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Everything posted by TerraNik

  1. Wow, it's so pretty! Love the colours!
  2. I had to defer my end of year exams... But uni goes back on Monday for me. Joy!
  3. Erny - Jedi doesn't tolerate large amounts of bone very well (a large lamb bone results in severe abdominal pain) but he is able to tolerate the deer antlers. I suppose the major difference is that it takes him about a month to get through a 20cm piece of antler! It has helped with his teeth cleaning - they are looking much better (almost all plaque gone) compared to pre-antler feeding.
  4. Not daft at all :D I'm not sure what others do but I slow ever so slightly and bring my left foot up to meet my right foot. Thanks I do slow down a bit but I need to think of other things to give him clues I am in a practice trial tomorrow night so will bear this in mind And it also helps to choose which foot you're going to stop on and then be consistent. It doesn't matter which, just pick one and stick to it.
  5. I've just woken from my study coma and just wanted to say I'm back! The dogs are DEFINITELY happy that my exams are over! They were starting to get cabin fever! I can't wait to see what the dogs give me during our first session back! They're gonna be a liiiiiiiiittle OTT, I think! :D
  6. Thanks for clearing that up, it looks like I'm all good except I'll have to walk (or drive) to get to them. Yep, I train my dogs with the bike at the local park... No road rules there!
  7. I wear sunglasses and close my eyes I hate watching! (I have a peek every few seconds or so just to make sure we're all good)
  8. That's an impressive storm! Day 18... Back soon! (not from the project, just my creativity)
  9. Day 18... Back soon! (not from the project, just my creativity)
  10. I think Cleo was trying to say - "have you stopped talking to your dog yet?" i.e. no verbal praise during an exercise... I didn't think she meant not rewarding at all, just not talking.
  11. Have you done some practice runs with someone acting as a judge for you?
  12. My summer break was spent studying - I had to defer my exams because of some personal things happening right before my exams. So yeah, no holiday for me. LOVE that bag!
  13. Day 017 - Prisoner to study - exams start tomorrow! :D
  14. Day 017 - Prisoner to study - exams start tomorrow! :D
  15. What is it with all the creepy crawlies and the angry animals? :D
  16. What are the two dogs you have already?
  17. I didn't say anything because I knew that you would not have even considered it
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