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Everything posted by Dobes

  1. Dobes


    I have a 5month male Dobermann and on the weekend we picked up our new Dobermann she is a female and only 7weeks. In the last 2 days hes been behaving pretty bad. I bought new toys and started fresh as i was trying to avoid the not sharing stage but he seems to be doing it anyway, taking toys off her, he even follows her around the backyard to make sure that if she picks up a toy he takes it off her, hes not letting her on her bed and doesnt leave her alone and i know she must be tired. All that time training him have gone out the window and i nearly had his jumping under control (thanks to some of the postings on here), he is now not listening and trying to steal food from the female even to the point that this morning he knocked his bowl out of my hands! Duke is ruff with her and probably doesnt mean it but she is handling herself pretty well as she has been with big dogs and i know he is still a baby himself and does not realise his size yet. I dont single them out and i havent treated Duke any different since Lilly came along. It has only been a couple of days since they have been together, once they get to know each other will the jealously disappear?
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