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Posts posted by Law

  1. Odette loves cat poo, so much so we have to keep the litter tray elevated now on a stand so she cant raid it...


    When we first had our cat we had kitty litter as we didn't let her outside for a little while. Boodzey would sneak in and raid it then come out looking all innocent. But the evidence was clear, he would always have a little kitty litter on his nose :laugh:

  2. Thank you guys for the advice.

    Yes he seems to have vomited most of it up.

    I understand that his tummy probably wasn't feeling so good so thats why he was sookie.

    We didn't reprimand him at all as we didn't actually catch him eating it.

    The only thing I was confused by was the odd behaviour. He also at one point was sort of nudging at the floor as if to puch something along although there was nothing there.....

  3. Last night we found Boodzey in the backyard with the chewed up remains of his doggie sunscreen. He then later vomited three times, which all had zinc through it.

    I straight away called the emergency vet as we couldn't even read the tube to see if there was a warning. They said he should be fine but to keep an eye on him and maybe give him some milk.

    He was sookie for the rest of the night, wouldn't eat and was acting quite strange at times. He wouldn't drink the milk out of the bowl, so knocked it over and started licking it off the floor.....

    He seemed to be pretty normal this morning.

    Has anybody had this happen before? Or have any idea of what was going on?

    Thanks :laugh:

  4. Ooooh thats so exciting.

    Time seems to go soooo slow when your waiting for something. Maybe if you just try and keep really busy it might seem to go quicker.

  5. You can let him meet dogs that you know well that have had all of their injections.

    Try and keep him away from strange dogs until he is fully vaccinated, but you can still take him out places just be careful. At this age you want to be exposing him to everything you possibly can but just keep in mind that you need to be careful :(

  6. I have done half of my NDTF course and will be finishing it later this year (after I get back from Thailand :laugh: ) and have been very happy with it so far.

    The only annoying thing is that on the theory weekends they have to cram so much into each day that you get a bit sick of sitting in the room from 9am - 4pm.

    But the trainers are great, although the lectures are long they are very interesting. I cant wait to finish it!

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