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Diesel's Mate

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  1. Hi, I know 8yo isn't 'old' but I think this is the best place to get some advice. I have a Black clour Weimeraner?XPointer?XLab? who is a meduim size (36kg, bit taller than a lab) and he is losing his tail hair. It started over a year ago, just thinning slightly from the tip to half way up. It didn't cause any alarm as it was not bothering him and not too bad. I just noticed that now (recent past 3 months) it has bald patches almost 2/3 way up. He has a thick coat, we wash him with Aloveen Oatmeal shampoo/conditioner and the rest of his coat is thick and soft. He has arthritis in one of his legs already but I don't think pain is causing the hair loss. He is a really happy chilled out dog. Has anyone else experienced this? Edited to add: I just researched further and it's a cortisol and thyroid type issue.
  2. I did the same for mine and it worked. and Bioflavanoids help the Vitamin C absorb (you can buy a 2 in 1 tablet) and I fed the lowest protein food I could buy.....just for a few weeks. apparently it is also good to walk over uneven grouns, like at the beach, the rocky cliff part.....that strengthens them too....
  3. well I almost got lost and nearly became bored throughtout the few pages of Muzzle talk......... wrong topic I LOVE the idea of the "Find It" game!! I have a 1YO Ridgie and a 7YO rescue and very recently they have developed a seperation anxiety (although they often have been out seperately?!) With the "Find It" game I can use their crates and keep them focussed seperately without the anxiety of not seeing each other. Thanks heaps for these ideas!!
  4. this was interesting until the end of page 2....I had to stop reading at page 3.....some people just have to have their say ....and continue to have their say.......and keep on having their say.....how annoying. I wish I could have a 'crap filter' for the annoying people who 'know everything' and have to mundanely repeat the incessant negativity we all already know. I am all for Pit Bulls and especially responsible dog owners. I appreciate this thread for the intention of initial post. Thankyou to whoever started it......no thanks to the person who hijacked it.
  5. I tried downloading Entry Form Australia and the page is not loading.....any tips? I am happy to pay for it.... http://www.lottobreakers.com.au/dogsoft/ Thanks in advance :) Please IGNORE this......I found the answer in a September 2011 post.
  6. ahhh, I'll try that!! Thanks soooo much :) :D Edited to add: Just tried that method....I think with some work and practice it should be a winner. The local park has trees and it's windy so it spooked him a bit....he's 1year....so the second fear period is upon us. He wont even have treats. thanks again :)
  7. Just wondering if anyone can give me a tip on how to run in a circle in the ring? I have read several books and articles and tried them all but when in the show ring my Ridgie just pulls really hard to the exit after the first turn.......not very attractive at home he is fine....eyes on me, gaits nicely etc....in the ring it's just embarrassing....it's like he hates it....and we have NO teamwork?!
  8. my 1Y.O. boy only started marking about 2 months ago....in the morning we have a "piss-fest" our older male (desexed) just does his morning wee, the pup entire) sticks his nose in his bum before he is finished...the older male walks off...the pup sniffs the wee his teeth chatter and he drools heaps and then wees on top. then the older male tries to finish his wee ese-where and the entire cyle happens 4-6 times each morning! I have no idea if this is normal (that's why i came to DOL - and found this!) The teeth chatter and drool is what I am confused about.
  9. We're exactly the same here Pheebs!! unfortunately my main friends and family don't have pets so they think i am crazy anyway just for letting them sleep inside at night and being in a twist choosing their food (if only they knew it all!!) My dog group of friends however.....we can share gross stories between us and it's like my double life sometimes hahahahha
  10. My mum had a visit from Mark Singer and said it was fantastic. He even has a group session each sunday to socialise dogs (under his strict supervision). So I second Mark Singer!
  11. THANK YOU!! this is by far the best description (and image) I have received! I can now cut his nails with confidence! Thankyou for this initiative I have previously accidently cut my boys nail way too short......
  12. HILARIOUS!! :rofl: this is by far the funniest topic I have read for AGES!!!
  13. Gee, I was DEVASTATED when my dogs got loose...I took a day off work to find them!! thankfully they were okay!! I have almost hit a dog before.....but I haven't had the owners yell at me, they were actually very thankful. your story sounds awful.....I hope it doesn't put you off helping other dogs in the future...people can be such arses
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