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Everything posted by tommyspazz

  1. There is a difference between pulling out in front a bit and being completley uncontrolable! I also agree that i haven't seen a compleltly unmanageable GSD in the allbreeds ring. Where we prefer the specailties in this household, we've done a few all breeds shows....i have been told at least a couple of times by all breeds judges to let my boy have more lead and let him move in front! Most recent was on Sunday at Hamilton KC!!
  2. Group 4 BIG - whippet Rubig - ridgeback
  3. Group 5 BIG - corgi Rubig - corgi Baby - Minor - Puppy - Junior - border Inter - corgi Aus bred - Open - big & rubig Big help huh! lol
  4. Gr 5 BIG - OES RUBIG - Bouvier de flandres (please excuse spelling) BP - border Minor - Aussie I think Puppy - Junior - GSD Inter - bouvier Aus bred - Rubig Open - big
  5. Why don't you get someone in front of her with something she really loves? Food or toys? Its how we basically train our Shepherds to pull out for the show ring :-)
  6. Rajko most certainly didn't tear apart the two bags or soil NOR did he chew on the straw broom in the background....
  7. Hey just wondering how early can you start setting up?
  8. Just wondering by any luck if someone out there had an email address for the show sec of the Rochester Show that was held in Feb? TIA!
  9. The settlement is expensive for what it is and not that close to the shopping centre.
  10. There is a new quest apartment block in Dandenong that hasn't long gone up, that is only bout a 5 min walk from the Dandenong plaza which has movies.
  11. We completed the ET today at Altona and passed woooo hoooo!!!!!!! Even with a stack we made it to the end! I really felt for the lady with the stumpy who was attacked by an off lead dog near the end of the course, mrs public did nothing to intervene and when given a mouthful had the audasdity to say her dog was fine!!! Apart from that incident, was a good day!!!!!
  12. Oh im sorry!!!! Didn't relise, we wern't being snobs on purpose, i promise!! :-) So what happens next weekend when we encounter all the fantastic dog owners and their off lead dogs? Will someone be telling them to put their dogs on leads or do we have the honor of doing that?
  13. I'm just back from 8.5 km @ 10.8 km/h there. Planning to do wet weather practice tomorrow. It seems to take extra effort to peddle over the grass lawn opposite the Altona Obedience clubhouse. (Maybe they'll mow it before the big day?). Two big piles of gravel have appeared at the west end, blocking the straight line to the pedestrian gates to the lake-side path. Chances are it'll be spread over the short gravel path north of the pedestrian gate. (This is after I wrote that things hadn't changed much there for six years). CC Hey CC...you weren't the person with the skipp today at Cherry Lake were you????
  14. oh my goodness...I swear it wasn't there when i looked! THANK YOU :-)
  15. The ad in the gazette states that online entries are available through ozentries, but when i have a look at the list there there doesn't seem to be any mention of this show. Am i missing something here or has the club changed their mind?
  16. Rajko can join in on this one...He is a regular pillarer
  17. Anyone have GSD results pretty pleaseeeeeeee?
  18. Inside my left wrist...the start of more to come I say
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