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Everything posted by Jimmay

  1. I take Tyson to obedience on Saturday afternoons at nundah. Not sure how far away that is from you? Im on the north side.
  2. If someone puts their face too close to Favoury they'd most likely get bitten (and yes that even includes people in our own family). I think in your situation its realy a combination of bad lighting, loud noises/drunkeness and strangers invading her personal space.
  3. Does anyone know if there's anywhere i can get Artemis in Brisbane? :nahnah: Tyson has just about finished his bag of Orijen and ive been wanting to try something elce since he's always got loose stools and farts that will clear a room! (Not to mention he always seems to smell, even a day after bathing him) So far it seems Artemis looks pretty good but i cant find it anywhere! Can anyone recommend me any good dog food thats similar in quality that i might be able to find in Bris?? (Ive already had Tyson on eaglepack holisitic which he didnt do well on either)
  4. Sorry had to laugh when i saw this title, there is absoultely no comparsion orijen is far superior. This'll give you an idea why - www.dogfoodanalysis.com
  5. Ive converted my dogs (JRT crosses) from having full prey drive wanting to kill my chooks etc. (like they'd literally be shaking with anticipation, and have actually killed my neighbours chooks in the past) to being fully trusted around them (supervised of course) without a single worry, Favoury especially has done a great job considering his age (13) and they say old dogs cant learn new tricks. Its all about getting the dog used to the animal as being just another part of the environment. Dont give the dog or the animal any attention when they are together just go about your business like there's nothing out of the ordinary (obviously things would start off with the dog being restrained or the animal behind a cage). If it looks like the dog is showing a little too much attention to the animal just distract it. Eventually the dog will just accept the animal as being part of the family and go about their own business. Now being raised with the animal since a puppy, that's a totally different story. When i got Pixie as a puppy i had a guinea pig named Kiarah, i swear Pixie was the same size as her back then! Well anyway as mentioned being a puppy she sometimes got a bit too excited and full on, she tried to chase Kiarah once and she imediately turned around and gave Pixie a nip right on the nose. Kiarah put her in her place right from the get go and from then on Pixie respected her they grew to be incredibly close.
  6. Oh im so sorry you had to witness that, poor pup Good luck with her, i hope things improve.
  7. I dont have any pics on this computer but on his side Tyson has these dark spots, pretty much looks exactly like this except more faded. He also seems to have some sort of sable in him, he used to be almost a solid golden colour when he was younger.. Thanks of the compliments guys! And to think a boy as beautiful as him was so close to being put to sleep, he was saved the day he was due to be pts at a pound in Sydney. (by labrADORE actually if any of you are familiar)
  8. The only reason i'd think would say he has mastiff in him is because of the floppy neck skin he has. (His skin seems to be getting looser and looser as he gets older) On my walks ive had people say they see cattle dog, koolie and pitbull in him! Whatever he is he's a real bitzer thats for sure! I ended up getting the all breeds orijen puppy food, with that one it at least gave instuctions on how much to feed depending on how much they weighed at the time compared to the large breed that was just based off adult weights.
  9. Hi guys Ive recently wanted to switch Tyson over to Orijen but i have one dilemma. The amount of food you're ment to feed the dog is measured by what their adult weight will be, and i have no idea what that will be! Tyson is a staffyxmastiff (even that is a guess ), he's 6 months old and 18.5kg. Does anyone know how much more growth he'll have in him? Even if i could compare to how much other peoples dogs weighed at that age compared to fully grown. Im just trying to get a general idea. Any sort of input will be realy helpful. Secondly should i be feeding normal or large breed puppy? ~Krystle.
  10. The last thing you want to do is get angry at her or take the food away when she growls because that will just fuel the fire and give her more reason to growl and may even escalate to snap. Its a good idea not to view it as anything to do with dominance because ive seen with my own dogs the lowest in the pack will growl and the higher up dogs when she has food and visa versa so dont look at it like she isnt respecting you authority its 'each dog to their own' when it comes to food. When she's eating approach her with a yummy treat (still giving enough distance between you and the dog) and throw it into her bowl then take a step back. Each time repeating and gradualy coming closer and closer evetually she'll get the idea that you approaching her whilst she's eating actually means more food/tastier food. (oh just to add dont throw the food in when she's growling at you, wait for her to stop then throw it in) Hope this helps.
