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Everything posted by Jibwa
Sadly, it was damaged by his previous owners pouring boiling water on it Up here the locals call dogs 'cheeky' if they're known to bite. Just having a big dog in the yard, means no one will come into it, which is a great relief since I live on my own. I'm going to get him desexed next time Im in town. Needed to wait till his owner returned and would let me take him. I think you are all right about the muzzle. We do have wild pack dogs around and isn't fair to leave him unable to protect himself. So I will stick to the lead and training. I will still want to get professional help, just to reduce the change of it happening again. I just dont want to give up on him just yet. What I dont understand is why he attacked this time. We have 11 dogs living in the teachers street and he is fine with everyone of them.
Dont get me wrong. Im distraught over him hurting a dog. I never wanted it to happen and never want it to happen again. It's just that one particular dog wasnt a fabulous dog. I wont be living in a community forever, so i need to know what to do to ensure it will not happen again.
Dogs are left to their own devises here. If they fight they fight. No one really cares. The attack also happened early in the morning with noone around. If the dog doesnt return to camp/survive the attack the owners wont try and seek it out or get revenge. Thankfully there will be no retribution for the attack. We used to live with the bitch until a mth ago, so id say he'd see her as his?
Hi Guys, It has been awhile since I've has to seek advice on here. I live in a remote aboriginal community, and two month a bull/staffy/dalmation sort of dog turned up outside my house. He was very skinny and had a swollen, red, yukkie eye. After feeding him for a week and i find out that his owners hadnt been in the community for a few mths, no one was looking after him. I decided to take him to the nearest town to have his eye removed. I did not get him desexed at the time because locals do not like their dogs being desexed and i would have had to be reprimanded culturally when they returned. Since then his owners have returned and no longer want him with only one eye so he (pirate) has been living with me. He is a beautiful dog. hes loyal, protective and really good with other teachers dogs and kids. However on our morning run, pirate saw another camp dog further down the road. He attacked the dog. He looked at me when he had the dog pinned like i should be happy. I had to physically remove his teeth from the dogs body. While restraining pirate the other dog ran away. I am assuming from the blood, that the dog will probly not survive the puncture wounds inflicted by pirate. Sadly and I am ashamed to say, im not worried about the safety of the other dog as its feral and dangerous, it has bitten teachers kids and has almost been put down a few times, But its aboriginal owners keep telling us they'll keep him away from the school. What i am worried about is what the attack means for pirate? Was it a one off attack? Is it because a teachers dog is in heat and he got all 'manly'? Will getting him desexed stop it from happening again? What do i do with him now? Should i consider getting him put down? Thanks in advance for any advice. Carla
Hi Guys, I took Jib my 2 and 1/2 year old Ridgeback x to the beach with friends this evening. While we were sitting and enjoying the sunset, Jib lifted his leg on my friend not once but twice. Im so embarrassed and need to know why he's doing it and how to stop it. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks Carla
Hi, When Jib (ridgeback x) was little I used a harness, but he is stubborn and when theres something he really wants to small, he lays down and i cant get him to move until he wants. Since then I have him on collar/chain and now we have can sometime muster a beautiful loose leash walk. Still have a problem when he sees a person. But slowly were getting there by turning around and when hes walking nice, we walk back towards the person, if he pulls we turn and walk other direction again. I look like a fool who cant make their mind up, and living in a small country town, it doesn't help the image. :S But yeah im all for the collar and lead.
Hi all, I've had a realisation as to why my mother doesn't like my pup, Jib. Mother believes it was Jibs rough play that caused her 11yr old GSD to need a knee reconstruction. Even after the vet told her that he would have been in pain for a long time due to the condition of the knee. The GSD is a tough old nut and wasn't showing continuous signs of any injury or pain in the months prior to the knee reconstruction but that doesn't mean Jib was the cause. Unfortunately, I live in the country and she doesn't have a car so the only way for me to see her is if I bring pup and visit her over the weekends. But as she doesn't like Jib being there anymore, I either have to spend the whole weekend home with the pup attached to a lead (I have shopping to do when I'm in town) or not visit. Jibs really not that bad a pup, yes he chews things, yes he runs around syko for a few seconds, but he's generally well behaved and calm. Sad that a beautiful pup is getting in the way of a relationship with my mother Sorry guys, needed to vent.
