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Everything posted by nynka

  1. The Chesie would be covered in one of the lectures, maybe there is just a lecture for retrievers? If it's the only example available, I'm sure they would welcome a dog under 12 months, but then there's always another time.
  2. I think it's fine if you want to post photos of yourself, but posting embarrassing photos of others (even if they are publicly somewhere else doesnt' make it ok - and beside they are not your photos to POST ) and making rude comments is not very appropriate and some things that are said are downright mean. I see there is a similar "group" on facebook - some people need to grow up - you are acting like teenage bullies. Putting down other people may make you feel better, but you should ask why you need to feel better??? I wear runners with my show outfits. Why? Because if I wear those nice looking normal shoes, I have shin splints and can't walk for the rest of the week from injury. I have literally been unable to walk for a day after running in the wrong shoes. Nothing is worth that to me. If it means that I have people commenting on my fashion faux pas, fortunately it doesn't bother me one little bit.
  3. (hmmm, well if you'd just gone along and done it, no one would have known if the handler was or wasn't a member of CAWA, but now you've announced it on a public forum.......) Only members and their registered dogs are supposed to participate in events. So that means, handling/owning/exhibiting is by members and exhibits are all registered dogs owned by registered members. You could get someone else to handle your dog who is a registered member. And you could also find out when the breed lecture is on for aspiring judges and take your dog along that night - then more than one aspiring judge will get to see your breed in the flesh and talk about it and have more of an understanding about the breed, before having to judge it.
  4. Baby Puppy in Group 7 was Nynka the Beez Kneez, (Keeshond) (Whincup/Pearson) one of my babies Baby Puppy in Show was Grp 6 Kalaska Worth The Time (Samoyed) (Symons)
  5. RSPCA even advertised on the back of an insert in a recent journal (dogs victoria). Did anyone else think that ironic?
  6. I'd love a copy please. I wonder though if, in the end, is there any hope?
  7. Brighton Dog beach, it is totally fenced in and has lots of shallow areas to wade in as well as deep swimming areas. Park in Chatsworth Av or Glyndon Av you should have no problems in finding it.
  8. That's a great story, so happy for you and Lil Hef
  9. Did any of you read Troys post???????????????????????????????????????????????? This started as a valid topic........... I would have participated, but not now it is so far off the rails I don't want to be struck by any stray bullets
  10. Such a great story, GO YOGI, Congratulations to all his connections, they must be so very proud.
  11. Hi Jed, I like that I can have my economical sedan for other days and don't have to buy a big car to cater for my hobby. It's very easy to take on and off, when I get home, I usually leave the trolley attached and just remove the whole thing trolley and carrier. Yes, I just undo the nut underneath the car towbar and lift the unit up and away from the car. If the base tray was wider it could hold two trolleys, but you would need support from the back and front so they were both fixed to the carrier.
  12. the dogs travel in the airconditioned cabin of the car, my gear goes in the boot and the trolley folds up and goes on the trolley carrier which is attached to the tow bar of the car.
  13. here's pics of mine. The upright bar used to swivel away from the car to a horizontal position, but I had that welded fixed as I never used the swivel and it made it stronger. I love this so much, it is so convenient, and means I only have to lift my trolley with my biceps up to the height of my towbar, quite do-able, even when I have bad back, neck, shoulder....
  14. ok, just remembered I took some pics for you guys last time mine was on my car...stand by and I will load them up....
  15. I don't think Crown Royale Bodifier has alcohol in it.
  16. Oh dear, a fine example of the poor spirited people that exist in the dog world - "how dare you make a negative comment or suggestion - you shall be punished!! " . How is it that we have "governing bodies" and people appointed to clubs are allowed to act this way? They obviously do it because they think they can get away with it, and for those not willing to stand up to them, they do. Let's hope your Governing body will see this person's actions corrected.
  17. I wouldn't be very happy if that was my breed, so can understand. I think you have a right to be disappointed and don't think enough thought has gone into the venue if that is the best they can do. From that set up, you would think that the exhibitors, spectators and owners are all different entities.
  18. What a shame, it's usually lovely weather for that circuit. Glad I'm not there in that terrible weather. Soggy dogs, soggy shoes, soggy ground, wet and dirty clothes, yuck.
  19. He was a great one, I can't believe it's been a year already. You will always remember him and be thankful that you were able to share with so many (through showing) what a special dog he was.
  20. What about a mortar and pestle to ground down the crystals? The smell doesn't sound very appealing. - you have a bright dog that smells bad.
  21. I can understand why you would be excited, that's a great achievement! Well done.
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