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Everything posted by faytiges

  1. Go the Greys :thumbsup: :laugh:
  2. Congratulations Anne and Warrior.... BOB...and Puppy in Show, just 9 months old !!! Go the Greys...... A greyt achievement...
  3. Congrats again Rebanne... Warrior, what a weekend, BOB and Puppy in Show, Now reserve Ch at the Sydney Royal, and Puppy of breed. Your boy has done you proud. Lots more fun to come with this very young, only 9 months old, Grey. So happy for you, Rebecca and of course Warrior. The other puppies have also done so well, again, you must be so proud. Fay
  4. Big congrats Anne and Warrior... BOB AND Puppy in Show WOW
  5. Any English Setter results yet please ?
  6. Well done Rebanne AGAIN !! Fern and her kids are all doing so well.
  7. Greyt.... Well done Fern and Rebanne - Congratulations :thumbsup:
  8. Agree Sheridan, Judges should not award.... will never do this...sadly
  9. Dogs have been "surgically" been "corrected" especially eyes for many years. Maybe the eyes have been able to be picked up by a Vet? Owners obviously wont admit this has happened??
  10. Congrats - Fern Neuter in Group, well done Rebanne
  11. Thanks for that very interesting, really enjoyed it. The Irish Setter....well...look at our Irish here, soooooo different.
  12. I have read all these posts, and there is obvously no good way/bad way to go. Why on earth do you think the rspca, shelters etc., are all full!!! Everyone is jumping down on this lady, without knowing the full story I am not saying she is right or wrong. .Every day dogs of every breed are PTS. So sad, Finding homes for Greys is quite hard, as is every other dog, The Grey being PTS is awful but look at all the other dogs, every day, PTS with the same fate. You are not at all concerned about the MULTITUDE of dogs/puppies...PTS just look at the lists...lets do something about these dogs, lets look at the lists at the RSPCA,, Hey... if we could get a home for all these dogs, wonderful.... Sadly, this just wont happen.... most of them will go the same way. But, they will be no names, cross breeds that stupid people would have done...
  13. Anne, and Claire, Just so happy for you, you must be so proud, any "in Group" at a Royal.... WOW Excellent... Go the Greys, they are doing so well....
  14. Well done Anne, Good luck at the Champ Show (and the Neuters)
  15. I think you also have to contact your council, repeatedly. One of my friends is having this same problem, dogs running off leash next to a kindergarten, where the kids love to pat the dogs on lead, then whoosh.... people ignoring the restrictions. They have contacted the Council, and the local paper, have had articles, backed up with photos etc., and tomorrow night going to the council meeting.
  16. Well done Alice !!! Thats just terrific Anne... you must be so proud!! No reason why they wont keep on winning
  17. Congrats to Layla.. BOB and Open in Group, and of course, again one of your babies, Winter Wonderland, Minor in Group...under a Greyhound Specialist!!!! Its just so good to see the greys being put up now quite consistently, obviously most deserved.
  18. Congratulations...thats greyt !! Dont blame you for not knowing the other results.... :laugh:
  19. Thanks, was it Jacinta... Marina's daughter.
  20. Hi Rebanne, Noticed that, once there were two now there are none? Irish Setters 17, now 6. Great idea, just need to know which one is correct, thanks for trying....
  21. Gee, you are warriors in the west !! 40 odd most days, we are flaking with 34 for two days !! Roll on Autumn, and some cooler days.
  22. And people wonder why the pounds are full of dogs, I despair when I read things like this. A disaster waiting to happen Just have your lovely Pet and enjoy him, leave breeding to the breeders.
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