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Everything posted by TerraNik

  1. If the blood test said: 2.62mmol/L (1.9-2.9) usually the normal levels (what you would expect for her) are the ones in the brackets. At least they are for human tests...
  2. I have one of Ahsoka on my wall... I'll do a matching one of Jedi when I get around to it.
  3. My keeshond knew how to swim immediately, so it was hilarious when we watched my lapphund try to swim for the first time... A 'vertical swimmer' is what you'd call it - trying to swim UP not FORWARD!! The splashing and the look of terror on her face... We were at the lake and Jedi has a life jacket for when he goes out on the boat with us and so I put it on her and I went out a few metres from shore with her and put her in the water. After about 5 goes of swimming to the shore her technique was just as good as Jedi's. I don't think she would have done it without the life jacket - it certainly built her confidence right up! http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=faKz2yQo5bA
  4. Glad to hear that she is home. Hoping she recovers quickly and they work out the cause. My kees, Jedi just got desexed and he has a shaved belly/bum - he haaaaates it!!
  5. My 'proper' photo for the day... Not overly happy with it, but it'll do.
  6. That's a WASP!??!?! Someone obviously flew through a tin of paint!
  7. Have you seen this one? Mouse Agility! http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=txq_BogA1NM
  8. Here's mine... Accidentally chopped her bum off... D'oh!
  9. bit off topic but we were happy both times we used these guys for canvas printing. they are in melb but they shipped to Syd and Bris no probs. colour was great too. And I've used these guys - http://www.canvasprint.com.au
  10. Wow, everyones photos are so great!!! I can't remember which photos I posted last. Show weekend + trip to vets and I've lost track! So Day 16: Day 17: Show day! What to do when your dog doesn't want to come out of their crate... Pep-Talk! Ahsoka 6 months today! I forgot to take some non-show photos, so this is it! Day 18: Jedi feeling a bit better today! Easy dinner!
  11. Sorry to hear about your gorgeous girl. I don't have any experience with seizures, but I just wanted to send you and Hazel our well wishes.
  12. Hahah!! I love that photo of Sam and the dog, AM!!!!!!!!! So funny!!! I've been away so I'll be spending a few hours downloading/editing photos...
  13. Wow Shell!! GO ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!! I think he deserves a new duckie now
  14. Yup, here's Jedi at 13 weeks old (still learning at the time of the video). http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=3gjW8Neb-2c He also taught our new puppy to ring the bell when she arrived!!!!! Tips - * The easiest way we found to train it was to teach nose target (or paw target) and then apply it to the bell. Until they had learned that, I would ring the bell for them so they associate going outside with the bell. Once they know how to target, get them to touch the bell themselves, then let them out. Soon enough the dog will do it on their own. * If the dog is ringing it constantly 'for fun', MAKE the dog go outside when it rings the bell. Jedi soon learned that ring bell = go outside, whether you wanted to or not! * Some people complain that the dog asks to go outside even though it doesn't want to toilet. This wasn't a problem for us as we are happy for him to ask to go in/out. * You can have a bell inside and outside, so they can ask to come in as well. * Some people are worried about the dog ringing it when they are not around, but this only applies if the dog is left unsupervised in the house. Jedi has learned to hold on until we can get downstairs to let him out. He knows that ringing the bell doesn't get us running to the door, but that we will let him out as soon as we are able. Good luck!
  15. That was me... Project 365 is essentially this, but the whole year. One photo a day for a year. Each photo must be taken on a new day (no cheating!!).
  16. My puppy photo for the day... Haven't taken the other one yet... I don't have any ideas yet!
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