PM me
  13. Hi all im in need of recomendations of a photogrpher for a family shoot. Location would be about an hr and half from wollongong (south of nowra) Any ideas?
  14. I have to say im really pleased with the customer service of 3 company's this week. Whelping Supplies replyd to an email promptly and imediately rectified my issue, and further supprised me with fast delivery normaly a package from the south will take over a week to get here but mine arried in 3 days!!! Thankyou sway for your great service. Yesterday i put an order in to Oz Grooming World, i placed it around 8:30 am and it arrived today at 10am overnight from sydney is unheard of here, normaly its 2 or three days. And another mention for K9 Pro, the issue i had with my product that i thought would not be able to be resolved is in the process of being fixed!!!!! Thanks to Huski We all hear the bad stories about customer service and companys not careing about thier customers, im so happy there are a few company's out there that still want to please :D
  15. Glad you had a great day Clyde and that it was a good experiance for your friend, I have found in the last 2 yr or so that it has gotten easier to talk to showies, either that or a few of them are starting to recognise me now
  16. I used Wayrod to transport my girl, was really easy and all i had to do was pick here up :D
  17. I can understand sole vendors at shows, it might be a case of first in bests dressed or the fact that some grounds just don't have room for more then one vendor. What I don't get is excluding exhibitors because thier gazebo has brands advertised on them? I would think you would loose more entries that way rather then which vendor is at your show.
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