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How Many Agility/flyball/etc Dogs Do You Have?
MegYL replied to laffi's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Lol actually I have 0. And I never intend to. Even if I did have one I assure you it would win nothing, like, last place. -
I am terribly sorry, tears came into my eyes as I read your post with the results and I'm devastated... it's not your fault it's okay but I am so sorry for your loss, Pru was such a lovely girl.
my dog goes this too, and she's even grown. if you ask me, i say it's gross!!! especially when you catch them in the act, they look up innocently with it hanging out their mouth... ew!!! lol also my dog goesn't bring it in. we would be very mad if she did so. we've tried a lot, but she can't seem to stop. she not only eat's her own, she eats our other dog. why? i really have no clue because they're really well fed, you know. maybe it just... is their own little treat. like once you eat a cheeseburger for dinner, then see a chocolate bar and eat it. an extra tid bit or something. :] i wish i could help, but we've got the same problem and no solution lol.....
Thank you once again! You're a great help. My mom is going to work with the treatments, she knows more about those type of things than me. =] Yeah, I was planning on getting tons of toys so when I'm at school the yorkie will have something to do, because I don't want the yorkie to get attached to my mom. I mean, they're still going to be friendly and you know socialized, but my mom won't be the official owner, if you know what I mean. Ohhh boy, my mom would get mad if he chewed the furniture up. She even gets mad when my poodle goes to the bathroom in our house!!! ( she's potty trained, BTW. but she's 16 which is 112 in human years, soo you cant really blame her especially when she's old, blind, and deaf! ) Anyways... hmm what was I saying.... oh yeah!!! I know, no electrical chewing. Recently my friend's dog's mom just had Pomeranian puppies, and we got to play with the two and they were so precious! Anyway we were playing with them in the front yard and when we set them down they would go off to the bush and start chewing with the leafs, and I would pull her away but they said "it was ok" but I knew from all you guys that it wasn't, what if she choked you know she's only 8 weeks. We're going to feed the dog Pedigrees, because we've always fed our dogs that. Yeah, I dont shop from places like that... except for one of our Pet Stores with dogs in them. Only, it's like dogs that have no homes and breeders dont want them they sell the dogs there. And they have the certificates and health checks and all, and its safe. Don't worry, it's not one of those evil places from puppy mills. =] I can't think of anything else either............... hm. I guess I will eventually and will ask. =]
Jax : Woah! You did have a long time, didn't you? Lol. Your precious little german shepherd ( well, big german shepherd ) sounds really cute. I have the same amount of time that you did, but my parents are already convinced and ALL I can do is wait. Tick tock tick tock LOL. So I guess i need to save up the money... and to waste the time, maybe I could earn the money? $$$ Ka ching lol. Sounds like a plan! Thank you! BC : Yeah, all of my friend's boys squat, since when they see the other girls doing the same they will follow. I tried convincing my mom this, but she wasn't really believeable. . yeah, I figured if they were fixed at such a young age it wouldn't strike them so easily. And true, i'm going to potty train him of course, so he will only do it outside. And there's nothing out there my mom'll get mad for if he pees on it. Thank you! now that i have pretty much everything covered, is there anything else I need to know? Also what are some good places to shop for items for your doggie? I know these shops: "Petunias ; PetSmart ; Walmart ; Target ; Local Pet Store ; Online Shopping"
I don't think you're nagging! I asked my mom, "You dont REALLY want to breed our puppie, do you? Because we would just be adding to the list of dogs when there's so many in the kennel...." and she said, "True". So we ARE going to fix, and like everyone's been saying, it would help towards them not hiking their leg. LOL well, all the girl dogs will looovee my baby boy. But he's going to be fixed. so how's Bailey ? I still want to see pictures..... Ok: Do you, or anybody for that matter know how to train your boy not to hike up their leg?
MAJOR UPDATE!!! My mom first of all, said Aunt has the papers and will register when the time comes, when we're ready to have them. And Aunt isn't selling them, she's giving them to her family ( our family ). Yeah,... And!! My mom told me, that "we'll see" if I could get a boy. And I said, "What if there's a boy and a girl and I like the boy better?" then she told me "we would see" and that's a yes!!! But she said not to make up my mind whether or not I wanted a boy or girl. I so want a boy, and I'm pretty sure I convinced her. I'm gonna get a boy, happy dance happy dance... LOL sorry. I just am soo happy!