  11. Thanks for the replies guys! I usualy either ignore him or say an angry 'hey!'. I havent tried the treats, ill give that a go, anything food related is high value to Tyson so i dont think that will be a problem. Ive found he usually calms down once he gets to have a sniff of them and decides he likes them, ive been giving him lots of socialisation and he's been getting heaps better (now he only seems to do a warning bark when he notices a dog/person he doesnt know instead of constanly barking). This one time though Tyson met these two small fluffy dogs in an offlead area and even after having a sniff he just would not stop barking! I squatted down to pat one of the dogs to show Tyson they'r okay and it growled at me! I guess he was right about that one, but considering he was the one looking bad everyone elce that was in the park picked their dogs up off the ground and promptly left. Later on that day he met a male staffy and didnt bark at him at all! They hit it off straight away and played like best friends. I will definatley try the 'look' when he's constantly barking at another dog, see how that goes.
  12. Tyson is now about 5 months old, we got him when he was 4 months old. We've just finished puppy preschool with him and the trainer loved him and he was always used as the first puppy to socialise with the others because of his gentle, polite personality. When approaching other pups he'd do it cautiously but once he'd have a sniff he'd be fine, even having rough and tumbles with the ridgy pup in our class. When i take Tyson for a walk and he sees another dog he was bark at them! Its not an agressive bark but the same sort of bark he would do when someone enters our property at home or when he see's something strange and doesnt know what it is. He will just bark and bark and bark with his hackles up whilst keeping his distance, but at the same time wagging his tail and appearing like he wants to play with them but cant bring himself to do it, if they come towards his he will run backwards with his tail between his legs, its not until i approach the dog that he will do the same. Yesterday once he sniffed the dog he backed up and just went back to barking again! Tyson does the same sort of thing with people he doesnt know, if someone enters our property he will bark and bark its not until i tell him the person is okay that he'll then go and give them kisses and want a cuddle. If im taking Tyson for a walk he is very wary of any person he sees, he has to keep him eyes on them. Especially when someone is walking behind us, its a bit hard to walk because he doesnt want to turn his eyes away from them! ;) He might even give a low little bark if he decides he doesnt like that person too much. Although when ive had strangers stop to talk to me or even some that where just standing close by Tyson will go and sit at their feet wagging is tail for a pat. He's very particular about people, although he'll always accept anyone i accept. Being wary of strangers i have no problem with, what i am worried about is when he barks at other dogs! Im sure he must seem very threatening to the dog owners seeing this big staffy/mastiff pup barking at their dog with his hackels up. I know for sure he doesnt mean any harm and isnt doing it in a threatening manner, it seems he's just unsure of the situation and doesnt know how to go about it. Anyone want to give me any suggestions as to what i might do about this? :rolleyes:
  13. Our puppy Tyson seems to have no manners when it comes to toys. Whenever he sees my other dog with a toy he has to immediately run over to her and snatch it from her! She gets very upset about this and has a bit of a bark and a snap but Tyson doesnt even notice her. If there are a few toys in the yard he will try to get ALL of them in his mouth if he can, Pixie is not allowed any. One time Pixie was laying in the yard with her toy and Tyson ran and pounced right on the toy and onto her foot! Which caused her alot of pain poor girl. My biggest worry is if he tried to snatch a toy from a dog that isnt so friendly and he realy gets himself into trouble. Should i be correcting this behaviour? If so how? Thanks in advance
  14. How common is it for large dogs to be actually getting it? Like a 1 in 5 chance or something like that? I hope it's not too common. If no one knows what causes it i guess there's no need to be getting yourself worried over it, there's nothing you can realy do. (Although what everyone elce has said sounds like good precautions to take just to be extra safe)
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