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Everything posted by TerraNik

  1. I wear Merrells. Unfortunately Sketchers don't make shoes large enough for me!!!
  2. Yep! Just gotta test his stays in a trial-like scenario! Exciting!
  3. Congrats everyone!!!!!!! I am over the moon!!!!!!! Jedi just got his NOVICE title!!!!!!!! 194/200 and 2nd in the ring!!!!!!
  4. Jedi is entered at Robertson but we can't go anymore. Good luck!
  5. It didn't even occur to me I could upload at Shell's... Blonde moment! Might have to bug her Great photos guys. Apologies for not commenting individually but iPhone + lots of typing gets annoying pretty fast!
  6. Yeah, all our instructors have done a 1-year training course (very different to most clubs). We also attend ongoing courses to keep up to date.
  7. Traffic isn't too bad! Better than the weekends at least from my direction!
  8. Your pup needs to be vaccinated before you bring her, so minimum age is 11 weeks depending on the vaccination schedule you and your vet choose. You can sign up any week but on your first night come early to fill out the forms (about 630/645ish).
  9. ~Shell~ and I are instructors at Hills and would be happy to answer any questions if you have any. Obviously I love the club otherwise I wouldn't be an instructor there! The entire program from puppies to advanced is very well thought out. It's all done using positive reinforcement and we aim to help you teach your pup how to be a well mannered part of your family. Edit - stupid iPhone predictive text!
  10. I don't have home Internet for 2 weeks so I don't know how I'm going to upload my photos! but they are being taken!
  11. Good luck at Sale. They have a great course around the lake. Rug up with layers of clothes though. To start off it is VERY cold. M It wasn't too bad when I did the ET with Benson in 09, but I believe the year before was freezing. 09 was damp, but the drizzle stopped just after the ET got underway and didn't start again until just after the presentations. I had been warned to take gloves and a warm hat as well as a thick jacket but I didn't need them. Last year wasn't too bad either. I wore trackpants and a jumper through the whole test though.
  12. Targeting is a good method... Two targets - one above and one below their head and reward for going between them.
  13. Do you have a photo editing program? Photoshop? Paintshop Pro? Or similar?
  14. How exciting, Huga!!!!!!!!!! WA - Hope she's okay and you get some sleep tonight. Day 041 - Schleepy
  15. They said the same thing about Dogs NSW at a club meeting.
  16. Great action shot, kja! Why does daylight savings suck up there?
  17. Did you go on Sat??? I couldn't bring myself to put the dogs in the car - but turns out there were points to be had!! Never mind not point having a 6pter and a heat stroke!! Absolutely not!! My welfare and my dog's welfare are more important. There will always be another show We were watching Weatherzone and it was getting hotter, not cooler so... We went to the movies instead
  18. Only because I start at the hospital at lunch time some days so if I don't do it before, it'd be really late by the time I could do it!! Not so good if you want some natural light!
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