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Everything posted by TerraNik

  1. Day 146 - Back again Day 147 - Preparation... Day 148 - Go Soakie! Day 149 - Got fringe? Day 150 - The New Me (quick iPhone snap!)
  2. Day 141 - Holidays Day 142 - No luck Day 143 - Old friends Day 144 - Non-stop Day 145 - Casper the Friendly Rescue Dog
  3. Day 134 - Blast Furnace Day 135 - It never stops Day 136 - Borrowed dogs Day 137 - Getting my study on Day 138 - Finished! Day 139 - Back at the Furnace Day 140 - Making my way home
  4. Love this one! And this one!!! My internet is finally back on!!!!!! Uploading 50,000 photos now
  5. We compete in Obedience, Flyball and Agility. They also show fairly regularly. Jedi has his ET and Ahsoka is entered for her ET this year. We are also training in Herding and Tracking, but they are on the back-burner at the moment while they get more established in the other sports. I am most competitive in Obedience, a little bit in Agility and Flyball is purely for fun!
  6. Love this!! Huga - loving all your photos and particularly love the story of those socks!!! I am still going with my photos but I've been away in woop-woop with no internet and then came back to Sydney and had a couple of days of internet before it went down!!! It won't get fixed until mid-week.
  7. Thanks! Technically cake is for titles at our club, but this feels just as good so I think I will anyway!! I'm sure no one will complain!
  8. Feel great??? I AM OVER THE MOOOOOOON! It'll be a huge celebration when she gets her final pass! Sorry huski, no video.
  9. Well done everyone! Ptolomy that's heart breaking!!!! Ahsoka was my little OB star this weekend... First trial yesterday and she got her first pass with 95 and 2nd place!! She picked her her second pass this morning!!! One more to gooooo!!!! Jedi had his first go in Open - no passes but I do have to say I'm thrilled with his DB work in the ring! He did it in the wet!!!!
  10. Good luck and I can fully sympathise, ours is a 15 hour round trip!!! Youch... I was going to go down to East Sale to do it again - I loved it there last year, but the timing isn't as good with uni, so Grafton it is... and I save 4 hours of driving.
  11. Thanks TerraNik :D also good luck to you & Soaks for your ET Thanks! Looking forward to hearing how you get on!
  12. Good luck to those doing their ETs coming up!!! Soaks and I will be driving 8-odd hours to get to ours. I decided to go to Grafton because she'll come into season a few days before the Sydney one. Typical!
  13. I just did Ahsoka's entry for her ET... I can't wait! She's had 4 weeks off while I've been away, but her fitness doesn't seem to have dropped too much. Back into it tomorrow!
  14. I just make it all fit because it has to!!!!!!! I don't watch TV, I try to multi-task and I just try and make every moment count. But like others... Cleaning the house is fairly low on the list and sometime doesn't get done for a little while... And I probably get less sleep than I should!
  15. Day 129 - A bit of sun Day 130 - From underground to on top of the world Day 131 - A country drive Day 132 - Zig Zag Day 133 - The Climb
  16. Oh no! Poor Ed!!! Hope he's okay... Okay, big time catch-up for me... First time I've had proper internet in 2 weeks! Day 121 - Autumn Leaves Day 122 - The Country Life Day 123 - Time to think Day 124 - Little Hartley Day 125 - The View Day 126 - Did you say COLD?! Day 127 - Bathurst Day 128 - Survived the cold
  17. Caninespirit.com.au isn't too bad - they're in NZ.
  18. Canberra is a great course through the showgrounds. It was very wet when I judged there last year (torrential rain). I think Jenny Kenworthy has changed the date to TBA as she would like a better climate and less risk of cold and rain to conduct the ET. When I last spoke with her, she thought it may be held in September. Good luck! M Oh thanks for that! Good to know!
  19. I'm entering with Ahsoka... Not sure which one yet - probably Canberra at this stage, however the date has been changed to TBA on their website...
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