Nekhbet: Yeah, I don't know. I don't seriously think we're going through with the whole breeding thing. What do you mean? you can have an operation or something for their privates not to hang ? as you can tell, i'm completely clue - less when it comes to boy dogs. My other two girlies are fixed, and one is 16 and the other about 6, soo even if they weren't fixed they wouldn't be having puppies in the future. LOL thank you! baileys mum: I honestly have no idea if she is registered, the male yorkie's owners may be, but I don't think so for my aunt. I did have my mom convinced, I'm pretty sure. Then all of a sudden she was convinced it was an absolute no. Yes, if there are only boys, I'm still going to get one. So I'm rooting for all boys! LOL. You dont know how many times I've told her they can be trained not to, and how everyone on here tells me it should be a boy! And she won't listen. ? Thanks! laffi: OK, I'll look into her being a registered breeder. I know there are so many dogs abandoned, I want to adopt so very badly, but my aunt is going to breed anyway. It's like a "we dont care if your not going to get one of the puppies, we're breeding anyway!" type of situation. So, I might as well get one, you know? But trust me, in the future I'm going to adopt tons of dogs from shelters. For now, though.... ( PS they wouldnt die, she's going to find suitable homes. ) thank you!!!! Okay, so bottom line, I need to do some MAJOR convincing with the whole "lemme get a boy" thing. Any ideas that will snap her in ? I really want a boy....
settrlvr: yeah, i'm going to get a couple ideas first, then when I see her I'll make the final decision. For boy, Toby. For girl, Blaire. Hm... I like the names short, too, because they do seem easier for the dog to learn and seem cuter. Like Apple, Toby, Max, Ted, Lady, so on. Heehee. Jax: don't worry, i'm going to be OBSESSED with taking so many pictures. and when i get the pics, i'll be SURE to post them on here to let the world see. gosh! 5 months! very long time, no? well, how did you make it go by faster? I want to know your secrets! lol :rolleyes: Thanks for the comment(s), guys. Keep 'em coming! I'm still a little angry it's going by so slow. It's SORT OF sped up, so that's kind of good. But not fast enough, for my liking... and I did all the research possible. And I'm still playing with my two dogs already, even more than before. What bothers me though is I was told by several people my three dogs would be getting in fights, all the time, if I got another girl dog ( that would make it 3 ) and they advised for me to get a boy. My mom told me I couldn't get a boy and said their "privates hung out" and hiked up their leg. I know a solution for no hiking leg, by fixing it at young age but we decided to let it have puppies probably. :D So... ?? What do I do!?
BC: Thanks! Yeah, I meant that since I'm gone, there'll still be time to train the yorkie. I'll look into the obedience class, because I'm sure there are classes that I dunno about, and my friend's would gladly join me. LOL. storm: Yeah, they're pretty tiny. And fiesty. I've been around yorkies my whole life, really, and I'm still going to treat the yorkie the same as every other dog. When the yorkie does something bad I will correct them, and I wont let them get away with something because of their size. Thanks! settrlvr: I don't think the tail thing would be a problem around our house. My schipperke has no tail at all, (a very tiny stub. it's impossible to wag. so, really, no tail.) and my Poodle is always asleep and isn't very strong, even with the tail since she is 16 years old and very fragile herself. Thanks. GayleK: You can even train it in your bedroom? I didn't know that... [: Shows you how much I know on obedience training. Yeah, I kinda guessed that once you were buddies and all, the training would be more easy and natural and the dog would listen better. Do you guys know any verry cute girl Yorkie (or any other type of dog) names?
BigDaz: Thanks. I appreciate your comment... I didn't really want to hear about a neck getting snapped off, now I'm scared of letting the yorkie play with my friend's dog. But I'm sure if I do, nothing bad will happen if we're cautious. Baileys_mum: Hah, I'm not scared off or anything like that. A little nervous, though. I've already learned a lot, thanks for introducing me. Everyone here is great. ( still addicted to our other dog website though. lol. ) Thank you! Anyway, Zero is the Corgi's name, and he's really nice and affectionate. So I'm guessing it'd be okay? Well, I'm also wondering if while I'm at school I can still train the dog, since I'll be going out at 2:10 and leave in the mornings at 7:00. So I was wondering if there'd still be time, and all, because I'm getting it like early August now.
