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Lamb flaps are whats left over from the ribs on the sheep, I have fed lamb flaps, neck etc to working (kelpies & BC's) dogs and Rotties for years with never a problem, they are high in fat and are good for getting weight on a dog. I have fed them to 4 month old pups and upwards, maybe you should watch your dog when you give them to him if he has never had them before he may try to eat too fast and choke, as with any new food make sure he is safe and knows what to do with it. As with all bones they should be fed raw, I personally never feed my dogs chicken necks as I have had pups choke on them but wings and thigh pieces are fine as long as they are raw. like I said just keep an eye on him Maybe somebody on DOL who has more experience with Wolf/deer Hounds might be able to help with diet better :D
I forgot to add , I have her booked for a general checkup on Monday, I thought there might be some extra questions that I should ask about what could be wrong. she did the cry thing again when I rubbed her tummy tonight with my foot. :rolleyes:
my thoughts and sympathies go out to you all, I know how traumatic it is to have your best friend go through such a traumatic illness. I was wondering if you are up to disscussing it, can you remember the initial symptoms? and does there always have to be a lump as well? can this Lymphosarcoma (spelling) can it be cured as such if caught early enough? some of the things people have already mentioned sound similar to what one of our Rotties has been doing over the last couple of months, nothing serious, just vague symptoms on and off. She is 5 and everynow and then has a day when she is off colour, not sick as such but lethargic and wanting not to get out of bed, the last couple of months everynow and then she cries when she runs for the ball as she picks it up. she climbed under the fence a couple of weeks ago and yelped when she did, she wouldnt come back the same way and went the long way around through the back paddock. I thought it was her back as she is the mosy hyperactive (normally) rottie I know. but she has done the same thing when sitting/ lying down in front of the fire and I heard her cry when she got onto the bed (she is very spoilt LOL) No lumps that I can find, but she occassionally, crys if you rub her tummy, I might just be worrying over nothing, but her days when she seems sick , its classic hot nose and sad eyes, but 24 hours later shes fine again. it only started a couple of months ago but not often enough to warrant a vet trip but reading this post I am starting to worry. can it be detected by a blood test? or do they have to xray as well?? something is just not quite right, any thoughts would be greatly appreciated :rolleyes:
I use IAMS, I used to use PAL meaty bites but they just seemed to lack something, IAMS and Eukanuba when I can get it out here. Also raw eggs and fresh chicken wings and lamb/beef offcuts,(you get a lot of offcuts when you grow your own) as well as vegies. also sunflower seeds, they are accidental as my dogs like to eat them when they fall from the bird feeders but their coats are always shiny.! One maybe two eggs a week is usually enough for a puppy under 12 months of medium build. I remember feeding PAL puppy tinned food years ago once! it seem to come out the same way it went in yuk!!
Now if the skin scrapings came back negative for everything? including mites? there are some forms of mites that only take one or two to cause damage because they are so small and hard to detect as they can move very fast from one spot to another. We had a rottie years ago that suddnely came out with what looked like hotspots but turned out to be an allergic reation to a sting from some sort of furry catapillar she was getting it on her back and her head and back of her neck. We thought it was diet etc, but it wasnt until my OH saw her crawl in under some plants in the garden one warm day that we discovered what was causing it. We kept her away from that part of the garden until the catapillers went away and lo and behold so did the rash, eventually, now every spring we look out for those crawlies and keep her away from them. If its on the top of her head could she be walking under something outside or inside some plant or something that she is allergic too? just trying to give suggestions to help. its so frustrating when you cant seem to figure it out!!!