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Everything posted by faytiges
Hello..... so many stories here??? Am I still so confused with the first ones Still confused, can someone put me straight????
Thank you so much for the results. I can understand how annoyed you would have been with the ticket writer, not too hard a job. I have fiends who do this and are very happy to do so. When you win a "certificate" thats what we want, thats another reason they are there for. Sorry that they were so rude, which I am sure will be noticed with the relevant Club and this person will not be given another post.Rudeness is just not on. Doesnt help the arrogance on the day for you.... Tollers... after all glad you had a "good" day and took the trouble to post the results, most appreciated...
OOOOh sounds interesting please lets know !!!!!
Any Group 3 results please ??
Ok... Apart from all this .. My feeling is Show should have been called off. Anyway the ones who had to be there !! Your dogs would have been much better off at home... there is another show next week if you havent noticed!!!! Your dogs have no choice...its your ego. Now which one of you Heroes want to tell us who got best in show etc....!!!!!!! Waiting...........with my dogs in front of the air con at 40
Congraulations Anne, and Greys. Greyt to see them being acknowledged. Well done.
Congratulations SparkyTansy.......Well done with Lulu, Fay
Toto.... could not agree more. The welfare of all dogs is utmost, should just be cancelled. The diehards who would go, should just get a life, the dogs are more important than your fringes...BOB etc.
A beautiful boy... think you and Warrior Anne will do very well, Best of luck.
So pleased for you Anne and Warrior, he is a lovely young dog... many wins in store, and thanks Rebel for keeping us up to date.
Thanks Rebel..... was hoping !!!!
Big Congrats to Anne - Warrior, Minor in Group at his first outing in Minor Also well done to Whirlaway Classic by Design inter in group... Greyt for the Greys.
Dear Loraine, You are doing the best thing for Zedley. Epilepsy is such an awful thing, and I can understand exactly what you are going through, having been there. Zedley will be in a better place tomorrow, and will be a happy, dog, free from those horrible seizures. Will be thinking of you both, and please know that you are certainly doing the best thing possible for him, the hardest for you. Run free dear Zedley...
Thanks for all effort that people have given with their contributions with the show results we have received in the few weeks we have been doing this, and to the terrific amount of "views" which means people are really interested in reading these results. Wishing everyone and their dogs a very Merry Christmas, and a happy, safe, healthy New Year.
4 am :eek: Hope it was worth it !!!!
Don't know what got BIS as I left at about 1.30am and they were just starting GS Thanks all for the results, HAVASNEEZE leaving at 1.30am !!!! Hope not a long drive home, and no shows today?
Good luck to all this weekend.
Good to receive some results that someone can relate to, so dont feel sorry you have missed some results. The winners will know who they are !! Missed the rest sorry!
Good luck to all this weekend. Hope the predicted Storms arrive after the Shows.
Interesting to see the break up. Must say I am pleased, the Greyhound is in quite a lot of peoples favourite Hounds. I love this...but there are just so few shown, I also thought the Irish Setter would have been more to the fore. Its all everyones opinion....
They are all just so beautiful..........unfortunately they are only puppies such a short time...enjoy while you can, then we get these "swans" they turn into..marvellous isnt it.
Aaaw... How gorgeous are those Grey babies....
waiting waiting.....
Good luck to all this weekend....love to see your results. :D