AHAHAAHAHA My goodness so funny. I'm going to have to try it. Very strange idea tho :S
I like the idea of a platform Persephone, not sure mother will go for it (will make the room look untidy). When we are at mine, i leave his toys around for him to find and run around with. However I'm not allowed to leave them around at mums. He's also not allowed to play inside while we are staying with mum I think she's forgotten what its like to have puppies around the house. He's not doing a lot of damage, its an old house which has dodge wood work as is, so any damage he does will be repaired before she sells. I just don't want her to be yelling at him constantly. I try to get him walked twice a day except the weather atm is restricting that a little. But i do try to counter that with some training and games inside. not quite the same i know. I actually think he's improving, not stealing as much and if he does he drops it quicker when asked. We will get there, glad school holidays are almost over. We can head home and back to normal living haha
Hey All, I have a 7mth ridge/mastiff/staff, is causing problems. I need to get him to stop jumping up on the window to see out. The whole saying no, growling and asking him to sit process isn't working. Ive tried putting cans with stones in them on the window so when he jumps he knocks them off and gets frightened by the noise but he just plays with the cans before and after they have fallen. Any other ideas? Also he keeps stealing items from around the house. I keep trying to tell mum to keep doors shut but she isnt learning. Is there a way i can get him to stop taking items for a walk? One more thing, My mum keeps trying to show him that shes top dog, but when were back in the country and its just the two of us, I am top dog, so should i stop her from trying to be top dog also? I love the little fella but mother getting annoyed with him is starting to get on my nerves. Thanks
Hey, I'm also looking for somewhere to take my 7mth ridge. I live in the country, therefore need something in Perth that runs on sat or sun. Does anyone know of anywhere decent to take my little terror? :D
I think he is going through a fear phase, so I'm trying really hard to ensure hes not validated in his barking. And also trying to give him more attention when he isnt barking. I think I've noticed a slight reducing in his barking but i could be hearing things :S haha Thanks for all the advice.
Thanks indigirl, Hes not getting as much exercise as i would like to give him, I live in the country and with close to zero temps in the morning and me being sick I haven't been taking him out as much. My neighbours come and go a ot, so when they shut the car/front door he barks. I do want him to be a guard dog, but not when theres nothing to be scared of. He is also going through a fear phase, hence the bug is scary so i need to bark at it. I tired putting news paper on the front window as i have no curtains but he ripped the news paper off so he could see out side. I have treat balls and kongs, but hes not a big fan of them (hes actually scared of the ball). I do hope its phase, i guess time will tell!
Hi all, My 7mth ridge has started to bark at anything and everything. The bush moves and he barks, theres a bug on the ground and he barks. Im starting to get worried that hes nuisance barking and that if i dont put a stop to it soon im going to have issues with him barking for ever more. Does anyone have any advice on how to manage and stop him from barking soo much?? Thank you!
Hi All, When I sit on the floor, my 6mth old Ridge put his bone in my lap, lays down and starts chewing it. I'm wondering if i should stop him from doing it? Is it a sign of dominance or me being dominant? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks :nahnah:
Name: Jibwa or Jib Breed: Ridge x mastiff x staffy Age: 13weeks Loves: Chewing anything he can, sleeping on MY bean bag! Hates: the cat!!! It chases him :S He is a character and a half!! Makes me laugh so often!! PS. I understand hes not pure breed but he has a pure heart so please forgive me.
I have a similar situation with my 13week old ridge x and my 6yr old cat. The cat is chasing the puppy, to the point the pup is so scared he wets himself. I dont want the dog to be scared of the cat for ever more. Anyone have any ideas? :S