First of, everyone, thanks for the replies!! :rolleyes: newnewf: Thanks! Thats what I meant, I mean, you know how you have leaders of the pack? Thats the one I'm going to be. I hope you didn't get the wrong impression, that it's ONLY MINE.... I just meant for it to follow me, you know, for it to know I'm the boss. BC: Thanks! You have great information, it's like I read it out of a book or something LOL... which is a good thing! (-: Anyway, I know.. it's going to bond with the others. But I'm going to be the official, owner, you know? settrlvr: your comment has upset me. I know what dogs are about, as I have two, and they turned out just fine. I didn't mean under-socialized, the yorkie will have two other dog sisters, me, my mom, my dad, my sister, my friends, my aunt, my cousin, so on. How is this "under socialized?" I like dressing up dogs. And I don't think they're barbies. I didn't mean JUST MINE, where I don't allow it to contact with anybody else. I worded it wrong. The family agreed I will be the leader, the boss, the official owner. The one who does the work for it like training, feeding, grooming, so on. I never said they were any different from great danes, nor did I make the impression. And I'm not ever going to curse a dog, that's horrible. If this offended you, sorry, but your comment offended Me. I've always been around yorkies and I know how to treat them. Anyway:: do you think this would be OK?? My little yorkshire terrier when I eventually get him / her, well, me and my friend think her male corgi should be friends with the yorkie when we get the yorkie. Would that be ok? Im sure it would. Curious.
It is very exciting! And for your comments... Law: I have gotten busy with softball, running club, friends, and school now. If that will make it go faster, then it should be working by now... LOL! weisnjac: I've picked out my vet, it's the one I have now for my other two girlies. And trust me, I've done research. Lol. I'm not sure if I'll do school tho... laffi: I honestly dunno if its a registered breeder. Yes, the parents have the health tests. My aunt is the breeder, but IDK if she's handling the puppies ( i think she is, not sure ) or the boy's family. poodlefan: First off, I have a poodle! I just wanted to tell you, hence your username. Anyway, I have actually gotten Yorkshire Terriers for Dummies and it's a great book and suits me perfectly LOL! I luv the dummie books... I've even gotten a Chihuahua for Dummies book, and I don't even have a chi. LOL. GayleK: Hm... you're right, I guess it would be early August. Well, I'm sure it'll be a little bit different since my aunt is the breeder and I'll get to visit the puppies all the time, I think every weekend. LOL I'm excited if you cant tell! BC: LOL, I do have a lot of time, huh. I hadn't realized it would seriously be THAT LONG though.... and true, I'm not buying anything (well, I'm going to get the bed and food and dish bowl and crate before, of course!) <-- besides that before I get the yorkie. Thanks for all the comments and ideas. I pretty much have it down: stay busy, look up the dog more, rely on my other doggies for a while. Another question.... How do I a) Crate Train the Puppy b) Train the Puppy to be only mine ( the family has agreed it'll only be mine ). I know I'm thinking waaaay ahead but I'd like to be prepared, you know?
I'm going to get a Yorkshire Terrier (yorkie) in July or June when it's summer and I'm out of school, and frankly, I can't wait at all! I have everything planned out... the name Toby, the gender I want a male, tho my mom may make me get a girl, the bed, the clothes, the Halloween costume, the harness, the toys, EVERYTHING! So now I can't wait at all! The mommy Yorkie goes in heat in April, thats when she gets pregnant, so what can I do to make it seem go by faster? I can't wait!!! Any ideas? My friends are already getting really bored and mad with me because thats all I ever talk about ....
My little girlies aren't exactly "puppies", more like 6 year olds! Everyone else's are so cute, but I'll just do my oldie dogs. Name: Allie (named after my sister's doll. go figure. i wanted to name her Maddie after MY doll.) sex: Female Date of birth: I'm not sure. Haha.... Age: 5, or 6. Not sure. Haha... Colour: Jet Black! And very, very shedd-y. Breed: Schipperke. (Not a common known breed.) Hobbies: Eating Poop (ewww!), playing with everyone, being lazy. Loves: Food (mainly poop!), being loved on. Being pet and loved on by us all. Hate: Storms. She pants, shakes, goes all BIZZERK like that. My other dog: Name: Polly sex: Female Date of birth: IDK. Age: 16 in human. Yipes. Colour: White, and Curly. Breed: Poodle Hobbies: Sleeping and eating. And whining and crying, obviously. Loves: Sleeping. When we pet her. Hate: Wild flashlights, wild lights, when we wake her up OR interupt her eating. Polly is pretty much deaf and blind, but she's staying in there. If she didn't always bump into things because of her age and situation, people would think her as a young little doggie. Well, I would post pics but I don't have any uploaded and it's a hassle... so I will eventually post some.