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Everything posted by caron
Does anyone know of a good natural remedy for Mosquitos? My poor Greyhound puppy is being hammered by themThanks for any surrgestions.
Fence being built today!!
Does anyone have an opinion on vets all natural.
Haha That's hilarious.
Thanks guys. She defiantly does lots of fun things on lead. Just after I posted this I noticed a puddle by the door so that's a good sign I think. She must have gone there to go out and silly me didn't notice. Last two toilet trips have gone well. So we're getting there...
She is only 11 weeks. I've never owned a grey so I don't know if she has a high drive. She dose seem very interested in anything moving but no more then any other pup I don't think. We have two cats that run around and she is pretty good with them( they have swiped her though so that might be why) At the moment I'm taking her down to chooks with lead. She notices them but doesn't seem to fixate which is good. When she looks away I praise and give a treat.She does lunge at times too. Chooks have been free range since we got them and their coop is not easy to fence off. Bummer if I can't train her. Oh well chooks will have to go then.
Hi.Has anyone trained a Greyhound puppy to live in harmony with chooks or am I kindling myself.Would love to hear people's training methods.
That's great. I will.
Her name is Lola and I got her from Lisa not Katrina. Katrina is on the sunny coast isn't she?Might give them a call and ask their advise Thanks. Oh ok I thought Katrina handled all the adoptions these days, I only dealt with Katrina when I fostered a dog for them down here. Rebanne will be the one to help you here, she breeds show greyhounds and is very experienced with litters. Lola is gorgeous :) She is pretty cute :) thanksWho is Rebanne?
Hi.Thanks for that. I have noticed the last day or so when I have had her out she has become a lot more independent. So what you said makes sense.I have also noticed she is a lot more responsive to Raw food so will try training with that. At the moment she is on both raw and kibble. Not so keen on the kibble but will eat it.Yes she does go to crate when open and also has another comfy bed to go to.I'm on the Gold Coast so it's not so cold any more but she gets lots of blankets to keep warm.On toileting. I have a real big open open plan house so it is hard to keep her confined to one area. So when I do give her free time we have a lot more accidents. I take her out every hr or so and do use toilet as a key word and lots of praise. This might sound silly but I also feel she is getting annoyed that I put her on lead and take her to the toilet area. She puts on the breaks and just sits there.Thanks for the advise. I appreciate your time:)
Her name is Lola and I got her from Lisa not Katrina. Katrina is on the sunny coast isn't she?Might give them a call and ask their advise Thanks.
Hello and thanks all for your replies. A quick update. went out today for 2 1/2 hrs. i was really dreading it but it had to be done. I set up by kids playroom as a doggy playroom, lots or treats (kong and some other contraption i bought) lots of toys, bed, crate which was blocking the entrance to the rest of the house, news paper for when nature calls and off i went. When i got back I was amazed to find that such I little (well not so little puppy) could move a X large crate and escape into the house. i scanned the area. no puppy and no destruction. i went slowly thought the house no puppy and no accidents either. kind if got worried at this point because there was no puppy in sight. i eventually found her fast asleep an my bed. when she saw me there was no real reaction just a drowsy looking puppy that followed me into the lounge. she was pretty quite until the kids got home and only then did the puppy in her come out. Not sure if her subdued behavior was stress from me leaving her. love to hear what others think. All in alll I think it went pretty well. Ive added some photos for those that asked, not sure if its going to work .If not ill try again later. Thanks again for your replies. yep photos worked. Bad lighting though..
If I put her outside she cries, even if we are close by. She is better in the crate when we are around. A little upset but settles pretty well starting yesterday. As long as we are around. At the moment she is in the crate at night by my bed. We tried to leave her in the lounge one night but that didn't work out. Last night in my room she was great. No complaints and only up once for toilet. I don't correct her at the moment only strong no and redirect. Food wise even when she is calm and happy she is not interested so the shutting down doesn't apply there. My only real concern is how to get her used to beeing alone. Thanks again for your input. I really appreciate it :) Caron Also might add that I don't correct her crying when alone. I only leave. Wait till she is quiet then come back. Is that the right thing to do?
Hi thanks for replying. I got her from friends of the hounds. She was with her litter till I picked her up, 5 all up and was crated with one of them at the time. I know that they were with mum up untill 8 weeks and were then at a foster home where they received all the attention and love they needed. I picked her up when she was 10 weeks. They were crated inside and had the freedom to roam and interact with the foster carers. At the moment I'm not working so she wakes up with us at 5 am. Go for wees and poo. Come inside quiet play then she usually rests a little on balcony while I wait for kids to wake. Then outside again to play a little and toilet. I then crate her for the rush in the morning. ( a little unsettled but not too bad ) then free time with me to go out and about or go for training/ or short walk. It is at this point I try to crate her and practice leaving her as I need to go back to work next week. I'm not going to leave her in the crate when I'm working only in a play room that has access to outdoors. But whenever I try to even go to the toilet and leave her by herself she carries on and makes a mess on the floor. I've only ever had large bread dogs that have been real boof heads and have had to use quite a harsh correction with their leads ( always soft collars. No chokers or prongs) She is a really gorgeous puppy with an amazing soft and kind nature but at the same time kind of resilient and nothing fazes her.. Except being left alone. I'm kind of lost as to how to go about training her as well because I've never used treat rewards before. I'm attempting it with Lola at the moment but she is not food driven at all. I've taken her to one session of puppy school where we used treats as a distraction and motivator but she was not too interested Would love to herar what you think. Thanks.
