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Blue Genes

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Everything posted by Blue Genes

  1. I'm glad some one understands, I guess you have to have this breed to understand. My dogs eat well, want for nothing, its just the way it is, enviroment dosent help as we live on dry dirt and a massive highway. I like to fully clean the tunnels in the ear as that is what has kept my dogs ears healthy for the last decade. This breed, ears left unattended can', not always but can' have issues. As I said before, My dogs ears are really good but I cant say they would be if i didn't clean them regularly. Yes black muck is normal. However cream or yellow or blood isn't normal. I'm going with the Malaseb idea and Ill be using distiled water. Ive been sent a recipe for white vinegar , boric acid, rubbing alchol & distiled water and may or may not try that also as first I'll be trying malaseb, and if thats as good as i think it will be Ill stay with that. 'I don't need gallons of ear cleaner, I just wanted gallons' as i refuse to buy 250ml, In my house thats gone after one cleaning session. So Malaseb sounds the go as i can make it up like i was told by wreckitwhippet and have it fresh each time. Thank you to the people who gave helpful' answers.
  2. Good question, In my breed 'Sharpei' if untended the ears are prone to infections & or irritations. I've not seen a ear infection at my home for 9 years, since cleaning the ears regularly. Thus I've gone through allot of Aristopet ear cleaner over the years. unfortunately the Aristopet changed the recipe and now I not like the gel feel to the product and I'm seeking out a new product. I like the Malaseb idea and will try that. :)
  3. Would any one be able to tell me where to get a quality ear cleaner, a gallon or more at a sensible rate. I hate buying little bottles as I run out & its so expensive. What is the best buy on ear cleaners in your opinion? And do I need big bottles to get good value for my money? Id LOVE to be paying not more than $25 a liter if possible, lol :laugh: but could be dreaming. Can i 'make my own ear cleaner and be 100% sure its not harmful to my dogs ears? ATM My dogs don't get infections, they just get the standard black 'stuff. So I like a ear cleaner that i know wont trigger ear infections. Has any one tried the 'Zap ear cleaner? I'm asking as I seen it comes in a gallon bottle in Australia seller. Thanks in advance for any help, tip and or advice. :)
  4. Hello,I was wondering dose any one know a vet in Adelaide that dose a good job with front dew claw removal. That removes the entire thumb and stitches the skin when they are finished. Not just chop it of and leave it. Please advice if you know who in Adelaide is the best for this job. Thank you.
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