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Miss B

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Everything posted by Miss B

  1. Yep anyone can turn up and watch!
  2. There's a show at Durack tonight
  3. Dogs are not allowed in the dining area at mealtimes. They are either outside or crated. Table scraps go in the bin.
  4. Beautiful, she reminds me of my childhood dog
  5. The good outweighs the bad, but still... some days you just want to go home and cry your eyes out.
  6. Just curious. Why do people say English Pointer? Or English Cocker Spaniel?
  7. You and me both I know the Lab club is gonna offer it in Aug as they didnt offer it in march.. I think we support the cause it'll take off Guess we just spread the word see what we can manage lol! I might enter my Sibe bitch as well, not planning on showing her but I'm sure every entry helps
  8. I hope the class is well-supported and then other clubs in QLD may also consider doing the same?? :D
  9. That is so awesome I will be entering Kyza for sure :D
  10. There is absolutely no way I would leave my dogs in the car on a hot day!
  11. So sorry for your loss :D RIP Dolly
  12. What a rude, irresponsible and ungrateful human being :D
  13. Yeah mine are the new pole-to-pole walls. I am going to have to buy a couple of these new centre-zipper ones, they will be very handy!!
  14. Well I have been a bit slow off the mark, but here goes. 1/52 - summer is here!
  15. I have a set of compact walls and a set of deluxe walls, none of them have zippers
  16. Kinda off-topic, but I notice that OzTrail are now making gazebo walls with a zipper down the centre
  17. It will be worth it just for all the wine we'll be having :D :D
  18. Meeeeeeeeeeee..! I am giving up a weekend of dog shows to come, so it better be good
  19. I'm wondering this too! What are they and how do they work? Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but the one by Dogs Vic last year basically just involved people entering dogs and then a catalogue was compiled as a sort of souvenir. I think it's a great idea and will be participating for sure
  20. Handy access to an outdoor, grassed area is super helpful when toilet training a puppy. Our previous house didn't have that and it was a real pain (had to go halfway through the house, down a flight of stairs, through a hallway and then either through the garage or out the front door to get to grass).
  21. I am in Greenbank - may get flooded in, but safe.
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