Hi and thank you to anyone reading my post. I adopted a 10 week greyhound puppy on Saturday with much happiness and excitement. So far she has been an amazing pup. Really chilled and at times a little aloof, as I have been made aware is a Greyhound trait. I've had the typical puppy issues but the problem I'm having is one I've never had to deal with before. I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure she is displaying separation anxiety. If I leave the room and close the door behind me ( my potty break ) and leave for only 1 minute she will wee on the floor. Even if I've only just taken her out. I'm in the process of crate training which at first went really well but after day 2 was horrible. As soon as I leave once again she is pooing and peeing in the crate. So far I've been doing the leave puppy for a short while and when she stops crying coming back and rewarding. Pretend to leave the house and come back a few minutes later. Not making a big deal on leaving and returning but nothing seems to work. Even when I'm sure she has gone potty outside she will sure enough do it inside minutes later.she gets really upset when I leave and I'm really concerned as I need to go back to work next week. I don't work long hrs just 4-5 hrs 2-3 days a week. Also I think I've overloaded my brain with Greyhound info and am a little hesitant to use my previous training methods as I've heard that Greyhounds are very sensitive. If someone with Greyhound knowledge could reply it would be so appreciated. Thanks
COME on everyone get over it. no pumpitdog I have never heard of spitting in the dogs mouth but i have heard of spitting in their food. I recently has a dog behaviorist at my place and asked his opinion on it and he said that he too has heard of spitting in the food and that it is old school. As long as you and the rest of the family have eaten before the dog ( he can smell it on you) so then you are establishing the alpha role. basically, Human eats first then comes the dog.
well yesterday craig murray was here and I must say that I now have a completely different dog and thats just in 24 hrs. alot of you will probably not agree with his methods as he does not use food as a positive reenforcement but correcting unwanted behavior with a quick pop of the lead which to me seemed to be done very well without hurting or distressing teddy, but very affective and always praising good behavior. Craig brought his own dog with him and within 2-3 minutes we had teddy walking past the dog as if it wasn't even there, and that is amazing for Teddy because the past couple of weeks he has been an absolute nightmare. I would definitely recommend him to anyone who is having behavior problems with their dog, not only for aggression but any other doggy problems that we consider inappropriate. In the last 24 hrs I have managed to stop teddy from barking at passes by, Other dogs, sitting on his mat without moving until I say he can, no more excessive licking, and walks on a lead like a well trained dog. AMAZING......
yes his name is craig murray. I have been told by numerous people that he is one of the best in the business. I have spoken to him and he says that there definitely a problem. he didn't mention anything about th fear stage.
just wanted those of you who have been reading this topic that I asked a vet friend of mine about a good behaviorist and he too recommended Craig A Murray and he is not in logan he is in runaway bay.
thank you I have heard of them. thanks again
Hi there was just wondering if anyone knows or can recommend a good behaviorist on the Gold Coast? I have a 5 month old puppy who is showing early signs of agression towards other dogs. Need help please.
cool thanks
Thanks for the quick reply. Yes I have been seriously thinking about getting a dog trainer in. I have already call around to find out obout some in my area (Gold Coast) so If you know anyone that would be great. I really want to get this sorted.. You don't want any old dog trainer Caron. You want someone with qualfications and experience with dog aggression. If you get out the local Bark Busters franchisee they could inadvertently make it worse. It's an interesting crossbreed you've got there. Where did you get him from? Interesting. Bark busters were one of the first people I called. I got him at the animal welfare league. He's very cute. So how do go about finding the right trainer?
Thanks for the quick reply. Yes I have been seriously thinking about getting a dog trainer in. I have already call around to find out obout some in my area (Gold Coast) so If you know anyone that would be great. I really want to get this sorted..
Help please. I have a 4 1/2 month old puppy who I have been taking to puppy kindy since he was 11 weeks old and have never had a problem with him until about 2 weeks ago. All of a sudden for no reason at all he has become aggressive towards other dogs and he is getting worse everyday. He has never really had a bad experience with another dog so I dont know what has happened, any ideas on what I should do would be greatly appreciated. I have made such an effort to get it right with Teddy (border collie x golden retriever) and its really upsetting me. thanks. I might also add that yes he has been desexed