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Everything posted by TerraNik

  1. There are lots of suit sellers on Facebook. I'm 6' and I've found some suits to fit. They are also often at shows to try on.
  2. I've never seen comets before. I prefer Rosettes... They take up less space on the wall
  3. I hope they extend the time we have to submit this year... last year was way too short, I didn't even get a chance to take my photos!
  4. Oh no - the comment was more about the 50mm 1.4's breaking. This is about 4th DOLer 50mm 1.4 to die!
  5. My 85mm but that's because my 50mm 1.4 died! Another 50mm 1.4 bites the dust!
  6. I don't see why not If you're taking it ONLY based on colour when other aspects don't add up (iffy temperament for eg), sure that can be cause for concern. But if you're realistic and can wait for the "right" one in the colour you want and don't expect to make an "order" and expect it to be filled right away, I see no harm in holding out for the colour of your choice. Sorry, my comment was really blunt! I meant that you should not solely base your decisions on colour.
  7. I don't care what colour my dogs are (provided it's within the standard). The other characteristics of the dogs are more important to me. In saying that, I can see a valid reason behind your desire to not get another black tri. I think it's fine to have a 'preference' but that doesn't mean you should select your future dogs based on that.
  8. Congratulations Foxy! Good luck BB! Looking forward to hearing how you go!!
  9. Gotta love Strauss! I can't believe how big he is compared to those early videos... Guess they all have to grow up! Nice work from him
  10. White water-based fence paint. It's the Sydney Interclub Challenge this Saturday! I can't wait! Jedi is in Open and Soaks is a reserve CCD dog. It's going to be so much fun. Jedi nailed his mock Open trial last night aside from some DB spitting on present but nothing I can't fix between now and then. Is anyone else going?
  11. THIS! x 2! X3!!!!! Absolutely what Huski said.
  12. It sounds like you need to go back to basics and build your reward history. Reward heavily and build on his duration - so initially reward for every step of focused HW. Then start rewarding for 2 steps of HW then 4 steps then 1 step then 10 steps, etc. Juggle the numbers around. You want him focusing on you for every step. If he looks away, just break off and pause... Then start again. You shouldn't need to correct him. Make sure you're practicing off lead as well - having the lead there can feel like a totally different exercise to the dog. There are other things you can do but that's a start.
  13. Oh bugger. Sorry I'm of no help, but just wanted to send my thoughts your way.
  14. Ooh they're like the ones from Clean Run!
  15. That's what I'm doing... If I hold the article (I've tried DB, dowel, tennis ball, toy so far - makes no difference to the behaviour) she will mouth it, whine, squeel, paw, beg, etc. NRM does nothing but frustrate her even more and the whining increases. There is no such thing as "calm" when it comes to this exercise... I have ended sessions as soon as she whines, makes no difference. I'm stuck! I didn't 'change breeds' per se... I just... well, he's more of a blip. I was fostering him for Aust Working Dog Rescue with the objective of training him up for his new home. He had absolutely NO training on him at all (no toilet training, no sit, no nothing!) and when we started working I realised how special he was. He was offering focus and attention on par with Jedi in the middle of a Flyball comp after being with me for 4 days!!! I couldn't give that up! He's a massive smoocher and he's just lapping up all the attention!
  16. Awesome to hear about your DB session! I am still pulling my hair out over Ahsoka's DB work... I just can't seem to get her through her issues - she gets SO excited about handing the DB back that she throws it at me or starts offering other behaviours (begging, paw, etc). If I wait her out, she just gets more and more frustrated. Any suggestions from the powers that be? Rev has been awesome - he is so much fun to train and is picking things up so quickly (as you'd expect!)! I'm not pushing him though - we're just working on some foundation OB work and Flyball.
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