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Everything posted by Jimmay

  1. So I was shopping with a friend in Sunnybank Plaza when I came across a pet store. Actually I think I smelt it before I even saw it, the stench coming from it was foul. It had puppies in the window and I just couldn't help myself I had to go in and have a look around. I get to a glass tank with about 10 male mince inside. They were all in horrible condition, riddled with mites and covered in red scabs, they were all huddled together looking very poorly, eyes glazed over, miserable. Thats when I noticed one mouse was gnawing on the back of another one, I looked closer and when it moved it's head there was a bloody hole in the back of this other mouse! It was getting eaten alive! I walked up to the service lady and told her what was happening, she said something along the lines of "oh they have mites at the moment, is that what you're talking about, I haven't noticed any hole?" I got her to come over and have a look and when she saw it she nearly threw up. She quickly grabbed the mouse and ran out the back with it, I didn't have time to be hanging around so I left. What should I do from this point, report it to the RSPCA? Would they even do anything? I feel horrible about the whole situation and every animal in that store looked in poor condition. Poor things.
  2. We use "Ilium Neocort" which is an antibiotic, anti-inflamatory, anaesthetic skin emollient cream. We get it from our vet. Edited to say: It also causes a numbing affect which stops them from itching.
  3. I could take two as long as the council don't give me issues.
  4. I love my boys. In fact all my pets are boys. My dog's a boy, my parrot's a boy and my quail are boys. Any future pets i'd take a preference to boys too.
  5. In the shower with the detachable shower head. There's a pic I took when my Quaker Parrot Bailey wanted to join in.
  6. Thanks for sharing. Tyson loves to climb trees like that but I don't like letting him go too far though cause i'm scared he'll fall!
  7. I see Shiba Inu's all the time in my area. :D I've seen a few being walked around my neighbourhood on a few occasions & Tyson has played with one at a park once. I've gotten shocked reactions from owners when recognising Japanese Spitz before, never knew they were that uncommon.
  8. Pixie does it to Tyson allllll the time. :D
  9. Does anyone use this stuff? It's pretty much a herbal dog & horse shampoo and has been the ONLY thing that has really improved Tysons skin problems (his skin issues practically went away). Well now the site on which I ordered from seems to be "down for maintenance", but it's been like that for so long that I haven't been able to order more for months and poor Tyson's skin is getting really bad again. I've tried buying alternatives but nothing else seems to work. Does anything know any info about this? I'm tempted to track down their phone number and give them a call. Apparently it's made in Beenleigh.
  10. Just to clarify guys, the girlfriend he is referring to is me. We would not be owning 4 dogs at once, I already own two, he wants to get his own dog one day so that would make it three. I do want to own a purebred of my own one of these days so that may push it up to four, but that would be a long way down the track. No there are no intentions of breeding. The purebred i'm looking to get would either be an Amstaff (which i'm reconsidering due to dog aggression issues) or a Leonberger, in which case he/she would have to be left entire until two years of age when their bone growth plates close up properly. I've owned multi-dogs quite a bit in the past and never had an issue apart from when I had an entire bitch who would pick fights with the desexed bitch, but that never became too much of an issue due to the size difference.
  11. I've had up to four dogs at once (due to fostering) without any issues. When I was kid and had three dogs, one of them being an entire bitch, I do recall a lot of issues being caused by her.
  12. Yep, some of these breeders sound like absolute bogans to be honest. And whats with the whole "big head" obssession? Gawsh if they keep going their heads will be too big to lift off the ground! It's kind of scary that these sorts of "breaders" are actually registered.
  13. Thanks for the replies guys, some very interesting posts there! The reason I ask is that I saw a post on my facebook that went along the lines of "my dog stole some chicken out of the bin, then when i went to take it off her she growled and snapped at me.. omg.." I left her some advice, she told me she got given her own advice from her vet, who pretty much said she was just going through PMS and is challenging her authority so she has to stand her ground and take away the food if she's acting that way (which I think just renforces the behaviour, but anyway). Long story short I then went on to find out she plans to breed from this dog once she is old enough. I don't know I guess that kind of didn't sit well with me, cause I would expect that sort of aggression, especially displayed at such a young age, may be passed down to the pups, but i'm no expert so I wasn't sure if I should mention anything to her. :Edited to add the dog is 7months:
  14. I have a bit of a question for the breeders out there. Would you breed a dog that has food aggression/resource guarding issues? Would it be considered a temperament fault that could possibly be passed down to the pups? Or is it simply just a learnt behaviour.
  15. Awwwww I love that video, they're so gorgeousss!
  16. Awe such a shame i'm in Brisbane, Tyson did a pretty good job in the film I made.
  17. Oh I am SOOOO glad I didn't watch that show. (I never do, I think that vet's a tool )
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