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Miss B

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Everything posted by Miss B

  1. I have two Japs, one is very noisy (barks at anything and everything... birds, trees, cars etc) and the other is not (she will bark to alert when someone arrives at the house but that's about it). We live on acreage and I have a terrible time keeping the twigs, leaves and cobblers pegs out of my boys coat. Not trying to put you off, just some things to consider :D
  2. I can assure you that my pup did not come from a pet shop window, a puppy farm or a BYB You're giving her free licence to make mistakes. I'd have her in a crate next to you bed, you can even raise the crate up so she is level beside you. I think I've already mentioned several times that she sleeps in a crate next to my bed. And yes, it has been raised so that she can see me. Crate training is going fine and she settles quickly. And no, the crate is not too big. Then give yourself a swift kick up the bum and stop being so slack. You're making things difficult and frustrating for your puppy, that's not very fair. If you want to build trust and respect with your dog then you need to set it up for success rather than create confusion and frustration. I toilet trained my older boy in the exact same manner, he cottoned on pretty quick and the transition to outside toileting went very smoothly. He is now 100% reliable in the house. That is definately part of your problem, pick up the water bowl an hour before bed. If you go back a few posts, you'll see that I did this - and she had a good night with no accidents in her crate. Sorry, I do appreciate advice, it's just that it doesn't seem like you have read the thread in it's entirety before replying.
  3. They certainly do!! Winter and Monya are also distantly related to Kairu... their great-great-grandad is Kairu's dad
  4. It's a small world in JS Land
  5. Success!! We had a much better night last night I removed her water at bedtime, and I only had to get up once during the night to take her for a toilet break. She then slept through until 6am. She didn't have an accident in her crate either. Yay!! They have the same dad
  6. Oh I wish Winter would last that long. Your girl is a half-sister to mine, by the way ETA: I am going to stop giving her access to water overnight and see if that helps. She has a bowl in the bathroom and has a big drink everytime she wakes up in the night for a pee, which probably isn't helping.
  7. Hey I recognise that puppy My little girl is a half sister to those puppies
  8. Oh you poor thing! I am just wandering around like a zombie most of the time :D Thanks for the tips dancinbcs. Yeah I was wondering the same thing but I took her to work on Thursday and had her checked out, all is ok. I don't think it's stress, she's settled in really well and is a pretty content little puppy. Yeah I had someone ask me if I'd tried rubbing her nose in it... ummm, NO! Lol.
  9. Her crate is right next to my bed, but I am a fairly deep sleeper and I do not hear her wake up or cry. She sleeps in a PP20, and she only just fits when she is laying down - so I don't think it's too big. Did Emmy ever pee on the bed? Winter is allowed on the bed while we are watching tv, and I make sure she gets a toilet break every 45 minutes or so. But she still has the odd accident and pees on the doona, so for this reason I haven't been game to let her sleep on the bed overnight. Ever since she arrived I feel like all I ever do is laundry I did Kyza's toilet training in the exact same way and he got the hang of it sooo much quicker. The transition from the puppy pee pads (indoors) to toileting outdoors on the grass went really smoothly aswell. All I had to do was say "potty time!" and he would pee straight away! One of the trainers at puppy preschool recommended a square of astroturf instead of the puppy pee pads, to help prevent her from developing a 'surface preference' (ie wanting to pee on soft surfaces - carpet, doona, bedding etc). I am thinking of giving this a try, hopefully it will help with the transition to outdoor toilet breaks? I already do this, but the 2am/4am potty breaks are killing me! She's a 12 week old Jap Spitz, her crate is pretty much perfect size for her at the moment. She pees a lot ... small bladder I guess Last night she pee'd at 11pm, 12:30am, 2am, 4am and 6am. She is supervised or crated at all times when indoors, and during the day she is outdoors in her run.
  10. Ok so I have had pup for 2 weeks now and am starting to feel like a bit of a zombie from all the middle-of-the-night toilet breaks. I am the sort of person who doesn't cope very well without a full 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep and I'm wondering if there's a better way of tackling the toilet training. Pup is 12 weeks old. She sleeps in a small crate in our bedroom, and I take her for a final toilet break around 11pm before I go to bed. Then I usually get up to take her for a toilet break at 2am and again at 4am. I get up at 6:20am for work, she has a toilet break and breakfast and then goes outside into her run for the day. At the moment I am using puppy training pads, which I put on the floor in our ensuite bathroom. She is pretty good and most of the time will pee on the pads, although she still has the occasional accident in her crate. When she pees on the pads I give her lots of praise and a treat. Originally I was taking her outside for toilet breaks, but half the time she was more interested in playing and I got a bit sick of standing around outside in the cold at 2am waiting for her to pee. She is much better now that we're using the pee pads in the ensuite, there are less distractions and she will usually pee straight away. Although I do understand that this will probably make things a little bit more difficult in the long run. So I'm just wondering how everyone else tackled toilet training, and whether your method worked well?
  11. Congrats kenneh, he is sooo cute :D Look forward to seeing plenty of pics when you get him home!! Nope, that's pretty normal!
  12. When Kyza was a baby, he used to grunt and growl as he ran around doing zoomies The growls were never directed towards anyone in an aggressive way, so it didn't bother me.
  13. CW_EW has pretty much covered it all!! I have 2 JS and they are awesome dogs You should definately come join us in the Spitz thread!
  14. Great pics, thanks for sharing.
  15. She sounds pretty poorly, is there an afterhours vet you could take her to?
  16. Just curious how many exhibitors/breeders also have an interest in judging? Personally, it doesn't interest me in the slightest. I care only for my breed
  17. I guess he wouldn't appreciate my Whippet that flies past your head like the Concord , over the kitchen table, where you are seated. Clears the back of the lounge, sticks the landing and looks at you as if to say " WHAT?" As long as nothing was destroyed in the process, it would be ok
  18. My OH is pretty easygoing, he loves the dogs and doesn't mind them inside the house (as long as they behave themselves of course).
  19. My first dog was a Cavalier and he was a very easy puppy to raise.
  20. I think it depends on the breed also. I know that for some breeds, early socialisation is an extremely important part of raising a well-adjusted dog. It is for my breed, and my understanding is that it is for Swedish Vallhunds also? Anyway, many puppy schools these days hold their classes in an enclosed, disinfected area... you are probably more likely to bring parvo in on your shoes.
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