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Miss B

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Everything posted by Miss B

  1. I've tried both Eagle Pack and Artemis for my very energetic young dog. Much preferred the Artemis.
  2. Just curious... what do you do if your show dog knocks a tooth out by accident? Can you still show them? I'm talking about adult teeth too, not puppy ones! Specifically an upper incisor.
  3. Hey lappiemum this was a DOL'er http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=203522
  4. Love your photos Clicking Mad, they are just gorgeous.
  5. I have never even attempted to get a shot of mine all together... maybe I should put that on my 'to do' list Great pics everyone
  6. BIS on Sunday was the Japanese Spitz, 'Ch Daesdaemar Stop N Stare'.
  7. My youngest Sibe sleeps outside and that's the way she likes it. She will not settle indoors. She has plenty of shelter and a trampoline bed to sleep on, but give her blankets or beds or anything like that and she destroys them within 24 hours.
  8. I'm not actually sure what dogs I have in my street LOL. It's rather a long street and all acreage, and some people have their yards set well back behind their house. Next door to us there is a pair of Labrador crosses, on the other side is a Labrador and a Boxer, our other neighbours have two Australian Cattle Dogs, across the street there is a little black scruffy thing (Shih Tzu cross maybe?) who lives with a German Shepherd... umm up the street there is a large crossbred that looks like a Bull Arab, and the real estate agent who lives up the road has a Jack Russell. Oh and there are two Border Collies around the corner. I'm not actually sure whether any of these dogs are pedigree as I haven't spoken to any of the owners about them. There would be heaps more dogs than that in my street though, I just haven't seen them all!
  9. Whether for the money or not, you chose to breed for colour as your highest priority. Instead of being able to choose from the best labrador available at stud, you restricted yourself to the best chocolate labrador, eliminating all of the yellow or black dogs that may have had better temperaments or may have been a better match for your girl. Yellow or black are not considered faults, so there is no reason not to consider using them if you are really breeding to improve the breed. You say you had to have a choc to choc mating to maximise your chances of getting your choc girl, but what were the chances of getting any other colour from that mating? Well said. Personally I don't agree with breeding for a specific colour.
  10. I will leave my little Kyza man with you for company!!
  11. That was my first thought, too.
  12. I have just bought a second-hand 4 berth dog trailer and am wondering where I can get the internal dividers replaced? There is nothing particularly wrong with them, it's just that they are plain wire and I would prefer a kickboard at the bottom. Mainly so I can use the spare bays to store my gear without worrying that the dogs are going to pee on it. Any ideas?
  13. Well I'm not Huski or Pointers Rule but I'll be there on the Saturday, I will be sure to drop by and check out the Xolo!
  14. Can't help with a boarding kennel recommendation, but just wanted to say - come join us in the Spitz thread
  15. Well done TEAM AIREBIS It was a very enjoyable weekend and the boys looked stunning
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